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AOD?.....How do they do it?

Discussion in 'General' started by Rocketman, Apr 6, 2002.

  1. Rocketman

    Rocketman Member

    I am just wondering how does AOD run a top line team without any major sponsor?
    Is Sam rich and supports the team out of his own pocket?..How about RRW are they a major sponsor?
    Just wondering. And I really love all the AOD and NOTB stuff in RRW and hope both teams have a great year.
    Stay Fast Guys
  2. James#306

    James#306 Backmarker Extraordinaire

    In a way *I think* YOU the tax payer supports AOD, as I believe Sam is a gub'ment employee...

    But I've been breathing carb cleaner and engine degreaser all day so I could be halucinating...
  3. julrich

    julrich Well-Known Member

    Sam Fleming is not a government employee. He owns his own company, which is involved in some sort of financial analysis, and some lobbying.

    Scott Fisher also owns his own company, and so does Jim Williams.

    If he was a government employee, I'd feel I was getting my tax money's worth! [​IMG]
  4. James#306

    James#306 Backmarker Extraordinaire

    Ah... that explains all the time they get to run amok. [​IMG]
    I knew Sam was out of the DC area and was involved with beltway some how...
  5. The Army of Darkness is actually a subsidiary of Evil Industries, Inc. Sam reports directly to #2, and replaced the ill-fated Mustafah. Sam was the key figure in the procuring the first round of funding for the Cloning of Dr. Evil and the resultant afterbirth, Mini-Me.

    Sam is going to play a major role in the upcoming Austin Powers movie "Goldmember".

    Ooooh Be-have!!!
    Yeah, Baby, YEAH!!!!
  6. aod99

    aod99 Administrator


    better living through stimulants.

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