Beware! Scammers!

Discussion in 'Wanted to buy or trade' started by Dave K, Mar 13, 2020.

  1. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    If you are contacted by John Pollard, PaulPeterson020, someone hyping Ryan Matthews or by Ryan Matthews, do not respond and definitely do not send him any cash. It is a scam and you will not receive anything.

    Nigeria scammer!
    Jose Piscoya and Beresh21 like this.
  2. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    Be careful, they are trying to create new IDs here and continue the scam. I caught a bunch of new IDs that follow their SOP.

    I'm killing the IDs as I catch them but be warned on dealing with people here you do not know!
    AMac and Pixelator like this.
  3. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    They are also reading ads but going around the BBS and contacting buyers and sellers directly via text and email.

    *Be careful!*

    and if you are contacted via the BBS via PM and it's a scam, let me know. Snitches don't get stitches here, they get cookies and a thanks. :)
  4. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    do not reply to or deal with anyone sending you to [email protected]

    Nigerian scammer and you will get nothing other then scammed.

    and if you know how to spam an email, well, the one above needs A LOT. :D

    They are still trying to get through here and once in awhile, one might get through. Be careful and use your head. :)
  5. Billy B

    Billy B Old N Slow

    OK add me to the list of people who got scammed. Someone with the ID greenjay (who is now banned?) responded to a WTB post I did for a buddy who needs an FZR400 swingarm. greenjay responded with:
    Crawford has a 1990 FZR400 swingarm he wants to part with.Dont know his username on here but you can reach him via [email protected]

    I don't know who "Crawford" is, probably no one, but anyways I passed the outlook email address along to my buddy. The guy even sent pics of a 1990 FZR400 swingarm and my buddy venmo'd $159 to the guy and no communication at all since then. So there ya go.
  6. TurboBlew

    TurboBlew Registers Abusers

    well for starters you dont venmo strangers... sorry about your buddies luck
  7. Billy B

    Billy B Old N Slow

    This is a pretty small community of people on this site, so that gives some comfort that it'll work out when dealing with people here (I've had a few other deals in the past on this site and never had issues). Just a good reminder that not everyone on here is legit.
    TurboBlew likes this.
  8. sheepofblue

    sheepofblue Well-Known Member

    Thanks for your effort as one thing cool here is the honor of real members
    TurboBlew likes this.
  9. Newyork

    Newyork Dip Mode

    best advice to avoid this ever again is to check the post count and time that person has been on the site since registering. Click on any username and pull that information from there. If they been here for 3 posts move on.
    Gixxerguy855 likes this.
  10. Billy B

    Billy B Old N Slow

    Totally agree
  11. mattys281-2

    mattys281-2 Well-Known Member

    So I’m new to this site, but have already met a couple guys face to face on here. Both great guys, I bought a bike off one FTF. A few weeks ago my account got hijacked, so it got banned and I had to sign up for a new one. I did some digging afterwards and here’s what I learned(copied from another forum where I got hacked):

    This happened to me a few weeks ago. Someone got my logins and started posting items "for sale" here and on a motorcycle forum I'm on. For those of you that don't know, here's how it works:

    Most/many discussion forums are very weak on security. Some will even have a "not secure" sign at the top of your browser next to the web address. Once a site has been compromised hackers on the 'dark web' gain a list of everybody's username and login password. Since most people use exact same username & password for many or all of the forums they're on, they only need to hack one set of credentials and then google search your username which will bring up a list of other forums your are on. They then just keep trying the password for every forum you are on.

    If you don't want to have this happen to you, the easiest thing you can do is create a unique password for each forum. I know it's a real pain in the butt to keep track of a bunch of passwords, but if you don't they only have to get your credentials for one site and then they can easily log in to your account on all the forums you're on that use the same username/password combination.
  12. mattys281-2

    mattys281-2 Well-Known Member

    In conclusion, anyone’s account can get hacked, especially if you’re using the same name/password combo for multiple sites.

    don’t assume you ‘know’ the guy, if the deal is too good to be true, it is! Don’t send any money without at least a verbal conversation on the phone. If someone’s credentials get lifted your pal with 10,000 posts that you’ve known and joked with for years could have became a foreign scammer literally over night, unbeknownst to them
  13. fast steve

    fast steve Well-Known Member

    Everybody on here should have to take a picture of them self and a piece of ID at least and maybe a picture of them standing beside their bike with their phone up with a date on their phone
    beathiswon likes this.
  14. fast steve

    fast steve Well-Known Member

    And if you’re buying something from someone you can make them take a picture of them selves holding the part that you’re buying with may be a pass code number written on a piece of paper held in their hand
    beathiswon likes this.
  15. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    If you are listing for a part or whatever and you get a DM from someone with 0 posts and have been here for a relatively short period and tells you to contact a third person for said part DO NOT send them cash and quietly let me know.
    Chances are you will be scammed!
    Be careful and if the deal seems too good or you’re even a bit nervous, don’t do it!
    I weed out scammers and spammers every day but they keep trying.
    beathiswon likes this.
  16. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    Add Stepheny to the list of scammers. Do not buy from or contact the person you were sent to!
    kirk erlinger and beathiswon like this.
  17. motion

    motion Nihilistic Member

    Ya he tried to scam me yesterday.
  18. S.Krzak

    S.Krzak Active Member

    Yes, I got contacted by Stepheny telling me his friend had some forks for sale. Sent a deposit to him and it wouldn't go through. Info wasn't matching up. Cancelled the buy. I agree. It's hard to trust most people on sites now.
  19. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    Add Dannyreef to your list of do not reply to or send money to.
    Sudowoodo likes this.
  20. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    I’ve decided to to have some fun with the scamming trash. I’ll post as much info on them going forward and what you all do with it, not my problem. ;-)
    beathiswon likes this.

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