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Extremely Important Question...

Discussion in 'General' started by Smokes35, Jan 19, 2009.

  1. Bosarge22

    Bosarge22 Active Member

    It would have to be the guy that invented the silver box that times street lights. Except it would not be a sucker punch, a lead pipe in a dark alley.
  2. biggenyz426

    biggenyz426 too big to fail

    I would love to give a Matrix-style, floating in midair, pointy-toed boot right between the eyes of Barbara Streisand.
    Why? Because someone has to.
  3. JeF4y

    JeF4y Sweet Tea & Grits!

    ROFLMMFAO... When I saw the question in preview, I immediately said "Kanye West"... Can't stand that m'f'er..

    Rosie O'Donnell would be in the list too, but not even close to Kanye...
  4. YES! Someone finally called out that kumqwat.
    And her ilk, Jane Effg Fonda who is America's best traitor. What V Vet would't want to lay her out...and her super douche ex-husband - the ultimate narcissist liberal douche- Ted Turner
  5. lrrs311

    lrrs311 r6racer311

    Yup,good old Hanoi Jane,remember the old bumper sticker "Vietnam vets,are not Fonda Jane"
  6. musclehead

    musclehead Well-Known Member

    Sean Penn straight out fight and then put the boot to his ass when he is own the ground. Barney Frank, Rosie, Pelosi, and that dipshit Roger Edmundson
  7. kjohnson

    kjohnson Axis

    I'd like to give "Dubya" and his father a wedgie.......
  8. Wade Parish

    Wade Parish North Central Hawker

    Jon Bon Jovi because he personifies everything that is contrived and safe and boring about music.
  9. Nine29

    Nine29 Well-Known Member

    Obama...<edited for BS content>
  10. rubberman

    rubberman Well-Known Member

    Karl Rove, <edited for BS content>
    One punch to the face, pipe to the knee so that he has something to remember it by everytime he goes to take a step for the rest of his life.
  11. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    Hey guys, this is not a thread to post your political opinions. From this point on, you get banned.
  12. Gopher Greg

    Gopher Greg Old...Eh, what? Ohh.

    Sheriff 'Show' Arpiao for being such an attention grubbing Boss Hogg goof.
    Janet Napolitano for bringing 300 photo speed cameras to the highways in our state!
  13. Marc Camp

    Marc Camp Well-Known Member

    Dane cook-Talentless FUCKTARD!I don,t understand how this guy ever gets a gig.I would kick him in his cunt then shave his head bald.DIE DANE DIE!!!!!!!!!!!
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2009
  14. woodyracing

    woodyracing Well-Known Member

    I'm with ya on Kanye West, but my reasoning has more to do with the fact that half the lyrics in every one of his songs is about how great he is at writing/performing that song... WTF? douchebag
  15. burner42

    burner42 Well-Known Member

    1. All 4 of those Dumb bitches from the view! Line'em up and do a single down the line bitchslap!
    Why? Because my wife watches in the morning and I have to listen from my office to their stupid babbling and arguing... the other day stupid ass Whoopie called Punxsutawney Phil Punxsutawney Pete... and the other 3 dumbasses just kept babbling along with her!

    2. Any dumbass non educated celebrity that came to Hollywood from a trailer town to get discovered, got lucky and made it, and all the sudden because they made a few bucks they now know all about politics and also whats best for me, you and the planet! Can I kick their teeth in too?
  16. Bad Dog

    Bad Dog Well-Known Member

    Agreed, the most useless woman on the planet and she even fucks boring. The only reason she is famous is because she has money. If she was joe blow, no one would give her a second look.
  17. eggfooyoung

    eggfooyoung You no eat more!

    Nancy Grace! There's never a reason to hit a woman, but this bitch needs her block knocked off! :Puke:
  18. Focker

    Focker Well-Known Member

    Page 9 and no one wants to pop Nicholas Cage? For the love of god the guy always tries to do an accent and he is just friggin horible.

    Capt. Correllies mandolin? Holy crap, punch him right in the ear.
  19. Flex Axlerod

    Flex Axlerod Banned

    i thought about this for a long time and finally decided on Emerson Fittapaldi for not drinking the milk when he won the Indy 500.
  20. sr9004u

    sr9004u Well-Known Member

    Octumom and JRP. Both sudo celebs

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