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Magni BMW - Where can it race?

Discussion in 'WERA Vintage' started by kevinjmartin, May 8, 2003.

  1. kevinjmartin

    kevinjmartin MagniMan

    I have a Magni framed BMW. Is it eligible for vintage? If yes, what class? Can it be competative?

    The engine is a 1977 R100/7. The frame is from 1983.

    Link to picture of bike


    All help in answering this question is appreciated.
    Kevin Martin
    Last edited: May 8, 2003
  2. Cyclephoto

    Cyclephoto Well-Known Member

    Kevin - We will consider it a 1977 model, race frames were available for the boxers since the mid '70's. So the bike would be eligible for our V4 class which allows race/performance frames, and other "factory" race parts. You could also "bump" up to the V5 class for a second race.

    Depending on how well you ride, and what you've got in the motor, you could be competitive in V4, and perhaps in the top 10 in V5
  3. JBall

    JBall REALLY senior member

    Although I like watching stuff like that on the track, it would be a shame to see a nice looking bike like that sliding down the track on its side or tumbling through the grass. And don't think it won't happen...
  4. RZ Racer

    RZ Racer It passed tech LAST time!

    Nice bike!
  5. Wondertwin

    Wondertwin Well-Known Member

    Ohhh... That would make me feel pretty bad too. :(

    Maybe you could race it over to my house? :p
  6. lizard84

    lizard84 My “fuck it” list is lengthy

    True, It could happen... may well happen... But thats what they are for.

    I don't & may never have the money to race a fine vinatge race bike such as a Manx or what have you. One that looks like a show piece. But if that day ever comes you can count on me running the piss out of it on the track... Thats what they were built for and anything less is a waste. These bikes that are never rode in anger and sit in dens, living rooms or checker board floored garages without even a drop of oil in them , some never even started for fear of hurting resale value are being wasted. Bring them out all so we all can enjoy the sound of vintage fury.

    The soapbox has now been put away:D
  7. JBall

    JBall REALLY senior member

    I fully agree with Lizard, bikes are meant to be ridden and race bikes are meant to be raced. However, every so often you see someone in vintage racing though that thinks "I'll just take it easy and nothing will happen to my bike" and its just not so.

    Well, you've figured out your class now, so are we going to see it at the track?

    Oh yeah, and if you bump up to V5, watch out, cause I'm coming through!

    Good luck and maybe we'll see you at the races.
  8. triumphman

    triumphman Well-Known Member

    Bob,well said.that is one reason I love to race for hour glass racing they like to see them raced and raced to it's full potential but once and a while you find the limit and they all can be fixed.TIM
  9. Cyclephoto

    Cyclephoto Well-Known Member

  10. triumphman

    triumphman Well-Known Member

    Mark ,bmw's come with two built in crash bars ,right!!!you just need to put wheels on them so they won't dig in .:) TIM
  11. Diesel

    Diesel Well-Known Member


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