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Going to Hell....

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by Britt, Oct 3, 2014.

  1. MicahSa15

    MicahSa15 Well-Known Member

    If you want to call that proselytizing go right ahead. My goal was to do away with a typical silly argument about not believing = religion. My goal has never been convert a believers into non believers. The odds of it working are so low and the energy it would take are so high. Not to mention the ROI is next to 0. At this point the atheist camp just needs to take a knee an run out the clock. Religiosity declines with each new generation so it's only a matter of time.
  2. In Your Corner

    In Your Corner Dungeonesque Crab AI Version

    The atheist camp?
    You ARE the atheist camp, which is a religion.
    The anti-religion religion.
    You score zero on the self-awareness test.
    You wouldn't even make the argument if you weren't invested in it.
  3. charles

    charles The Transporter

    Slow down a minuteā€¦a commonly understood but very narrow definition of 'religion,' or at least commonly understood 'traits' of religion, includes a god/superhuman power/supernatural power/creator/ something sacred/rituals, etc. Then again, it is extremely difficult to come up with a universal definition of religion as such depends on one's worldview.

    What part of "the atheist camp" do you consider to be religious in nature?
  4. Hawk518

    Hawk518 Resident Alien

    When Atheist attemp to convert or prove the to other that atheist viewpoint is superior (based on science) and the person of faith is an idiot. Then, it is a religion.
  5. Hawk518

    Hawk518 Resident Alien

    When you extend your belief beyond yourself. When you attempt to have your view universally acceptable or try to justify your view on the existent of gods of God then a fine line is walked.

    I am atheist. That is the extent of my viewpoint. I don't find the need to group with others that share my view. I don't have a need to prove other's people viewpoint wrong.

    I particularly find it offensive when atheist or those of non-faith huddle together an start attacking the intellect of those of faith. I hate most atheist. :D

    If one cannot be respectul then it is time to STFU. Atheism is a minority. We need not wake sleeping giants.
  6. Fonda Dix

    Fonda Dix Well-Known Member

    I am also an atheist and I can assure you, the last thing in the world I want to do is talk to any Christian about the subject.
  7. Hawk518

    Hawk518 Resident Alien

    I don't have an issue discussing politics or religion with individuals.

    With respect to religion, I just don't have a need to push my viewpoint. My thoughts are not always well organized. :D
  8. charles

    charles The Transporter

    Several points you are setting forth here need some clarification, if you would:

    1. What's wrong with dscourse and even confrontation to set forth one's point of view? For example, you must be aware of the abortion controversy.

    2. Why would you 'hate' atheists who join together? You profess to be an atheist yourself!

    3. "We need not wake sleeping giants"- explain. What are you fearful of?

    4. Do you know about the bowling alley Jesus?
  9. charles

    charles The Transporter

    Why not? What is your fear of Christians (which kind?) and what is 'the subject' (i.e., religion in general or something specifically Christian?) Would you talk to Hindus or Jews or Cao Dai practitioners in your neighborhood?

    If you don't reply, I will assume you were once set upon and beaten without mercy by some group of religious zealots trying to save you.
  10. Hawk518

    Hawk518 Resident Alien


    None. As long as it is respectful, no subject should be off limits. Freedom is the ability to speak freely. However, when we start speaking with agendas, we challenge our intellect, at minimum.

    Yes, I am aware of the abortion controversy. A personal decision. Both sides of the equation go to extremes.

    I am also a practicing vegan (diet), I say fuck PETA. At the same time, I don't kill animals on purpose or fustration. I wish the friggin' fly in my office could talk. :D

    I don't like when atheist start acting in a religious manner. Again, it is my opinion. I am not trying to convert or discreted anyone's faith. Not my job, no my interest, not my place.

    And, I don't profess to be atheist exactly. Atheist is a label that has been bestowed upon me which I accept, in the absence of wasting energy in futher defining myself.

    I fear the mob. I don't trust people that seek safety in numbers.

    People of faith are still a majority here and elsewhere. In this Country we do enjoy particular freedoms. We survive well with our differences.

    I would like side with caution. Atheist/agnostic are still a majority. We should not be acting almighty. The tide can turn quickly. Luckily, we are empowered by the Constitution but it should serve to protect us, not for us to rely on it to justify disrespect for others.

    Yes, and no.
  11. MicahSa15

    MicahSa15 Well-Known Member

    I might be useful for the sake of the conversation to delineate between atheist and anti-theist.

    Anti-theist is the type to actively engage with theists and attempt to convert.
  12. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    Details don't matter to people here, man. :D
  13. Hawk518

    Hawk518 Resident Alien

    I guess those will be "some" of the atheist, I was referring to.

    I know a lot of atheist that should be calling themselves anti-theist, then.
  14. MicahSa15

    MicahSa15 Well-Known Member

    "Here" being the internet? :crackup:
  15. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    The dungeon. :D
  16. Knotcher

    Knotcher Well-Known Member

    It seems irrational to place protective foam around this one area of human experience. I'm not here to convert anyone, but I'm not about to give quarter to illogical statements.
  17. Hawk518

    Hawk518 Resident Alien

    I respect that. You are going to be one busy body. :up:
  18. Knotcher

    Knotcher Well-Known Member

    I pick my spots :)
  19. Hawk518

    Hawk518 Resident Alien

    :crackup: That clearly shows you have some smarts.
  20. charles

    charles The Transporter

    As you use the term illogical, do you also mean irrational?

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