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Hand Wraps to protect hands/wrists? (not talking about blisters)

Discussion in 'General' started by AeroRamer, Nov 11, 2010.

  1. AeroRamer

    AeroRamer Mid-life crisis is fake

    Do any of you use it or know someone that uses them to protect the wrist, hand, and knuckles? I am not talking about protecting them from blisters as mentioned on other posts.

    I recently fractured two finger tips and the bones at the joint in the knuckle area of the middle finger of the right hand. :down: No surgery or cast was done since the bone piece that fractured in the knuckle is too small for the smallest screw the doctor had available.

    I am doing PT and can almost make full flexion (full fist) now but it gets a little painful and still have a contracture. Hyperextending the finger the other way is a different story. I still cannot go past from horizontal.

    Thus, I am looking for something else I can use/wear under the glove that may provide extra protection to my hands/wrists and now fractured knuckle.

    Searching the internet I found an eBay guide on how to do the hand wraps (http://reviews.ebay.com/The-Complete-Guide-to-Boxing-Kickboxing-Hand-Wraps_W0QQugidZ10000000001612338). But I am thinking it will restrict movement on the wrist too much and get in the way of properly using the throttle. :confused:

    What y’all think or know?
  2. TrackStar

    TrackStar www.trackstar1.com


    You'll have to experiment on what works for you but good ole fashioned sports tape is the ticket. Theres plenty of guides on how to tape out there, we used to have to tape our elbows to keep them from getting dislocated when I rode buckin horses. Broke my pinky on my riding hand and taped it for a whole season. Wrists are easy though.

    You use strips going longways with the joint to control how much movement you want out of it and then wrap around that to secure it.
  3. Blue By U

    Blue By U Banned

  4. TrackStar

    TrackStar www.trackstar1.com

    Knox doesnt promote their product as protection from hyper extension or other flex related injuries.
  5. AeroRamer

    AeroRamer Mid-life crisis is fake

    By the look of it it, with the rod looking things, it looks like it provides some sort of HE protection. But it could be a marketing thing and somewhat misleading. It would be nice to have more info about it.
  6. trancework

    trancework It's always now...

    Silver Ring Splints

    I've been wearing one of these on and off for a few years now: http://www.silverringsplint.com/

    Middle finger dislocated top knuckle. Was wearing the Swan Neck, last year changed up to Lateral Support. These are tight-fitting, like wearing a ring, nonallergenic and strong. They are kind of pricey, around $100 if i recall correctly and you have to get fitted the first time, but you can get a fit kit from them for like $20 if you don't want to go to a hand doctor. Their customer service is great and they have an awesome return/exchange policy.

    If you're looking for a good doc, I went to Dr. Ratner at the hand center in ATL, they guy's awesome: http://www.handcenterga.com/?p=ratner

    Good luck with it.
  7. Brian Van

    Brian Van Track Gear Retailer

    The Handroids from KNOX do not provide any protection from hyper-extension. They are designed to promote sliding rather than grabbing which results in less energy transfer.
  8. hotnail

    hotnail Well-Known Member

    I wear the Held Titans and this year I started wearing a wrist wrap that I got a the local sporting goods store. It actually fits under the glove with no issues. I bought a few different styles and tried them all but everyone will have different tollerances to feel, etc. The one I use has a thumb hole and then it wraps around the wrist and covers a pretty large area. You will probably have to try different styles, tapes, or whatever to find out what you are comfortable with. Good luck.
  9. :wow:

    Brian admits it; Knox gloves cause crashes!!!


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