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96 - 00 srad motor question?

Discussion in 'Tech' started by [email protected], Feb 25, 2004.

  1. crzyone33@aol.com

    [email protected] Well-Known Member

    Hey everyone. I am repairing 97 gsxr 750 and I have a questoin for ya. Ok if you have the tank off, and look at the motor from the top. Their is a hose that comes out of the motor. Where does this plug into?
  2. gixer1100

    gixer1100 CEREAL KILLER

    the one coming from down by the crank on the back of the engine??? if so it goes up into the back of the airbox. someone correct me is i am wrong. but i am pretty sure. i have had mine off so much i ampretty sure.
  3. Gumby647

    Gumby647 SeƱor Member

    How big is the hose (I.D.) and does it come from one of the manifolds?
  4. GSXR600

    GSXR600 Well-Known Member

    crankcase vent, goes into the back of the airbox. Or you could put it into a catch can. One of the large hoses, about the size of a fuel line right.
  5. crzyone33@aol.com

    [email protected] Well-Known Member

    another question

    thanks for the help, you guys are right. I have another question. Ok on the very bottom of the fuel pump. Below where the fuel line is, is a 4 screw little piece that comes off. On the end of it their is a little nipple thing. Mine is broke, did a hose run off of this nipple thing that is below the fuel line from the tank to the carbs.
  6. crzyone33@aol.com

    [email protected] Well-Known Member

    two hoses from carbs

    Ok, I know one hose goes to the tank. Where does the larger hose coming from the carbs go? Anyone have a pic?
  7. gixserman

    gixserman Well-Known Member

    If you are talking about the 2 hoses that come together to a single hose and are the same diameter as the the back one from the crankcase then that one goes to the front of the air box

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