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Anyone out there fluent in c Programming?

Discussion in 'General' started by dusty20, Nov 3, 2008.

  1. Mr Sunshine

    Mr Sunshine Banned

    Um guys....this is getting Slashdoty....I'm a programmer by profession but come on...you are all NERDS!!!! :)
  2. gixxernaut

    gixxernaut Hold my beer & watch this

    Hey, if you can't outcorner the competition maybe you can outcode 'em...
  3. Steeltoe

    Steeltoe What's my move?

    No doubt. The fact it made two pages speaks for the level of geekdom here.
  4. Mr Sunshine

    Mr Sunshine Banned

    Works for Stoner!
  5. dusty20

    dusty20 #97 North Central Ex.

    // Eliminate deprecation warnings for the older, less secure functions
    // Needed for Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 (Visual C++ Version 8)

    // Compiler Includes
    #include <stdio.h>

    // Using Directives & Declarations

    // Project Includes

    // Constants
    #define UPPER_MAX 'Z'
    #define UPPER_MIN 'A'
    #define LOWER_MAX 'z'
    #define LOWER_MIN 'a'
    #define NUM_MAX '9'
    #define NUM_MIN '0'
    #define MAX_STRING_LENGTH 81

    #define FALSE 0
    #define TRUE 1
    #define SPACE ' '
    #define TAB '\t'
    #define EOL '\n'
    #define PERIOD '.'
    #define EXCLAMATION '!'
    #define QUESTION '?'

    // User Defined Types

    // Function Prototypes

    // Function Name : main
    // Originated : October 20, 2008
    // Abstract : Given an input file name from the user, Count the total
    // number of words and sentances
    // Parameters : None
    // Return Value : error code - zero means no errors
    // Misc. I/O : na
    // Revisions :

    int main (void) {

    // Local Variables
    char inputFilename[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
    FILE *inputFileHandle = NULL;
    int endOfFileResult = 0;
    char currentCharacter = '\0';
    char lastChar = '\0';
    char last2Char = '\0';

    int wordCount = 0;
    int inAWord = FALSE;
    int sentenceCount = 0;
    int inASentence = FALSE;
    int isASpaceTabOrEol = FALSE;
    int isATerminator = FALSE;

    // Begin

    // Prompt user for input file name
    printf("Enter input file name: ");

    // Get input file name

    // Open input file
    inputFileHandle = fopen(inputFilename, "r");

    // IF input file found (file opened successfully)
    if (inputFileHandle != NULL) {

    // Read first character
    endOfFileResult = fscanf(inputFileHandle, "%c", &currentCharacter);

    // WHILE not end of file
    while (endOfFileResult != EOF) {

    if (currentCharacter >= UPPER_MIN && currentCharacter <= UPPER_MAX ||
    currentCharacter >= LOWER_MIN && currentCharacter <= LOWER_MAX ||
    currentCharacter >= NUM_MIN && currentCharacter <= NUM_MAX) {

    inAWord = TRUE;

    } // end if

    isASpaceTabOrEol = currentCharacter == SPACE || currentCharacter == TAB ||
    currentCharacter == EOL;

    if (inAWord && isASpaceTabOrEol) {
    inAWord = FALSE;

    } // end if

    // Read next character
    endOfFileResult = fscanf(inputFileHandle, "%c", &currentCharacter);

    } // end while

    // Rewind input file (SECOND PASS)
    void rewind(inputFileHandle); <<<ERROR ONE!!! missing ; before type

    // IF input file found (file opened successfully)
    if (inputFileHandle != NULL) {

    // Read first character
    endOfFileResult = fscanf(inputFileHandle, "%c", &currentCharacter);

    // WHILE not end of file
    while (endOfFileResult != EOF) {

    if (currentCharacter >= UPPER_MIN && currentCharacter <= UPPER_MAX ||
    currentCharacter >= NUM_MIN && currentCharacter <= NUM_MAX) {

    inASentence = TRUE;

    } // end if

    isATerminator = currentCharacter == PERIOD || currentCharacter == EXCLAMATION || <<<ERROR TWO!!! to many characters
    currentCharacter == QUESTION;

    isASpaceTabOrEol = currentCharacter == ' ' || currentCharacter == '\t' || <<<ERROR THREE!!! to many characters
    currentCharacter == '\n';

    if (inASentence && currentCharacter == ' ' && lastChar ==
    'isASpaceTaborEol' && last2Char == 'isATermitator');


    inASentence = FALSE;

    last2Char = lastChar;
    lastChar = currentCharacter;

    } // end if

    // Read next character
    endOfFileResult = fscanf(inputFileHandle, "%c", &currentCharacter);

    } // end while

    // Close input file

    // Display output
    printf("Number of words found is %d!\n", wordCount);
    printf("Number of sentences found is %d!\n", sentenceCount);

    } // end if
    else {

    // Display error message (input file not found)
    printf("ERROR: Input file name %s was not found!\n", inputFilename);

    } // end else

    return 0;

    } // end function main

    // end file program5.c

    This is what I have so far I cannot test it out yet will not let me build it I have 3 errors
    Error 1 error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before 'type' c:\users\dustin geiselman\documents\visual studio 2005\projects\ecet 264 projects\program5.c 136

    Error 2 error C2015: too many characters in constant c:\users\dustin geiselman\documents\visual studio 2005\projects\ecet 264 projects\program5.c 164

    Error 3 error C2015: too many characters in constant c:\users\dustin geiselman\documents\visual studio 2005\projects\ecet 264 projects\program5.c 164
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2008
  6. kz2zx

    kz2zx zx2gsxr2zx

    GN, it depends on the read function used. gets() and getc() differ, for example, in that one does character-based operations with functions that read characters, and string-based operations with functions that read strings... and strings are presumed to end with crlf (which are replaced with \0) in a stream, whereas in character ops, those would just be two chars that weren't EOF.


    if (inASentence && currentCharacter == ' ' && lastChar ==
    'isASpaceTaborEol' && last2Char == 'isATermitator');

    is a bad if statement. I think you meant to end with an open brace... isATerminator is misspelled, etc...

    Anyway, I think you really ought to use your college's resources (TA, lab help, professor help, tutor/mentors...) instead of us.
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2008
  7. dusty20

    dusty20 #97 North Central Ex.

    either way i do appreciate everyones input and help.

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