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$200 Billion knocked off the bailout bill

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by Steeltoe, Dec 8, 2009.

  1. Steeltoe

    Steeltoe What's my move?

  2. Clay

    Clay Well-Known Member

    No, it's not "knocked off the bailout bill", because Dems are now figuring out how to spend it, while Repubs are trying to get it to go back to where it came from. Can't say I agree with either, as every penny should go to tax breaks for small businesses. THAT will get the jobs rollin' in!
  3. Orvis

    Orvis Well-Known Member

    I've always tried to look at each political party with some humor, but now the Democrats are beginning to really piss me off. The sorry bastards can't stand it when they see all that money just sitting there. They start out by putting us into debt for decades to come then sit on some of the money instead of using it for the intended purpose only to try to apply it somewhere else. I want them to PAY DOWN THE FRIGGING DEBT! :mad:
  4. Gehr

    Gehr whAt mE woRRy?

    Actually you should go to the Congressional Budget office website NOW & see how much George Bush lied. Take a look at how he took a large surplus & pissed it all away. Huge tax breaks for the very wealthy & waging wars abroad at the same time. He promised it will all balance out. And not a peep out of the "conservatives" about huge budget deficits until NOW!

    Do you really think we were asleep the past 8 years?

    They did this under Ronny Raygod as well. Massive budget deficits & then when the next administration came into office (democrats) ALL the republicans started to shout about too much spending. Same old crap, recycled political garbage. After they did this for 3 administrations you'd imagine they'd come up with something new, but that would be counter intuitive & "not conservative."

    Kind of like they want to blame someone else for the way they screwed it all up. Thing is you can play the shell game but the budgets for the past 50 years are now available for EVERYONE to look at on the internets. Faux news can distort the reality but the truth is in the numbers. Here are the links to the budgets - surpluses & deficits. CBO Who ran them up into absurd levels & who made fiscal decisions to balance the budgets & have both economic growth & surpluses.

    No it wasn't republicans that did it. Not one. Take a look at what Reagen did & what the conservatives CLAIM he did to balance budgets. Then how Bush waged war on the budget as well. All in black & white from your government accounting office, the GAO.

    Ahh reality, what a concept - mobs do not rule. Cheers to Balance Sheets & budget forecasts that by law need to be submitted & are then kept as public record. You can lie all you want about how you interpret them as a political hack but it is clear to see if you look.

    And to do effective research once you look up the budgets for the past 8 years & write down numbers how the surplus disappeared & was replaced by huge deficits then go onto the Faux News website & do a search for "US budget deficits 2000 - 2008" & see how many stories they did on that topic. Then plug in "2009 & US budget deficits" and see what you get. Compare them to the deficits that Bush ran up to extinguish our surplus & how many stories they ran compared to the past 12 months.
    What a joke.
    There are your lies dude.
    That's why they call it "Faux News"

    Last edited: Dec 9, 2009
  5. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    Who controled congress when the surplus was built Gehr?
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2009
  6. XFBO

    XFBO Well-Known Member

    "Doh, I didnt expect someone to actually ask THAT question."

    And I suspect his reply will be something along the lines like, "the same ppl who were there for 6 out of the last 8 yrs." or some nonsense like that.
  7. RCjohn

    RCjohn Killin machine.

    Shut up... it was just a blowjob. :D
  8. Smokes35

    Smokes35 Well-Known Member

    Edit: My angry rant would have only fallen on deaf ears.
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2009
  9. Orvis

    Orvis Well-Known Member

    Wouldn't it be simply wonderful to be able to go to one single website and get an answer to the age old question; "Who does a better job of handling the economy? Republicans or Democrats?" But alas, it cannot be done. There are more graphs and charts to be seen on the net from every swing dick entity in existence to prove anyone's argument. It's so complicated, no one can provide a simple answer. :(
  10. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    I don't think either. The economy is motivated by people, not government. Government erects and remove roadblocks, increases or decreases the amount of money they suck out of the economy, or creates or removes incentives. The people keep trying to figure out how to make a living in spite of government, not because of it.
  11. 88/532

    88/532 Simply Antagonistical

    Actually, there is a graph for what you seek.


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