Boss Move? Yes or No?

Discussion in 'General' started by tgold, May 3, 2024.


Boss Move?

  1. Yes, you get a Gold Star!

  2. No, that's normal driving standards

  3. Meh.

  1. YamahaRick

    YamahaRick Yamaha Two Stroke Czar

    I'm not the entire beeb, just YamahaRick. Here's my opinion:

    A true "boss move" is when you do something way above the standard of society, demonstrating a high level of skill or daring.

    And you don't say a damn thing about it.

    But someone saw you do it, and mentions it to you in front of others.

    And you still don't say anything. But the other folks were impressed.

    By authoring this post, your story telling of this event is nothing short of a desperate call for one of these:


    Perhaps this is a sign you didn't have a strong father figure as a child. And, through (almost) no fault of your own, this is how you ended up:


    I admit, I was very lucky in life growing up. I only learned 15+ years after he passed away that my dad may not have served in the Korean War as I was told (after serving in WWII in the 82nd Airborne and before two tours of Vietnam, earning two Purple Hearts and two Bronze Stars along the way [28 year career]). During that time in the 50's (before I was born) he may have been involved in some covert operations in Indochina. I only learned of this recently when I received a complete DD-214 (summary of his military career), where previous copies were only a single page. I learned this 50 years after it happened. It was never mentioned to me when my father was alive - a man born in rural Alabama in 1925, grew up during the Depression, and never formally completed high school (even though he made good grades), because every Spring my Grandparents and their kids had to move to Florida and pick strawberries as migrant farm workers. (Note - he later got his high school GED, along with a few years of college credit, while in the Army.)

    To me, THAT is an example of a "boss move." But I guess I grew up under different standards of excellence.
  2. dtalbott

    dtalbott Driving somewhere, hauling something.

    No turtle racing for me. I can do that math in my head.
  3. ChemGuy

    ChemGuy Harden The F%@# Up!

    They were...with load bars or straps on e-track near the top of the drums and 4 pallets on the floor. This is when there is ~40 drums in the front a 2 pallet break and then 40 more drums in the back for weight distribution. The pallets were folded up vertically like they were hinged and the bars and straps wrecked.

    Thats a pretty serious stop. And when you ask the guy..dedicated truck...what happened...shrug..nothing man. Its happened with dedicated trucks thru brokers, FTL trucks thru roadway type places where the trailer changes hands a couple times....I have seen it more than a few times in my career.

    Had one about 6 months ago....not entirely the truckers fault but goes to the quality of warehouse and driver. We had a load of 76 drums shipped from SC to N. IL. They loaded it with some gap in the middle with the odd pallet. The warehouse and the DRIVER didnt secure the front of the back section. of drums. So somewhere along the line a bunch of drums slid forward into the gap and and created havoc with 1/2 my shipment. Thankfully nothing was leaking, but about 5-6 drums were unusable and a bunch more were pretty dinged up.

    Effing idiots out there with 40 tons of rolling death. I try to stay away from them. In the old days you assumed they was on the speed and have been up for 6 days running freight. Now I assume they are mouth breathing idtios, 2 weeks outta Dootson Trucking school and looking at Face Toks. And about half of them prove me right by the way they drive.

    Now dont get we wrong... about 80% of the morons in cars shouldnt drive anything bigger than a power wheels...but c'mon a little more attention and let the small cars just blast on by so we arent in your way.
    R1Racer99, brex and YamahaRick like this.
  4. ChemGuy

    ChemGuy Harden The F%@# Up!

    I try to...Which is in front of and beside as well. the number of moe-rons happily running right next to the drive axle for miles, blissfully unaware they are one bad steer tire or road debris hit away from being squished. Under normal highway speeds I dont go past the trailer door until I can get past the front bumper post haste.
    dtalbott likes this.
  5. dtalbott

    dtalbott Driving somewhere, hauling something.

    Thank you! A truck and trailer is not the most stable vehicle, especially when the wind is gusting.
  6. dtalbott

    dtalbott Driving somewhere, hauling something.

    Nine years of doing this and I am only allowed to put straps or load bars to keep the product from sliding backwards.

