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injured weight management

Discussion in 'General' started by luckyhat12, Nov 1, 2006.

  1. luckyhat12

    luckyhat12 Silly Blue Rider

    Has anyone thought of weight management for injured guys?

    I busted up my ankle pretty bad at the GNF and it looks like I have 6-8 more weeks of crutches after this week's surgery before I can put weight on my left foot again. I don't want to carry any more weight around on those crutches than I have to

    Last time I got hurt I went on a pity party for a while because it was 6 months before I got my throttle hand back and I gained 25 pounds. I don't want to repeat that this year and it is going to be harder especially with the holidays.

    So I can't carry weight to a bench, I can barely carry me to a bench. I can't run or walk so that is out. I don't think I can ride an exercise bike. No water aerobics at the time so I am running out of ideas.

    I thought of getting a Total Gym because they don't have weight to work with other than your own self. I was thinking if I could get on the thing I could manage to stay there.

    I know diet is HUGE and I am working on it but like I said.. holidays are coming around and this is the south...everyone tries to feed you when they find out you are hurt.

    Thanks for the help,
  2. KK352

    KK352 Well-Known Member

    Water aerobics would be your best bet once you are able to do it... Maybe when they put you in a walking cast?

    Look at physical therapy websites - they should have some good ideas of things you may be able to do.

    You could get a wheel chair and do laps.... :eek: just a thought....

    Make sure your nutrition is good - good food will help you heal faster... no joke.
  3. GixxerBlade

    GixxerBlade Oh geez

    If you think about a normal healthy person may eat about 2000 calories a day taking into account that he is going to be walking around and maybe PT'ing a couple times a week in order to maintain his weight. What you should do would probably drop down to about 1500 calories a day considering you don't really need all that food in order to maintain your normal active self. 500 calories a meal though doesn't sound like much but it'll keep you from becoming a fat ass like you did before. :D

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