I crashed my ass off yesterday at RRR. Guess why...

Discussion in 'General' started by todzuki, Mar 19, 2005.

  1. SmokeSignalRT

    SmokeSignalRT Fat Member

    Yeah but it might have kept him from crashing it. Bad luck Ryan but good job on th ZX10
  2. Jeffro510

    Jeffro510 Hand bra for hire!!!!


    Wow, good one Todd!!!! Glad you are okay Bro. Crashing in turn 3 usually equals demolished bikes. YOU got lucky, the bike did not. Cold tires suck!!!!

  3. Photo_Chick

    Photo_Chick Leo's Wench!

    Todd, keep your spirits up, you kick ass!
  4. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Lok at the close up pix - made no difference to the bike at the point if it were upside hanging from a chain hoist....
  5. IYFphoto

    IYFphoto Ripper of fish lips


    Yep...that sucks...a bad turn for sure. Especially when riding a mountain bike after chugging a 40 and trying to ride a standup wheelie:eek:

    I can't believe they haven't put some massive berm there too like they have everywhere else...or it just way off the track?

    Damn...Even hearing about crashing sucks. But I bet you don't go out on cold tires again. I'm scared to go out on cold tires and old tires...especially old cold tires...

    And what's up with the out of focus picture...:Poke:
  6. Jugglenutz

    Jugglenutz Well-Known Member

    and new paint:eek:
  7. KillerCam

    KillerCam KillerCam Racing

    Bike can be fixed glad you are ok.

    1st repair get some warmers.

  8. Brian129

    Brian129 Too many projects

    ok, sorry for sonding stupid, but i would have thought that all the internals wouldnt be to happy on there side? i mean like valve seals, fork seals, having engine oil trying to seep past the rings since its holding back the majority of whats in the crankcase, that type of stuff.
    i know most car engines dont take it real well being upside down, are the bike engines designed differently to where it doesnt effect them?
    just wondering, you know stupid newbie questions. :( :(
  9. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    When you car rolls upside down, you got bigger problems than oil in the cylinder head. :)
  10. F4Scott

    F4Scott Step out of the car

    Yep! Been there, done that. Under the Bridge of the old Turn 11 at Road A. The fact that it happened on the 2nd lap of my first race was even worse :D The LEAST of my worries was oil in the top of the motor.

    Scott P.
  11. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    That bike would have to spend more than enough time upright getting fixed for everything to seep back where it belongs. No way it was getting fired back up anytime soon, so no worries.
  12. What the

    Hey Todd I can do wonders on cleaning but that may be a bit out of my league. Glad your ok.
  13. dpasseto

    dpasseto Well-Known Member

    that bike was too pretty!!!

    there lies the problem. You've got to keep them as ugly as possible. 3 to 4 cans of spray paint always do the trick. The cheap stuff. Not the $6 can. The $2.97 "Builders Mark" from Home Depot. I recommend smacking her around a good bit once you get it painted. That ought to put her in her place.

    Good luck

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