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John, Jeff and Kevin -- manipulators?

Discussion in 'General' started by panthercity, Dec 8, 2001.

  1. panthercity

    panthercity Thread Killa

    I joined the AMA in 1971 because if I wanted to roadrace, I had to be a member. I have remained a member because it is the only national organization that fights for the rights of ALL motorcyclists.

    Opened my January issue of American Motorcyclist today. On page 8, I was less than surprised to find a "letter" from Rick Gray, Dal Smilie and Jeff Smith, AMA Directors, concerning the upcoming BOD election.

    While the "letter" did not name names, let me quote a pertinent passage:
    "In most elections for director, a small number of the members exercise their right to elect leadership. That can mean that a relatively small number of voters actually decide who will represent us. This limited participation could allow a very small minority to manipulate the elections, and the composition of the Board, distorting the traditional diversity that makes the Board of Directors truly representative of thsi diverse Association."

    I have raced with John (many moons ago), Kevin (if you consider being on the track at Texas World, at the same time, going the same direction, at a very different velocity) and Jeff. None of them are saints, but better the devil you know than the devil you don't.

    I want to thank Mr. Gray, Mr. Smilie and Mr. Smith for removing any lingering doubt about who I will vote for.

    Bob Dickey AMA #162726

    Bob AMA #162726 LPR #54 (with AT LEAST 80% Nitrogen in all my tires)
    A little slower in the "here and now"
    A whole lot faster in the "There I was..."
  2. melissa

    melissa Sir

  3. panthercity

    panthercity Thread Killa

    That's a different letter. There appear to be two.

    Bob AMA #162726 LPR #54 (with AT LEAST 80% Nitrogen in all my tires)
    A little slower in the "here and now"
    A whole lot faster in the "There I was..."
  4. John Ulrich

    John Ulrich Well-Known Member

    The amazing thing is, Gray is a lawyer who used to sponsor a dirt track racer.

    Smith is a former motocross world champion who spent years working for an OEM.

    Widman, actually a pretty decent guy, I think, is a Suzuki and H-D dealer who has promoted races.

    Carl Reynolds is a race promoter.

    Ellis Robertson makes trophies and sells them to race sanctioning bodies.

    I don't know anything about Smilie.

    But my point is, we're bad because we're involved in racing? Like they aren't?

    Those guys had their chance. In the last year dues went up from $29 to $39 and the treasury is $3 million light. It's time to let somebody else take a shot at making the AMA what it should be, better, more responsive, more representative.

    And all the trustees ought to follow their own bylaws, too, which state that they have to separate their personal opinions and statements from their office, i.e., not sign a political letter as an AMA trustee without authorization of the Board.

    Yeah, yeah, GSXRGuy, I'm repeating my campaign platform again. Sorry. It's a campaign. They're bad, we're good. Vote for us. Give us a shot. If we don't prove to be any better, throw us out in the next election.
  5. WERA29

    WERA29 On a mental field trip...

    Hey, isn't that the same thing the AMA is saying? [​IMG] Who should we believe? [​IMG]

    I couldn't believe the text of that letter. I know it's the way campaigns work and mudslinging will occur, but I felt the letter was borderline slanderous. I wonder how many law suits the AMA has that are settled behind closed doors and kept from the public. [​IMG]

    GSXRGUY Guest

    See JU. That's what I am talking about. Don't you think that statement was a little childish. I will restate for the record that I think they (AMA) have major problems. I think that you have some good ideas for change. I have no problem with campaign statements, and even welcome it. I was happy to see your statement of response in the other thread.

    What I don't like is, when running for an office, people start making childish remarks, and I don't like it when everything starts to turn into negative campaigns. That is what turns me away from a candidate. I think your ideas are strong enough without having to rely on mud-slinging. And I feel that you have becomed tunnel-visioned in your aproach. Think what you will about my beliefs, but they are mine. Remember, I'm one of the people that the AMA is supposed to be representing. The AMA's lack of concern for the people they represent was apart of your platform, I thought.

    Michael Roberson #66
    Robey's Racing

    [This message has been edited by GSXRGUY (edited 12-11-2001).]
  7. John Ulrich

    John Ulrich Well-Known Member

    We may have gotten carried away, but remember, these guys tried to DQ us before the race even started, by manipulating their own bylaws and trying to apply them in a way that, if applied evenly, would have DQ'd half the sitting Board. Now they've issued a letter over the names and titles of sitting Trustees, again violating their own bylaws.

    You get into guys like that in a campaign, and it's damn hard to not fling a little--in this case, well-deserved--mud.

    Like I said, they had their chance, give us a shot.

    (And that last paragraph you quoted was supposed to be satirical.)
  8. WERA29

    WERA29 On a mental field trip...

    Then next time don't forget the proper [satire] insert text here [/satire] notation. [​IMG]

    GSXRGUY Guest

    Again, I agree. It is difficult. However, I respect and admire the things that you have done for our sport. Although, I am not a factory racer (and have no chance of being one), I still take this sport that I love seriously. I would hate for your ideas to be over shadowed by a lot of negativity. I think it takes away from the positive points in your platform. I wouldn't want your it lowered to that.

    I think, based on your platform that you deserve one. Your platform, I feel, is strong enough to stand on it own [​IMG]

    I'm sorry if I took it more seriously than it was intended [​IMG]

    Tom - quit instigating [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Michael Roberson #66
    Robey's Racing

    [This message has been edited by GSXRGUY (edited 12-11-2001).]
  10. Eric_77

    Eric_77 Well-Known Member

    Actually reading the letter the first paragraph seems to support The take back the AMA slate. ~Back to a time when Corporate interests were only AMA interests~ sounds like the change to a factory wish to eliminate Thursday practice? ~Back to a time when only those with financial interests in the AMA ran the AMA~ seems like everyone running has an interest but a consumer interest seems better to me than the interest of the seller (racer vs dealer)

    [This message has been edited by Eric_77 (edited 12-11-2001).]
  11. WERA29

    WERA29 On a mental field trip...

    But I thought you were supposed to yell at people while they're up on their soapbox! [​IMG]

    Look at it this way, it's better than me throwing things at you. [​IMG]

    GSXRGUY Guest

    Soapbox??? I'm not high enough on the totem pole to even reach the soapbox [​IMG]

    I never thought expressing an opinion was being on a soapbox. Remember, I never said that I disagreed with his ideas for change. And I have never come close to intimating that I was better or more knowledgeable than JU.

    I think and would hope that he understands that.

    As far as you throwing things....I've seen your aim. I think I'm ok as long as I stay in front of you (although you had been drinking at the time) [​IMG] [​IMG]

    From now on, I will just call you gator-tard [​IMG]

    That's instigator in case you did not get it [​IMG]

    Michael Roberson #66
    Robey's Racing

    [This message has been edited by GSXRGUY (edited 12-11-2001).]
  13. WERA29

    WERA29 On a mental field trip...

    That's the great thing aboot the BBS. Anything goes! [​IMG]

    Don't tell anyone but I agree with you about the mudslinging. [​IMG] That's all political campaigns are. They never say what they can do for you, they just tell you how bad the other guy sucks. [​IMG]

    GSXRGUY Guest

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] Oh my, The great Tardholio agreed with me on something. My life is now complete!!! [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Michael Roberson #66
    Robey's Racing

    [This message has been edited by GSXRGUY (edited 12-12-2001).]
  15. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Or officially over [​IMG]

  16. WERA29

    WERA29 On a mental field trip...

    Hey Mongo......

    YOU SUCK! [​IMG]

    GSXRGUY Guest


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