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anyone use Bit Torrent???

Discussion in 'General' started by Ontheedgeprsprt, Apr 15, 2008.

  1. Ontheedgeprsprt

    Ontheedgeprsprt Pumpkin riders

    Anyone familiar with this? Have any pointers? I seem to find a bunch of junk, sorta like searching for free porn... Is it too risky with virus' and all, or a good thing to use? I tried downloading something and it still says like, 247 hours to go... that's a little long, is that normal or too slow?
  2. Lawn Dart

    Lawn Dart Difficult. With a big D.

    It has its uses... More and more, there's nothin but junk and viruses out there as it has become very popular for pirates, hackers and the like...

    I've heard that Comcast has started blocking/logging Bit Torrent transfers. The speed, or lack thereof, may be related to firewall blocking rules or because some people have gotten too scared to use it.

    The RIAA and MPAA have caught wind of it and are trying to crack down on it wherever they can - including using scare tactics to get ISPs in line.
  3. Ontheedgeprsprt

    Ontheedgeprsprt Pumpkin riders

    sorta what I figured, one of those too good to be true things...
  4. Lawn Dart

    Lawn Dart Difficult. With a big D.

    Was cool back in the day, but its been too popularized by the media...

    Other technologies like DC++, Usenet, and IRC still exist, but they're even becoming places for pirates, hackers, etc.
  5. Steeltoe

    Steeltoe What's my move?

    Its not a point and click application. It also depends on which tracker you use. Once set up properly and with people seeding on a good tracker you can max out your bandwidth easily. But you have to set your client up correctly. If you're not maxed out then you are using the wrong trackers.

    Might as well learn now because torrents are the future of file distribution. It's already in use for universities and in the retail segment because it saves the money on dedicated bandwidth and storage. Find a good tutorial someplace like thepiratebay (their tracker sucks) and grab the latest version of utorrent.

    A decent viruscanner will prevent infection. The new ones scan distributed files automatically anyway.
  6. Knarf Legna

    Knarf Legna I am not Gary Hoover

    Actually they just recently caved to pressure by the FCC to stop interfering with torrents. Net Neutrality and all.
  7. chase2000gt

    chase2000gt Well-Known Member

    So what are some good trackers?
  8. Ontheedgeprsprt

    Ontheedgeprsprt Pumpkin riders

    Right now it's downloading at 4kb/s. Says I'll have all 1800 megs in 96 hours, down from about 350 hours when I started. Is this slow, or to be expected? It's been speading up as it goes along too, I think this is normal. How exactly does a tracker help me?

    I'm using BItTorrent T-0.3.17 BitTornado, any good?
  9. Sig

    Sig Well-Known Member

  10. Lawn Dart

    Lawn Dart Difficult. With a big D.

    Thanks Frank! I just heard about the RIAA and MPAA thing- didn't know the government had stepped in though...

    I use uTorrent as well - works well enough.
  11. Knarf Legna

    Knarf Legna I am not Gary Hoover

    They didn't really step in per se, the FCC decided to hold a committee meeting to discuss Comcast's interference with torrents and a few other things, and I think somebody there decided they didn't want to pull that Tiger's tail. At least for now, we'll see if they back off that promise.
  12. banzai132

    banzai132 Oh shit! not again!

    I use Bit tornado. It works great! Go to racing underground to download wsb, gp, ama races.
  13. A coworker used to use it daily. He would call up and ask me if I had seen this new movie yet. I was like ummm no it's not even in the box office yet. Well, he downloaded stuff from there daily...that is until he received a call saying "stop or else".:( :tut:
  14. JamesG

    JamesG Architeuthis dux

    LOL! Yeah, its not called a "torrent" for nothing. Basically its a distributed scheme that can take advantage of maximum bandwidth.

    I use "uTorrent" as well. Just remember that Bit Torrent only works if users both give and take. Once you download something, its only fair to leave it running for a while to seed for other people. Leeching sucks.
  15. Lawn Dart

    Lawn Dart Difficult. With a big D.

    No pun intended. :D
  16. JamesG

    JamesG Architeuthis dux

    Actually, pun intended. Its a singularly appropriate analogy.
  17. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    :stupid: I have been using it for TV shows and I have no complaints. Most times, speeds vary between 50 and 100 kb/s but I have on occasion downloaded files at over 500 kb/s (fastest I ever saw was around 800)
  18. aimalick

    aimalick rebelling since 1999

    make sure you use Peer Guardian 2 to prevent people from getting into your computer. and if you are using it for anything besides music, beware of viral software.
  19. 45° Please

    45° Please Large Member


    Google it; use it.

    Do not use BT (for copyrighted material) without PG. PG blocks
    bottom feeder lawyers chumming for $ etc.

    Without PG, you are likely to receive letters from your ISP and/or
    maybe worse they could "John Doe" you.
  20. bardo

    bardo Well-Known Member

    on racing-underground if you get a vid with the 'hot' symbol it should DL really quick cause so many people are seeding it. today ive been at a steady 220kb/s.

    btw, torrents in a nutshell collect a bunch of fragments from anywhere its being seeded, as opposed to collecting the whole thing from one uploader like typical file sharing.

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