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Ninth foot washes up in BC.......

Discussion in 'General' started by STT-Rider, Nov 9, 2011.

  1. STT-Rider

    STT-Rider Well-Known Member

    Last edited: Nov 9, 2011
  2. povol

    povol Well-Known Member

    I just blew a mouthful of milk all over myself.

    The remains of a foot were found encased in a sock in a hiking boot that washed up in Sasamat Lake in Port Moody over the weekend. An autopsy on Monday confirmed the remains are human.

    Is there anything else in the woods that wear socks and hiking boots. I just pictured Sasquatch sitting on a stump lacing up his boots before going off for a day in the forest.
  3. RubberChicken

    RubberChicken PimpMasterT

    <<The BC Coroners Service has positively identified six of the feet found previously as belonging to four individuals. There has been no evidence of foul play in any of those cases. The remaining two feet appear to belong to two men whose identities have not been determined.>>

    Huh? Isn't the fact that the feet are separated from the body a little clue that some foul play might be (pardon me, I couldn't help myself) afoot?

    As to the last two guys, I'd suggest looking for, say SOMEBODY WHO'S MISSING A FOOT!
  4. STT-Rider

    STT-Rider Well-Known Member

    Ya... and if this shit's "normal" and our neighbors to the north consider nine feet in four years no big deal, then based on our population down here we should have had about 87 feet wash up in the same period. WTF......
  5. cpettit

    cpettit Well-Known Member

    1 more and we got ourselves a basketball team folks! The BC limpers are gonna take the title this year (only cause nobody else is playin)!
  6. younglion

    younglion Well-Known Member

    I live in BC, what's all the worry about? Someone check the rivers, bays, deserts, and lakes around Jersey/Detroit/Vegas/Miami and I'm sure it'll make our little foot-fest look very small by comparison!


    Of bigger concern, we have Hippies to worry about here - Occupiers have taken too throwing urine on city workers and biting firemen who come to extinguish their oil drum fires. Now thats newsworthy - feet and toes, not so much!
  7. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    Could it be a game of Hokey Pokey gone seriously wrong?
  8. mig1289

    mig1289 Well-Known Member

    DEXTER? haha
  9. charles

    charles The Transporter

    Are they for sale?
  10. buxton

    buxton Southern Canadian

  11. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    Grab your surf boards! Nine foot waves in BC!
  12. t11ravis

    t11ravis huge carbon footprint

    Well done.
  13. CharlieY

    CharlieY Well-Known Member

    That is some wild stuff. I saw some kind of documentary on it on discovery, TLC, or one of those.

    Hour long show. Tracked it from the first foot (haha)....showed locations found from satelitte view....it was frikkin weird.
  14. antirich

    antirich Well-Known Member

    I heard about this a while back while visiting the area, apparently been going on for some time.

    The theory was that remote fisherman where getting their feet entrapped between rocks in strong current streams and rivers. The current is so strong in some areas, that the foot get broken off.

    I'm not sure if they were able to 100% prove this, but every rafting guide I ever talked to said it can happen in a powerful river.

    I think the place in BC gets a lot of run off from various rivers and currents. Still, you'd think some folks would have come forward about getting their foot ripped off. It is a big country though.

    Either way, you'd think that all the fish, eagles and sea gulls would have had a go at all these feet before anyone found them. Strange.
  15. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    Makes for a couple of good tourist shirts though:

    My parents went to BC and all they brought me back was a foot.
    BC: Give us an inch and we'll take a foot.
    Hang 9

    Hey Pro Motion, you print any of these up as stickers, pay me!
  16. Fencer

    Fencer Well-Known Member

    Wouldn't that be hang 5?:Poke:
  17. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    Yeah, maybe. I figured feet but it should have been toes. Scratch that one.
  18. povol

    povol Well-Known Member

    Dude, you are hilarious, have you ever thought about going on the road.:crackup:
  19. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    Who would pay to see an idiot throw out one liners, scratch himself, smoke and curse? Shit, you can get that for free on monday night at the sports bar but you also get beer and and a chance to stare at the bartender's boobies there.

    I'm not Don Rickles funny, as entertaining as Rollins or as annoying as Biafra. Nah, I'll keep my show here. Might add twatter at some point though. :D
  20. theJrod

    theJrod Well-Known Member

    "The autopsy did not show any toolmarks or impressions on the bones or any evidence to suggest the foot had been mechanically separated from the body. Like the others, it appears to have come off naturally as a result of having spent a long time in the water, the coroners office said."

    So that makes it sound like the entire body is still on the bottom somewhere... which is also probably the case with the other 8 feet if they weren't "mechanically separated". So we've got at least 6 bodies laying on the bottom of the bay up in Vancouver for some period of time... the ankle tissue decomposes, the shoe's buoyancy causes the foot to float to the surface where it's found. OK, I'm still following....

    But what about the people they did identify? Did I miss that part? Who were they, and why wasn't foul play suspected? In the last story, the family declined to release any information about the case. Did the guy fall off a boat? Drown while swimming?
    Given that all were found with running shoes (except the one with a hiking boot) makes it seems less and less like it was just a fisherman who fell overboard, or swimmer who drowned. Sounds really strange...
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2011

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