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Is Hopkins in the HOT seat?

Discussion in 'General' started by R Hood, Feb 21, 2002.

  1. WERA29

    WERA29 On a mental field trip...

    C'mon John, you should know by now that no matter how much money someone makes or spends doesn't matter, as the WERA BBS'ers will always be smarter than everyone else. [​IMG]

    Cripes, we even pulled the wool over your eyes because we know more than you but pretend to be stupid idiots just to get you fired up and make you scramble to meet your deadlines because you're posting too much on the BBS. [​IMG]
  2. JurgenW

    JurgenW Well-Known Member

    I would like to see Hopper on a 4-stroke GP bike eventually. His riding style would complement the new generation of GP bikes. Since his bike portfolio includes small 2-stroke bikes to HP-monsters, I am sure he could be a valueable asset to the development of the new "MotoGP weapons" as well as the first Junior being brought up with these bikes. Would it be possible to have him test one of the 4-strokes? I would love to see the results compared to experienced 500cc riders trying their luck on a new 4-stroke.
  3. Dan Montgomery

    Dan Montgomery Well-Known Member

    It was a Honda JU so don't can him yet.
  4. Dan Montgomery

    Dan Montgomery Well-Known Member

    Oops, double posted.

    [This message has been edited by Dan Montgomery (edited 02-23-2002).]
  5. Silus

    Silus Well-Known Member

    Yea, hopkins is awesome.

    But it seems like the talent pool for Yamaha is getting a bit thin. Its a pretty big risk takin him to GP's so early...didnt the same happen to Mat Mladin...hopefully he doesnt get too frustrated during his learning years.
  6. WERA29

    WERA29 On a mental field trip...

    Yeah, and when he fails we can all blame JU for throwing him to the wolves! [​IMG]

    Hey Silus, after you spend some more time on the BBS and get to know JU, you'll understand the logic behind the Master Plan. [​IMG]
  7. Scarbs

    Scarbs Well-Known Member

    man, you went and did it now. I never really dug the kid and thought that there were probably quite a few others that were more deserved of the full GP ride; but now my opinion has changed....go get 'em Hopper.
  8. John Ulrich

    John Ulrich Well-Known Member

    Refer to the story in Roadracing World, circa 1993 or 1994, about what went wrong with the Mladin deal.

    In short, wrong deal, wrong team, wrong guys, with a language barrier, and without a long-term commitment/plan, and no allowance for getting up to speed over a 12 or 18 or 24-month period.

    All that was looked at. All that was considered. And all those concerns were addressed in the deal.

    This wasn't some mickey-mouse throw-it-together deal.

    This was done right. Which, of course, is still no gaurantee of success. But at least the deck is not stacked against the kid like it was in then-19-year-old Mladin's case.
  9. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    JU, while you're on a computer, I sent you mail.

    About putting kids out there in MotoGP/WSB: in your opinion, why is it that Nicky and Eric are still racing in America? Hopkins may or may not have potential. We'll know in 10 years. But as things stand today, if he can get on a factory 500, how come those 2 are still here? Any insight?
  10. John Ulrich

    John Ulrich Well-Known Member

    You might as well ask me why the moon and stars hang where they do. I don't know.

    Just guessing, uhh, maybe the guys they ride for want them to stay here and win stuff, and so tell them it's too early?

    Or maybe the right deal or opportunity hasn't come along. Maybe Nicky wanted to finish high school before leaving the country.

    Your guess is as good as mine.

    In Hopper's case, he showed talent and desire, expressed his lifelong dream, and happened to be hooked up with a some guys who listened to him and made a conscious decision to help him get where he wanted to go, instead of trying to keep him here winning on their stuff, at all costs.

    Along the lines of, give us three good years in the U.S. and we'll try to set you up where you want to be by the time you're 19.

    He turns 19 in May.
  11. Peanut

    Peanut Well-Known Member

    I was wondering the same thing. My guess would be they would have a greater financial impact here if they could win then over there "learning". Honda seems to have all the bases covered, Rossi, Nicky, & Ricky in MX look like a good trio to bank on for years to come. Not to mention Katoh who should be a force also. Also, if you send Nicky to WSK & he ends up battling w/Edwards for the top slot (A big if), then you still only get 3 championships, when you could have 4. (Rossi will repeat & Ricky is on the move.)

    Just my .02
  12. Silus

    Silus Well-Known Member

    WSBK is History.

    I hope Nicky doesnt waste his time going there.

    What is the Master Plan?

    My master plan is to Get rid of 125 and 250gp class, and merge SBK with GP1, so SBK is the Prep class for GP1. Wadda plan.
  13. WERA29

    WERA29 On a mental field trip...

    It's the deal JU just described above.

    As for deciding who deserves to get to go to WSB or GP, there are many different factors for each rider so I don't believe you can set a standard for going that route from America or whatever home series you come from.

    Each rider has different needs and the right deal has to be put together based on them. As history has shown sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. I actually respect the guys who stay with the same time and don't go to WSB or GP just to say they did it. They're smart for holding out for the right deal because we've all seen how bad it can be.
  14. mad brad

    mad brad Guest

  15. Tex

    Tex Well-Known Member

    The racing is better thanks to the Texas Tornado!!!! [​IMG]

  16. ruckusracing

    ruckusracing Well-Known Member

    Josh Hayes is a punk.[/b][/QUOTE]

    I agree with that statement and I will throw in a Josh Hayes SUCKS [​IMG]

    Steven Breckenridge
    WERA 127 ex
  17. Silus

    Silus Well-Known Member

    The racing is better thanks to Nori Haga!

    C'mon guys, I'm not talking about now...think about the future of WSBK. Treaded tires? What top level professional wants to race on that? Nicky is set to be one of the best I believe, and where do the best go? GP1.
  18. Rocketman

    Rocketman Member

    How do you see the future of WSB? I would think that all the top level 4-stroke guys would be gunning to run in GP's. I have been reading about some of the GP guys having trouble adapting to the 4-strokes and engine braking. Maybe that will open the door for guys who would not have had a shot with the two strokes. and with John Hopkins I see him be a force in GP's in a couple of years if the team sticks with him.
    Thanks Shawn

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