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Northern Trust Bank gets $1.5B Bailout

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by Robert, Feb 25, 2009.

  1. dtalbott

    dtalbott Driving somewhere, hauling something.

    Are we telling them how to spend the money given to them?
  2. Strick

    Strick Good to be king

    What conditions are placed on welfare precipitants? Outside of illegal activity, what restrictions are placed on what they spend their government supplied money on. Is there restrictions in place that limit how many times they can eat out, how many and what type of "vacations" they can take, whether or not they can have cable TV, what type of vehicle they can own, or do they have to only eat franks & beans or can they buy Lobster and a Filet? How about whether they can take on continued burden of more kids?

    Seems to me if you are going to start saying what certain groups can do with tax payer money it needs to be applied to all groups getting money.
  3. Buster

    Buster Well-Known Member

    I am no expert on welfare but I know that in general recipients can only spend the money on certain things, AND, certain conditions must be met in order to continue receiving welfare.

    I don't know if you're just playing devil's advocate or asking serious questions, but lots of info on welfare is widely available if you're really this interested in knowing the details.
  4. RCjohn

    RCjohn Killin machine.

    I'm not expert either but I think you are confusing welfare with food stamps.

    After this damn board of directors meeting I have to be conferenced in on I may just look that up. Got me curious now. :up:
  5. Buster

    Buster Well-Known Member

    Welfare benefits come in several forms...food stamps being one of them:

  6. 999

    999 Well-Known Member

    That's tragic. :Puke:

  7. mikendzel

    mikendzel Anonymous

    +1 for Strick :up:

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