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hey, pull my finger

Discussion in 'General' started by peterhaulintail469, May 13, 2002.

  1. peterhaulintail469

    peterhaulintail469 Orange-u Racing 469

    hughhhhhhhhh, burrrrrrrrrrrrrr zeeeeeeeeeeeeeept. Just wanted to see who would look at and respond to a BBS fart. You are the victim of a virtual dutch oven, trying to figure out how to do this with a vitrual detroit steamer......

    "wuz that you baby?"
  2. AJ_371

    AJ_371 Tom Thumb!!

    hoof arted?
  3. peterhaulintail469

    peterhaulintail469 Orange-u Racing 469

    awww, my mouth was open.....................you nasty

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