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Obama may have worn out his welcome on Capitol Hill

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by 45° Please, Jul 9, 2010.

  1. 45° Please

    45° Please Large Member

  2. Fent

    Fent I'm Registered??

    2012 yet?
  3. 45° Please

    45° Please Large Member

    What is more worrisome, the clown bake we have now
    or the one we may get in 2012?
  4. justariot66

    justariot66 Well-Known Member

    Everyone sit down, ready, Obama is right, 100%. The guy wants a clean war funding bill and thats what he should get.

    Once again, has a democrat congress ever spent too much money in a budget? Every budget is a compromise or now big enough, or it doesnt do enough.

    Oh btw the article is so clearly written by a liberal is laughable. "Obama has led what historians consider the most productive congress since Lyndon Johnson." That line alone made me puke in my mouth.

    Whatever, in a few months we'll start waking from this nightmare, and in 2 years we'll be out of it.
  5. Vitamin-E

    Vitamin-E cornerin lo in the 3-1-fo

    That is a very good question 45. A very good question indeed.
  6. robfromc

    robfromc nice member

    brother, I hope you are right.
  7. Hawk518

    Hawk518 Resident Alien

    I read that twice. :D
  8. Hawk518

    Hawk518 Resident Alien

    We cannot be afraid of change. We were promise change, we some kind of change. The four year cycle is long but endurable nontheless.
  9. doc750

    doc750 Well-Known Member

    ah yes the good old days of unregulated corporate greed that got us here in the first place. Yes please, can we get some more of that. Let's throw another couple thousand houses on the market, and sell them to people making less then $35k a year.

    What's that you say? Give the banks a long leash so that they can pump the funds into the economy, instead of lining their own pockets, b/c they're such wonderful, good natured people at heart? Not a problem.

    And that pesky 10% unemployment, come on we can do better. Lets shift some more manufacturing jobs to I-dont-give-a-fuck-3rd-world-nowhere. We can get that up to 15% in no time.

    F-that universal health care BS. I'd rather wait till that lazy fat fuck has a BP of 220/110, and has a stroke, so I can pay $15k a day to keep in the hospital, and then $1k a day to keep him in nursing home, for the rest of his miserable life. Rather then provide health care, and $4 prescription for a beta blocker to control his pressures.

    And let's find a new scape goat, to keep everyone distracted, and haliburton in business. B/c were running out of muslim countries to fuck with. We have to think long term here.

    Just let me keep my gun, leak some naked sarah palin pictures onto the internet, and crack down on some dirty mexicans and you've got my vote.

    Tea party 2012, that's what's up!
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2010
  10. doc750

    doc750 Well-Known Member

    Drill, Baby, Drill
  11. doc750

    doc750 Well-Known Member

    I mean, Don't drill. See those commi-crats fucked up beloved shore line. We need to strengthen our relationship with foreign oil
  12. doc750

    doc750 Well-Known Member

    You mean foreign oil is all ragheads .... Fuck this is too complicated where is Cheney when you need him.
  13. thrak410

    thrak410 My member is well known

    Uhhh.... take a breath dude.
  14. Hawk518

    Hawk518 Resident Alien

    Yeah because commies don't drill.
  15. Hawk518

    Hawk518 Resident Alien

    Okay. What do you propose?

    I am always interested in hearing from those that think Capitalism, its mechanims are inherently evil.

    Before you start, let it be known that I believe Socialism is not only inherently evil but also unsustainable.
  16. Orvis

    Orvis Well-Known Member

    Huhhh, is a clown bake something like setting fire to Washington DC? :)
  17. the muffin man

    the muffin man certified hymen inspector

    FTW! very well stated.
  18. justariot66

    justariot66 Well-Known Member

    Your first point is true, banks were stupid in lending to people who couldnt show a history of payment. Lets not forget the DEMOCRATS pushed lenders to lend as much as repubics. More so even, if you factor in the "racism" remark if people of color were not pushed through. Calling for diversity is code for push through minorities.
    1 more thing on regulation, Clinton was working with the repubics to regulate banks, then Clinton got caught inside Monica. The repubics couldnt help themselves, and attacked him. The dems told him they'd stick with him no matter what, but they needed him to stop the further regulation of the banking industry.

    Your 3rd world country remark is untrue, HIGH TAXES push American companies abroad. And HIGH taxes keep foreign companies from coming here. Look at Ireland they dropped their corp tax and bang companies flocked there.

    Your healthcare defense is a weak. There is no proof at all that a universal healthcare makes people stay in shape and not drink and smoke. All it does is take tax money and spread it around to even more fat asses, chain smokers, and alchoholics.
    What is proven is that in Canada and England there is a higher death rate from cancer, because the big drug that they give out is too much money.

    One more thing you said, HALIBURTON the dem whipping post continues to get contracts from the new administration. So can we cut the bs please, it sounds hollow now that Bush is in Texas and Cheney is in Idaho.
  19. doc750

    doc750 Well-Known Member

    I love capitalism, it just can't be sustainable in a humanitarian society unregulated. And it should not be allowed to contribute more then two nickels to any campaign.

    I don't understand why it has to be one extreme to the other. Capitalism with a bit of social responsibility is a good thing. We can sometimes help people with their boot straps.

    I honestly believe that the best set up we can ever hope for, is a republican congress, and a democratic president. At least when they're deadlocked, they can't make anything worse.
  20. doc750

    doc750 Well-Known Member

    Blame it on taxes, blame it on the unions. At the end of the day, they saved a buck by sending jobs overseas, knowing full well that people relied on these jobs. Yet they continue to reap the benefits of selling products to this community. I say we tax the shit out of anything not made here, and give huge tax credits to anything produced here. If it comes from China, 300X tax.

    Listen, I may not know anything else. But this is my bread and butter. If we could just treat hypertension, diabetes, and hyperlidemia for free, we could save a shit load of money. I mean a shit load. Is any system ever going to be perfect? No. But the old saying holds true ... an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. We need some type of health care system in place. I hate the idea of someone else getting a free ride as much as the next guy. But there is no way we can afford the path were headed down now.

    I don't have all the answers for health care. I just know covering the basics is a good place to start.

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