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Paid Music Streaming Apps

Discussion in 'General' started by Dano711, Jun 27, 2019.

  1. Dano711

    Dano711 Well-Known Member

    Been using Spotify premium for years but started stopping during songs a few weeks ago. Tech support is a joke so I cancelled my subscription. Searched on Google Play store and reviews for most popular paid apps are up and down. Who's happily paying for what?
  2. SteveThompson

    SteveThompson Banned by amafan

    I’m very happy with my Apple Music family plan. We’ve been using it for years. I don’t know if I’ve ever not found a song I was looking for. The playlists are good for parties and stuff too.
  3. dtalbott

    dtalbott Driving somewhere, hauling something.

    Spotify. No issues with my downloaded playlist.
    BigBird likes this.
  4. Dano711

    Dano711 Well-Known Member

    I don't download mine. Never had any problems until recently.
  5. tzrider

    tzrider CZrider

    Radio Paradise.

    No commercials but listener supported (à la Motomatters)

    Not for everyone, very eclectic.
    CRA_Fizzer likes this.
  6. stangmx13

    stangmx13 Well-Known Member

    every now and again, I delete and reinstall my Spotify app to fix play issues. I do that once ever 3-6months or so.

    the gf uses Apple Music. I don't like their curated playlists as much as Spotifys.
    Dano711 likes this.
  7. blue03R6

    blue03R6 Well-Known Member

    it's you're junk phone. you have to buy a $1200 phone every 6 months for anything to work. gggod. grandpa
  8. stangmx13

    stangmx13 Well-Known Member

    there's some truth to this. its impossible for mobile developers to support every single device. at some point, the analytics for their downloads show only 1% of customers are using an old device and its not worth the effort.
  9. Dano711

    Dano711 Well-Known Member

  10. dtalbott

    dtalbott Driving somewhere, hauling something.

    I hit dead spots throughout the country. By downloading my playlist, it means it won't stop when I lose coverage.
  11. :stupid: We’ve been using it for quite a while and I’m very happy with it overall.
  12. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    Spotify steals from the artists. Apple stream steals a little less.

    Like an artist or band, buy their albums (or at least buy the download from Apple music).
    DRye, mastermind and Uncle Snake like this.
  13. SteveThompson

    SteveThompson Banned by amafan

    I can download anything from Apple Music and I don’t pay other than the small subscription fee.
  14. lizard84

    lizard84 My “fuck it” list is lengthy

    I subscribe to Tidal lossless plan which is CD quality or Master MQA quality. It’s about $20 per month I believe but they have a discount for military or former military so it’s $11.99.

    Downloadable so you’re good if you’re in a spotty area (18 miles or more out in the gulf)
  15. tzrider

    tzrider CZrider

    Forgot to add:
    • Most of the songs are FLAC level (you can select the file quality you want up to FLAC).
    • It's cache downloadable (the limit is the amount of memory on your phone).
    • You can skip forward pretty much indefinitely.
    • If you rate enough songs, you can get a set of 'Songs You Like'.
    This station revealed to me that I don't understand the streaming technology.....
    CRA_Fizzer likes this.
  16. mastermind

    mastermind camping in turn 2....

    You’re not so much of an asshole after all..... :D

    Support the artists you love....
  17. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    Liar! :D

    I don't get streaming services. People know that they basically steal the music from an artist, pays the rights holder of the song 10ths of a penny for each stream leaving the rights holder to split their $ 0.00whatever between the record label, the actual artist, songwriter, the producer and whomever else (if the rightsholder is honest).

    Why would a label (who are crooks, but that's for another rant) invest the time and money to nurture an up and coming artist if they can prefabricate yet another tits and ass wiggling studio marvel? Soon you won't even need the tits and ass, they will churn it all out with computers and in the studio.

    Would you rather have a led zepplin, a Ramones, a Rush, a Public Enemy, a Radiohead or another Kanye, that Grande chick and another Justin Bieber?

    Buy a f@ckin' CD sometime of your favorite artist. Shit, buy a gawd awful Rush album, support that actual artist, maybe they'll be able to afford to put something new out if enough people do it.

    F@ckin' hate streaming services. Rant over.
    crazymofo and mastermind like this.
  18. DWhyte91

    DWhyte91 Well-Known Member

    I use this also. It has much better sound quality compared to Apple Music.
  19. Dano711

    Dano711 Well-Known Member

    I was not aware of streaming screwing the artist.
    mastermind likes this.
  20. lizard84

    lizard84 My “fuck it” list is lengthy

    Music discovery is the chief benefit of any streaming service, that said redbook is dying. Look at what happened to Oppo.
    pscook likes this.

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