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Any human resources people in the house?

Discussion in 'General' started by Derrick1, Mar 15, 2012.

  1. Derrick1

    Derrick1 Well-Known Member

    I am an external candidate for a asst. supervisory job at a health care facility here in metro Atlanta. I was called for an interview by the supervisor and was told I did very well after said interview was complete.

    The next day I got a call from the same supervisor and was told that I had 'beaten' out 5 other candidates and that I was unanimously selected by the 5 panel members as the person to get the job. I was offered the job, but told to wait to put in my resignation until I get an offer from HR.

    I left a message with the HR person to ensure she got the additional info. that was requested of me. She called me back and told me that they still were conducting interviews and that the position was still open. WTF!

    She stated that there were lots more pieces to the puzzle and them being a under a UNION, there were more steps to follow. She said there were no issues with my info. because I asked.

    She said she should have an answer Mon. or Tue. of next week.

    Am I going to get shafted by an internal candidate because they're part of the union and this is a supervisory position?

  2. CharlieY

    CharlieY Well-Known Member

    My wife is an HR Director.

    Sounds like the HR person may possibly be behind in their info...?? Were they in your interview? Alot of times those people have dozens of positions and hirings in the works.

    Have you spoken with the person who said you got the job (supv), and relayed what HR told you?

    Hiring someone takes alittle time.....I wouldnt sweat too much, especially if you touch base with the supervisor.

    Just my opnion, but chill.

    Have you discussed salary yet?....if not, chill more.

    Good luck....and I'll put the good old beeb disclaimer that I could be totally wrong.:rolleyes:
  3. Derrick1

    Derrick1 Well-Known Member

    I don't believe one of the panel members was HR, but I'm not 100% sure.

    Yes, I immediately called the supervisor that had offered the job initially and she said that she could behind on her 'checking up on me'. But, HR has to make the offer, so they have the final say.

    Salary has not been discussed.

    Trying to be patient...

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