    From the back of the product forward is on the shipper.
  7. ChemGuy

    ChemGuy Harden The F%@# Up!

    Hmmm...thats a new one on me...I havent been involved in shipping regularly in nearly 20 years...but back then the driver would put a bar on the back of the front section and the front of the back section, We supplied the pallets for the break but they had to supply bars or straps.

    And sometimes when you load that much concentrated weight...usually we are class 55 or need a break at the front or the middle or you will overload the drive or steer axle. Sliding the the fifth wheel or trailer axles can help but not every time.

    Stay safe out there. And if you see a blue Silverado in the ticket lane coming up fast...let him on by it might be me...:D
  8. dtalbott

    dtalbott Driving somewhere, hauling something.

    It won't be me in the left lane.

    True story:

    Picked up a load long ago from AB in Jacksonville, FL. Load was kegs of beer. 4 kegs per pallet, one pallet stacked on another. NO SHRINKWRAP.

    I put two load locks on the back row, sent pictures to my boss, and showed the guards. Explained to them that this was not going to work.

    Guards said it was fine, and sealed the doors.

    Arrived at delivery, peaked inside. Kegs everywhere. Went back into the shipping office, and explained that we had a problem. They took one look and asked where the load originated. I said Jacksonville.

    Their response was, "Figures. Jacksonville does that crap all the time."
    YamahaRick and ChemGuy like this.
  9. ChemGuy

    ChemGuy Harden The F%@# Up!

    Here is one that they messed up last year. We are finally out of this warehouse.

  10. dtalbott

    dtalbott Driving somewhere, hauling something.


    This is a load that got me in trouble. I should have refused it from the start.

    It was pouring chicken grease out of the trailer when I picked it up. A tap of the brakes on a downhill, the barrels collapsed as they slid forward, and the weight transfer triggered a hard brake warning for safety.
    ChemGuy likes this.
  11. tgold

    tgold Well-Known Member

    Didn’t bother reading your dissertation. You are reading way too much into this. Lighten up Francis.
    R1Racer99 likes this.
  12. dtalbott

    dtalbott Driving somewhere, hauling something.

    How much was "plenty" of room?
  13. YamahaRick

    YamahaRick Yamaha Two Stroke Czar

    I hope someone gets you that ribbon soon.
  14. In Your Corner

    In Your Corner Dungeonesque Crab AI Version

    You don't need to shrink wrap kegs, but you do need to load
    them one set against the left wall, then one set against the right
    wall, next set against the left wall, etc. That locks the kegs together.
  15. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

  16. auminer

    auminer Renaissance Redneck

  17. gixer1100

    gixer1100 CEREAL KILLER

    THIS!!!!!! drive back and forth to vegas from southern california - its constant! i get to do 40mph as you slowly take 3min to pass another truck up a grade, just to them repass you on the other side ....and then i get 5min up the road and repeat. this plus you are on a 2-3 lane city street and instead of say 3 trucks stopping at light, 1 behind the other in 1 lane - they will go side by side and take up each lane! you end up with a semi drag race that takes forever with a line of traffic behind them. I SWEAR they do the shit on purpose!!

    when i posted these exact same frustrations on a FB thread - truckers getting upset saying i should be grateful for them - how i cant live without them etc. even going so far as to say the highways were literally built for them, and i should be grateful to even be on their roads. no joke.
    R1Racer99 and brex like this.
  18. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    Ah yes, the old “I’m allowed to be a discourteous self absorbed sack of vinegar and water because you buy shit from Scamazon…”
    gixer1100 likes this.
  19. gixer1100

    gixer1100 CEREAL KILLER

    should be normal standard - but its definitely not. i always watch my mirrors, especially in hard breaking and i'll do as much as possible to 1 not hit anyone in front of me, while keeping someone from hitting me from behind. its worked well so far. i dont think most motorists have as much awareness as people who have spent years on motorcycles. especially ones who have put in plenty of race/track laps. you develop situational awareness pretty well going into turn 1 at in the middle of the second wave of a race lol.
    thrak410 and R1Racer99 like this.
  20. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    I always had less issues with trucks doing that on the 15 than the fucking car drivers - usually the ones with cali plates.
    dtalbott likes this.

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