Road Atlanta MotoAmerica july 31-

Discussion in 'General' started by pfhenry, Jul 12, 2020.

  1. TurboBlew

    TurboBlew Registers Abusers

    its very common. So much Dunlop hairsprays the tire bead. Thats with steel rotors... imagine how much harder carbon rotors generate. You see aftermarket wheels with a coating on the bead to help this.
    sbk1198 likes this.
  2. henry_carlson

    henry_carlson BREAD_RACING

    So on her IG she posted a pic saying "Some girls want fancy french couture. I just want fancy French Breaks." AND since Cam was having break issues I would surmise she felt very responsible for the issue. Cam was also reduced to tears so maybe that made her shed a tear too. Gutted for them both.
    dieterly, kirk erlinger and 418 like this.
  3. henry_carlson

    henry_carlson BREAD_RACING

    Has to be a combination of the bike and PJ, they kinda insinuated that it was his decision. They posted that "The Duc did not see any action this weekend but hopefully PJ will be feeling better next week and we will have some exciting nws for you guys." IDK whats exciting but tht shit was a dud this weeked.
  4. Metalhead

    Metalhead Dong pilot

    Quiet you.
  5. Do we need to put you back in the special room? :)
  6. DDK732

    DDK732 Well-Known Member

    Right! lol

  7. Throw some bead locks on them :) surface prep of the bead contact surface is sensitive with some tire brands and also carcass constructions. Riding around with a vibration and “only” got 2nd. The way he rides it would be interesting to see him on a big bike. He obviously a tad ok with the thing moving around.
    dieterly and TurboBlew like this.
  8. 88/532

    88/532 Simply Antagonistical

    Geoff favorite rider, as of yesterday. Sorry Josh.
  9. Wheel Bearing

    Wheel Bearing Professional low sider

    We used to spin the front Dunlop on the endurance bike about 1/3 of a rotation in the 4 hour endurances.
    cajun636 likes this.
  10. JJJerry

    JJJerry Well-Known Member

    The first MA race I did, i spun the rear 1/8 of a rotation on an SS SV (MA Dunlop paint marks the wheel/tire). I suspect it's pretty common, haha.

    I left that weekend wondering on the SBK's don't just smoke the bead off the tire!
    cav115, 5axis and jksoft like this.
  11. TX Joose

    TX Joose Well-Known Member

    Anybody know what happened to Xavier Zayat?
  12. Because right before you get to hot pit it says no smoking clear as day. Why would they want to get DQ’d? :)
    JJJerry likes this.
  13. kenessex

    kenessex unregistered user

    WTF is wrong with American Honda, that they can't get the new CBR1000RRRRR to Ashton Yates. Are they just that clueless? Here is an up and coming kid with a well known name and getting decent coverage from the announcers and they still can't/ won't get him the new bike to replace that well known POS that he is riding. There are planes and boats coming from Japan every day and they should have a bike on one of them for him. There is a whole lot of stupid going on at AHM to let this be happening. It would cost them almost nothing to get him a bike. I think Honda sucks at any roadracing other than MotoGP.
    cav115, jd41, RRP and 3 others like this.
  14. I’d have to assume he has some sort of deal with Honda or he wouldn’t be riding that old turd he’s on now so normally I’d say “it takes time” but in this case WTF Honda is definitely in order. And unless they were writing him a decent check I am not sure why he’d want to be on a Honda even if they are free. Everything for a Honda is more expensive not to mention all the other shit that goes along with being the only Honda. His dads not an idiot so I am sure there are some things promised but the bikes are readily available and have been to teams around the world already. To the point the BSB supported team has one for a display bike for the opening round.
    cav115 likes this.
  15. G 97

    G 97 Garth

    No idea but I would think that AH isn’t all that concerned about pressing Japan to release some bikes to them early since they are no longer directly involved in racing. No idea why the bike hasn’t been released to the US unless dealer orders are very low. I think they just don’t care. Honda is fully vested in moto gp and to a lesser degree took back wsbk operations but other than this, I don’t think they care about any other racing series. Man how things have changed. I remember being in Torrance and seeing three early production RC-51’s sitting in the race shop months prior to any of them showing up at dealerships etc. American Honda just doesn’t seem to care anymore. The management has changed. They are a car company.

    I guess Yates could always get one shipped from Europe if they are available there.
  16. G 97

    G 97 Garth

    Is Suzuki missing Yoshimura yet? :D
    cav115, Skter505 and A. Barrister like this.
  17. RRP

    RRP Kinda Superbikey

    Funny you post this, my wife was asking why he was so far back.

    Edit - He was pretty competitive on that R1 last year, I was hoping to see him upfront.
  18. redtailracing

    redtailracing gone tuna fishin'

    I think it’s actually not that terribly uncommon for someone that fast. I noticed Chris Parrish did it on his twins bike a couple times. I of course have absolutely no idea how you brake that hard but I’m also not the same breed as those guys
  19. JJJerry

    JJJerry Well-Known Member

    Wasn't he wearing Honda leathers this weekend? There's a deal there of some sort.
    cav115 likes this.
  20. sdiver

    sdiver Well-Known Member

    Pretty sure hes sponsored by Jones Honda, right? Of only Honda win in MotoAm Cameron Jones fame?

    Who knows why they don't have a '20 spec bike for him. I know their tuning shop posted a baseline dyno back in April for a 2020. Stock numbers were abysmal, FYI.

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