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GSXR Caliper Questions

Discussion in 'Tech' started by D-Rail750, Mar 25, 2009.

  1. D-Rail750

    D-Rail750 Well-Known Member

    I've noticed the last couple of days that the my calipers are leaking from the bleeders. Anyone know how to fix on the cheap?

    Also, does anyone know if the 08 calipers changed from the 06/07 gix? or if they are interchangable? (i.e. put 08 capliers on my 06/07).
  2. D-Rail750

    D-Rail750 Well-Known Member

  3. Britt

    Britt Well-Known Member

    Are they leaking under pressure (If you sqeeze the lever hard, do you see fluid seeping out)...or is it just fluid leaking past the threads that is left over from when you bleed them...

    Some fluid leaking past the threads is normal, because the bleeder seals at the bottom, not on the threads...I attached a pic of a SpeedBleeder, if you pretend the ball and spring are not there, you can see how the fluid can be trapped in the bleeder then when you close and seal off the caliper..the fluid will seep out of the threads.


    I twist up a pc of paper towel and stick it in the hole and soak it up, or spray it out with brake cleaner.

    If it is leaking at the seat...check the bleeder screw seat for damage, if it is ok, just seat it several times, using moderate pressure, usually they will seat and seal.
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2009
  4. D-Rail750

    D-Rail750 Well-Known Member

    I'll have to check that out. I have actually cleaned the caliper of any excess fluid, and left it bone dry, only to come back to it leaking in the morning.

    Do you think I should pop for some speedbleeders, or just get a new set of calipers?
  5. Britt

    Britt Well-Known Member

    Did you blow all the fluid out of the bleeder??

    If you did blow them out and they really are leaking from the seat...then speedbleeders won't fix them.

    I have never had any that leaked from the seats... and we have had several GSX-R's.
  6. D-Rail750

    D-Rail750 Well-Known Member

    I'll blow all of the fluid out tonight for sure with the air compressor, and let it sit again for the night just to see what happens.

    Someone on another forum did suggest that perhaps it was from me over tighening (I do it all the damn time) and possibly denting the thread seat of the capliper itself or the bleeder. I think I may just pick up a used set to be on the safe side, and maybe fiddle with these on the side untill I get them to stop weeping excess fluid.

    Thanks for the help and insight Britt!
  7. Mr Sunshine

    Mr Sunshine Banned

    You can also spray brake cleaner around there to get the fluid out. it'll leave it dry and give you a good indication what's up.

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