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Feel Good Story from the Sandbox

Discussion in 'General' started by HenryZX6R, Oct 11, 2010.

  1. sandboxshooter

    sandboxshooter Well-Known Member

    Stay safe Henry. Great story!

    PATBAROK I <3 Poontang

  3. RCjohn

    RCjohn Killin machine.

    Very cool story. :up:
  4. Putter

    Putter Ain't too proud to beg

    Great story. Thanks!
  5. tzrboy

    tzrboy Working hard to play harder!

    Made my day Henry- definitely worth writing all of that and the pics.

    Heal up DumbDumb!:up:
  6. JTW

    JTW Well-Known Member

    That is an awesome story!

    Thank you for sharing and your service.
  7. Femmekat

    Femmekat Diesel Powah...

    Very cool... Thanks for looking out for this handsome fella! Best of luck in getting him home!
  8. HenryZX6R

    HenryZX6R Well-Known Member

    Well, hopefully his journey out of Baylough is in the next two weeks. His wounds got opened up, but we're trying out best to keep them from getting infected.
  9. motorbykemike

    motorbykemike beer snob

    henry, great story !

    if there is any way you can get yogurt , give it to the doggie , helps keep infections down ,as well as ear wax . yogurt w/ fruit is ok but plain is best .

    as per my vet .

    come home safe , both of you
  10. caferace

    caferace No.

    awesome. :up:

  11. HenryZX6R

    HenryZX6R Well-Known Member

    Trying real hard to keep from getting infected, and it seems like that battle is being won. No yogurt here, we don't even have a well pump at the moment. Deoxycyclene, rubbing alcohol, and some newly found iodine seem to be doing the trick :) Put a video of him up on facebook, seems to be happy again


    Please don't ban me :)

    Wound seems to be healing, most of that skin is peeled back, but is healing back in place. Dunno if anyone here is in the medical field, but advice about keeping it clean would be great.

    Last edited: Oct 14, 2010
  12. MRARacer

    MRARacer Well-Known Member

    Might sound weird but mix part sugar and part iodine with a somewhat thick consistency, then place put on wound and cover if possible. For the consistency, think like cream of wheat consistency. Its an old Vietnam trick one of our friends used who was a field medic.

    I have used it a couple times I would say that speeds up healing by 2 to 3 times and staves off infection as well. Redress when Iodine dries up.
  13. hotnail

    hotnail Well-Known Member

  14. 42K8

    42K8 Well-Known Member

    This story about DumbDumb is the best story. Ever!

    As for his wounds, I consulted a friend (who knows what she's talking about) and was told that you are doing everything right. If there is anyway to cover it with a bandage, it would help (though obviously a face wound is difficult to cover). You could always try to find a way to make an E-collar for him (http://vetnetwork.net/pca/articles/news/images/dog_e_collar.jpg), it will definitely help keep the wound clean.

    Best of luck getting DumbDumb to the US! Keep us posted about his journey.
  15. Chumbucket

    Chumbucket Well-Known Member

    (Standard Disclaimer: I'm a sap, I like old Jimmy Stewart movies and dogs...)

    I managed to trip across something on the Miltary Channel while I was eating some reheated dreck the other day called, "No Dog Left Behind."

    It sounded sappy, even too saccharine coated for me, but I was eating my slop and my eyeballs needing something to do while I chewed so I took it in, it was worth it...This story? The OP's original story? It would fit right in there...As a former trooper, and a guy who likes dogs, I love that shit...Thanks for the thread.

    Oh, and if you YouTube that "No Dogs" piece? Check out "Nubs" story, there's no quit in that dog...
  16. Shenanigans

    Shenanigans in Mr.Rogers neighborhood

    any updates?

    GAMBLER Neard supporter

    cool story

    fuckers killed our dog over here... dragged him behind a truck , we had him since he was a puppy
  18. HenryZX6R

    HenryZX6R Well-Known Member

    Long time no update, sorry about that...

    Been through a lot of BS with the rescue org, the civilian Afghan airline, and some people that said they would help but turned out to not be willing to do what they needed to do when the time came. Fortunately, a fellow contractor whose security gig here is ending this month is going to help get the big lug to Kandahar and then to Kabul on an airplane. He's been here just about as long as I have, and understands why everyone wants Dumbdumb home in the US. I attempted to order a kennel to put the dog in for the KAF-Kabul flight, but apparently there is a limit to how big something can be for shipping to APO. So once the monsoon dries up out here, I'm gonna build a makeshift crate out of some spare wood. Dumbdumb should be in Kabul with the rescue org by the end of the month :) He's gotten a good big bigger in the last few months

  19. Shenanigans

    Shenanigans in Mr.Rogers neighborhood

    Holy crap, he got big! What did you feed him? Good on you and your buddy for helping, Dumbdumb.
  20. HenryZX6R

    HenryZX6R Well-Known Member

    He eats what we eat. MRE's, food from the chow hall, food people mail out here, etc. He's definitely the biggest dog I've seen out here

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