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CNN Article

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by kds, Dec 17, 2004.

  1. kds

    kds Well-Known Member

    I don't wonder into P&R too often, but this news article just pissed me off on so many levels. How sick does a person have to be to pull some crap like this.
  2. mad brad

    mad brad Guest

    and that, is why a cow deserves more respect than any human.
  3. RGV 500

    RGV 500 OLD, but still FAST

    Hopefully vigilante justice will get to whoever did it before law enforcement does.
  4. Joe Morris

    Joe Morris Off The Reservation

    Isn't that what the Manson Family tried to do to Sharon Tate?
  5. Robert

    Robert Flies all green 'n buzzin

    That's awful!

    It reminds me of a movie I saw last week, Maria Full of Grace. But that was about Columbian women being used to smuggle cocaine.

    What does amber alert mean?
  6. Joe Morris

    Joe Morris Off The Reservation

    I skipped that one because it was subtitled. Any good?
  7. Robert

    Robert Flies all green 'n buzzin

    Yes. Very low budget but the lead actress was quite good.
  8. gixer1100

    gixer1100 CEREAL KILLER

    that is unbelievable. that person should be shot
  9. gixer1100

    gixer1100 CEREAL KILLER

    amber alert is the system used on the highways and tv to alert people immediatley what vehicle to look for or who to look for. it is flashed accross signs on the highway.
  10. kds

    kds Well-Known Member

    Amber Alert is an emergency alert for child abductions. Cali started it, and it's name came from a girl kidnapped in Texas.
  11. Tex

    Tex Well-Known Member

    And that is why I think you are an idiot.

    Go walk up to a bull, and see if he thinks twice about goring you.
    Walk up to 1000 people and see how many try to kill you.
  12. halowords

    halowords Well-Known Member

    Good news, or at least as good as can come out of such a disgusting story. The baby was found, alive and well, in Kansas. I'm eagerly awaiting the inevitable (I hope) capture of the people who were involved in this.

  13. mad brad

    mad brad Guest

    and that is why you are an idiot. a bull is suppose to gore you. it's the ability of man to reason, and do this that makes them so deplorable.

    ever seen a bull murder a cow, and take rip it's unborn from the wound?

    fuck you tex. straight to hell.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 17, 2004
  14. Tex

    Tex Well-Known Member

    People who do this sort of thing are clinically sick...not healthy...insane. Most, almost all people can reason and avoid this sort of behavior. You however have lumped the human race into one neat little package.

    You are shortsighted in your opinion of humans, and use the problems of few to catagorize millions. I guess you are not an idiot, you are just narrow minded and bigoted.
  15. mad brad

    mad brad Guest

    so? and just WHAT do i have to gain if you like me? fuck all of nothing. you think it's okay to shock the shit out of an animal for grins.

    i don't want you at my table anyhow.
  16. Tex

    Tex Well-Known Member

    Admit it Brad, you wish I liked you. Because I can get along with everyone, every single person here...except you. Which means that it must be you that is the problem. Ask yourself what you have to gain by not being a dick all the time.

    As of now, I don't like you. But you could gain knowing that the entire world doesn't think you are pathetic prick hell bent on trying to cover your own problems with profane rants directed at anyone within earshot to show what a big tough guy you are.

    Why don't you think before you type, and quit trying to make everyone think you are some tough guy. Why don't you switch gears and be a part of a conversation, rather than the wrench that stops the gears. Try dropping your guns and using your brain...you obviously are educated...show it.

    I'd be the first one to profess liking you if you'd try that approach rather than being a dick for the sake of being a dick. Hell, I'd buy you a beer even not liking you...but I imagine you'd be much more civil without your BBS wall to protect you.

    So there you have it. Tell me to f-off and die now, and tell me that you don't need me to like you. Say something clever about tazering animals and we'll be done with this. OK?
  17. mad brad

    mad brad Guest

    i already have.

    jeez, you are worse than i thought.

    and no, tex, there will be no loss of sleep that you don't like me. i don't like you either. i thought this was already established.

    feel free to employ the ignore feature.

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