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I scored this weekend with JLG!!!

Discussion in 'General' started by LAR, Apr 22, 2002.

  1. LAR

    LAR Well-Known Member

    Ok, I admit, I just needed a catchy title to get your attention, but I hope every racer will read this.

    As many of you know, I usually race, but this weekend I did something different. I worked for WERA in registration and scoring.

    I really don't think any of us racers understand the tremendous amount of work that goes on behind the scenes to make it so we can go out and have a fun and safe race day. After working this weekend I learned that I will never complain again when our grids aren't up as fast as *we* want them to be, the registration line isn't moving as fast as we want, or if there are four row breaks between me and the racer in front of me...there are reasons for all of these that I now understand.

    These are very hard working people that dedicate their weekends so we can go out and race. So, the next time it's raining and cold or it's sweltering hot out, make it a point to stop by and see if you can get the scorers, grid marshalls, etc., some hot chocolate or a glass of lemonade...these guys and gals sit out there in the cold, rain, hot, etc., to make sure our races get off safely and smoothly and that we're all scored correctly.

    Also, if you're not going to be racing, go see if you can offer a hand to WERA, or if you have a girlfriend or friend who enjoys racing and wants to help out, send them! They can always use help, and the more help they have, the smoother our weekends go, too.

    I give big props to everyone on the WERA staff for their hard work and dedication to helping our sport, and I hope you all will too.

  2. SpongeBob WeaselPants

    SpongeBob WeaselPants Bohemian Ass-Clown

    Thanks, and welcome to the "squad."

    Betcha learned to love those guys with the fancy script numbers... [​IMG]

    [This message has been edited by Eric (edited 04-22-2002).]
  3. LAR

    LAR Well-Known Member

    Thanks, Eric! and that reminds me...FIX YOUR NUMBERS Y'ALL... [​IMG] it's hard scoring a bike going by at 150 mph in a pack of ten other bikes and the numbers are too small or funny shaped...

  4. SpongeBob WeaselPants

    SpongeBob WeaselPants Bohemian Ass-Clown

    If you ever make your way over to the NC region, you can join the "Bitch Squad." [​IMG]

    Members in good standing are "Blond Bitch," "Money Bitch," "Leather Bitch," and "Honorary Bitch." (I was the first male to invade the inner sanctum of reg/scoring... so I eventually earned the moniker "Honorary Bitch.")
    You know by now we ain't in it fo da money, but we do have a blast. [​IMG]

    [This message has been edited by Eric (edited 04-22-2002).]
  5. Paige

    Paige BBS FF Champ

    Laura, this is my first year as an "official" WERA Official. I can only say that scoring is much harder than I thought it would be, especially when you have 52 bikes in one grid!!

    It's really a blast working registration and putting faces with names and all of the officials in the Southeast region are great to work with!! I can't wait to meet other officials at the GNF. [​IMG]

    And yes guys, please use the appropriate # sizes on your bikes or we won't score you. [​IMG]
  6. LAR

    LAR Well-Known Member

    Hi Paige! [​IMG]

    I kind of lucked out my first weekend because it was raining, so the grids weren't half as full as they were supposed to be...I am scared of the next time I help out!!! Scoring is tough!!!!

  7. JLG

    JLG Well-Known Member


    It was great to have you there with us this weekend. You did a great job!!!!!!

  8. LAR

    LAR Well-Known Member

    Thanks, Jen! I had fun and look forward to working with you all again. Like I said, without you all, we couldn't be out there racing!!!!

  9. Pitlizard

    Pitlizard Well-Known Member

    Are you two done acting like females yet? How disgusting! Kiss, kiss, hug, hug - let's all bond. YUCK!
  10. LAR

    LAR Well-Known Member

    Ah, I see grumpy is up and around. [​IMG]

  11. JLG

    JLG Well-Known Member

    Guess our secret is out [​IMG]
  12. Pitlizard

    Pitlizard Well-Known Member

    Don't start with me princess! I won't accept your phone call next time if you keep it up.
  13. Ex CCS Racer

    Ex CCS Racer Banned

    You two havin' phone sex again. [​IMG]
  14. Pitlizard

    Pitlizard Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I must admit I'm jealous. I didn't get either from you when we were all out to dinner last month!
  15. LAR

    LAR Well-Known Member

    No turning my serious thread into this stuff! [​IMG]

    For once I'm not joking around, being totally serious and nobody is taking it that way!!! [​IMG]

    Where are all the thank you's to the WERA people, people????

  16. Pitlizard

    Pitlizard Well-Known Member

    Thank you Easter Bunny!
  17. RacerGirl117

    RacerGirl117 Well-Known Member

    And here I thought you had gone home. I had forgotten that someone told me you were scoring. Doh!

    Thanks guy and gal officials of WERA! [​IMG]

  18. LAR

    LAR Well-Known Member

    Me leave a race track? NEVER! Jess, catch me on IM as soon as you can!!!!!

  19. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    Hey Racergirl, nice to finally meet you. Too bad it was so dark and I couldn't possibly identify you if I saw you again. Which I suppose means you only saw my eyes and teeth. [​IMG]
  20. Rain Director

    Rain Director Old guy

    Only his eyes and his teeth? Why would Papa say that? Is he trying to tell us something???
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    George Mood
    THE Rain Director

    [This message has been edited by Rain Director (edited 04-22-2002).]

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