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Coincidence, i think not

Discussion in 'General' started by povol, Aug 10, 2013.

  1. povol

    povol Well-Known Member

    Last night, i got replacement boxes for my Dish Network account. As im hooking them up, and programming them for my favorites, i notice there are channels missing. I contact Dish and ask them where the hell my channels are, and Jamal informs me that they are in a contract dispute. Then he offers me a five dollar credit for the next 6 months and i laugh and say, dude, i know you have zero say in what Dish does or doesnt do, but pass along a message for me. I will be watching the NFL on Fox with or without Dish. Not 5 minutes later, i get a text from Dish saying the dispute is over and all channels are back. Wow, Jamal must have told them i was really pissed.:D


    Dish had a weird truck making laps around the block where i work. The truck was basically a rolling billboard that claimed "NBC and it's affiliates want you the consumer to pay 4x more for their channels" That damned thing had to have made about 50 laps before it went to the other side of town
  3. barnacle bill

    barnacle bill Darethea and B Bill

    dish network

    jsut curious do you have the dish satellite internet too? if so . how does it perform? thanks, bill and darethea
  4. povol

    povol Well-Known Member

    I don't.


    I had it about 4 yrs ago Bill. It was fine until you had weather. With that being said, my house butts up to woods and that did mess with the signal when the started swaying back and forth. Good weather, good signal.
  6. povol

    povol Well-Known Member

    Yea, the rep kept trying to get me to feel sorry for poor ole Dish Network, and how they are fighting for me, the little guy yada yada. I told the guy i have no sway over Fox, but i do pay you 130.00 bucks a month for the channels i agreed to. If you cant live up to your end, im done. Its a pissing match between two giants and we are in the middle. Turns out after reading about the dispute, it goes much deeper than just what fees are being paid. Fox has had Dish in court over the Hopper DVR and its commercial skip feature. I can see where it would affect the pricing of advertising, but fuck em, we shouldnt be forced to watch ads if we prefer to skip them. I hate it when these multi billion dollar entities try to make me think they are doing anything on my behalf, its insulting. With that being said, i will admit that Dish customer service during my intial receiver issue was fantastic. Everyone, from the first person on the phone, to the technician that came to my home, to the warehouse that got me the new equipment in one day, and tech support who answered questions about set up were great. Much better than the experiences i have had with other providers.
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2013

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