Robin Williams

Discussion in 'General' started by Dave K, Aug 11, 2014.

  1. In Your Corner

    In Your Corner Dungeonesque Crab AI Version

    :stupid: also.

    I had a friend who hung himself at 10 because his parents wouldn't let him go to a Halloween party.
    I doubt he was thinking that he would be gone forever.
    He was probably thinking something like "they'll be sad when I'm gone", without considering in his emotional state that gone is permanent.
  2. antirich

    antirich Well-Known Member

    Call it what you want, but legally in most states (especially California), marriage is the union of two parties assets, liabilities and responsibilities. Period. What ever is built, acquired, or even inherited in that time of the union is the property of both parties. Short of any pre-nup or contract, that's the law.

    Love, respect, devotion, and that feel good crap is not in the legal books. Should be, but isn't. This is why someone who cheats on their spouse, burns down their house, and ruins the other's reputation can still get half of the assets. Not much different than a business partnership, and I'm sure lots of sugar daddy chasers treat it as such.

    Yes, it all sucks and is clearly not what 99% of us signed up for, but that's the law in most areas. My wife likes to remind me this on a rather regular basis :(
  3. racing+life

    racing+life Well-Known Member

    Business goes down the tubes, she divorces you. She gets half if what's left, some sort of spousal support and her credit is intact. Your on the hook for the business loss.

    Yep marriage is a business contract, which is the worst contract one could ever make, it's one sided.

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