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'03 GSXR 600 M4 full system PCIIIr map.

Discussion in 'Tech' started by XACT-Man, Apr 23, 2004.

  1. XACT-Man

    XACT-Man Not that fast....

    Helping my buddy out with his '03 GSXR 600 track bike. He has a full M4 exhaust system, loaded the M4 map off the Dynojet site and the bike runs like crap, bogs on enitial throttle response and acts up over 10k.

    Anyone out there know a fix or have a good map they are running with the same set up;

    Stock air filter.

    Full M4 system.


  2. HFD1Motorsports

    HFD1Motorsports BIKE TUNA

    Hummmm:)yup sounds like a power commander story try to dump the map and download it again or just look at the map and plug in the numbers as they look on the web site ..if the numbers match well then you need some dyno time to see what is up.. However I have tested over 20 times on differant bikes...and only one has impressed me. I test with the PC hooked up then just unplug it and run the test the same and only once has a bike NOT made more H.P. with the PC unplugged....your results may very.
  3. XACT-Man

    XACT-Man Not that fast....


    How many of the bikes that you tested were GSXR 600's '01 or later?

    I have a GSXR 750, and a RC51. Both have PC's and run fine, just curious if it's particular to THAT bike?

    I know aother buddy who has a '03 GSXR 600 with a full Leo system and has map problems also, just runs it stock right now.

    Anymore info would be greatly appreciated!

  4. HFD1Motorsports

    HFD1Motorsports BIKE TUNA

    2000,2001 2002, 2003 bikes from Suzuki to Honda bunch of 600s tested with and without. each time it was a 2-6 hp differance...750's the same 1000's too Get some time come over and I will show you bring the bike you feel runs the best with the power commander we will see:) of course it would be a good road trip...go to www.factorypro.com for more info
  5. XACT-Man

    XACT-Man Not that fast....

    Thanks, I'll have him try what you have suggested.
  6. G2G

    G2G I feel the need

    Hey Pete this is the guy that set up Venoms (Kenny) bike. Good people he tells me. I might have to take you up on that road trip. ;)

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