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Discussion in 'General' started by B.Curvin, Apr 29, 2007.

  1. B.Curvin

    B.Curvin Well-Known Member

  2. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

  3. 418

    418 Expert #59

    Popped by the man himself.

    Damn, how embarrasing. :D
  4. B.Curvin

    B.Curvin Well-Known Member


    I've been ridin and campin for two days, so, :p
  5. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    Still funny. I just read the thread and He's talking lawsuit.
  6. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    I scanned the thread. Is it just me or does anyone else see something inherently wrong with a stunter complaining about part failures not covered because they are not considered normal wear and tear?
  7. Putter

    Putter Ain't too proud to beg

  8. V5 Racer

    V5 Racer Yo!

    Yeah, I caught that as well.

    Those guys should hook up with the guys on that other Kaw forum (JU's favorite), it's a match made in heaven.
  9. buxton

    buxton Southern Canadian

  10. Rem6a

    Rem6a WCR Racer

    You know hes thinking, "I am going to be rich bitches!"
  11. kerns bbo

    kerns bbo Well-Known Member

    I will speak up because I own a stunt and a track bike. Would you bitch if your forks broke mid race? Yes you would because you feel that the bike should be designed to handle the loads that a racer puts on it.
  12. JamesG

    JamesG Architeuthis dux

    And it IS designed to handle the loads a racer puts on it. Its not designed to withstand repeated stresses and shock impacts. When was the last time that you heard of a bike's forks or any other part failing when ridden in a normal, sane, manner, even at speed?

    I think it is ironic justice. Squids have been destroying bikes for years, now the bikes are getting some payback.
  13. jimmyboost

    jimmyboost one buck a boom

    That would be kind of funny, not really the riders getting hurt part, but bikes that have been stunted or chromed out turning on their riders. I smell a B-movie.
  14. Moto.

    Moto. Le' Moto

  15. Rem6a

    Rem6a WCR Racer

    The reason you dont hear racers getting into this kind of trouble is because we care about our bikes. We change the oil, adjust the chain and check to make sure stuff is not loose. Obviously from reading around the stunt people dont take notice to this stuff. They just want to ride around stunting.
    Because of this we are now going to sit back and watch this :wow: try to sue.
  16. cgordon3

    cgordon3 I need a new bike...

    I have a hard time believing that anything the stunt guys do on a bike puts even half as much stress on the forks of a bike as any racer does. That is a brand new bike, and there is no way... absolutely no way that a fork should fail like that.

    What if that had been a n emergency stop in traffic instead? Same loads on the bike. It does look like it could be a part failure to me.
  17. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Ummm, yeah, no. Repeated wheelies will cause that part to loosen up much more than the stresses caused by roadracing (which will also cause the same part to loosen up, it's happened before).
  18. JamesG

    JamesG Architeuthis dux

    Have you seen some of the stupid sh#t they do? You have no way of knowing of how many stress loads those forks had been subjected to before they failed. How many times they were slammed down from a wheelie, or stressed from a stoppie? Ever hear of "metal fatigue"?
  19. rydfree

    rydfree Well-Known Member

    You usually don't have the time to position your body for a cool looking stoppie in a emergency stop in traffic:wow:
  20. kerns bbo

    kerns bbo Well-Known Member

    How can you make that generalization? Do you hang out in a parking lot 4 days a week yourself? If not you can not make that judgement. There are many of us that care about our stunt bikes and treat them well. My stunt bike gets the same care as the race bike and both are kept in great mechanical shape.

    Stunters and racers have the same mindset with different backgrounds. We both love pushing our bikes to their limits and sometimes beyond. If you cant accept that and continue making your judgements without being involved in the stunt community you should just keep your mouth shut. I realize that by typing this I will just get another response bashing the stunt community but like you I wont let my opions fall to the wayside.

    All in good discussion :beer:

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