Obama's Daughters' School Has 11 Armed Guards

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by Tinfoil hat charly, Dec 24, 2012.

  1. Redbird

    Redbird Well-Known Member

    Yeah, because the caliber of the projectile is the only defining quality of a cartridge.

    Which would you rather be hit with?

    BTW, I'm far from anti-gun. :beer:
  2. Mr Sunshine

    Mr Sunshine Banned

    Neither but if I'm going to be shot I want to be shot deadly quickly. That loints to the one on the left
  3. 418

    418 Expert #59

    Didn't know that dropping your kids off at school and expecting to pick them up alive is considered a "perk".
  4. Sheik Abdul ben Falafel

    Sheik Abdul ben Falafel Well-Known Member

    ya you didnt take what i wrote in a totally different manner or anything .:D

    secret service protection= perk

    want it? get a job that provides that for your family. simple right?

    11 armed guards= perk

    want it? pony up the moola that it requires to send your kid to a school with believes in security like that.

    wanting your kid to be alive= right, not a perk

    wanting your kid to be alive and not doing anything about it and just expecting to magically get 11 armed guards to guard your kids school....ya, you are right, thats not a perk, thats a false sense of entitlement.

    in short, want that kind of security, pay for it.

    my kids (when i have them) will be going to a secure private school. simple as that.
  5. jrsamples

    jrsamples Banned

    Want to protect your own kids at school or be a teacher at a public school and protect yourself = right, oh wait, never mind we don't have that right.

    And for the record, the Newtown shooter's choice above all the other weapons to kill mom was the trusty .22 marlin rifle.
  6. cav115

    cav115 Well-Known Member

    More to the point, POTUS should live by his policies as a leader. He knows it`s safer to have the protection, but his agenda doesn`t reflect it. Please don`t talk about the financial end of said protection in public schools. We as taxpayers fund a lot meaningless programs; our kids lives are worth it. Take a vote, see what you get.

    Again, it`s his salary, but he is paid to be a --public servant. That is his job.

    Same goes for the rest of the rats and their "golden parachutes". It`s way out of hand and they have forgotten their place. IMO.
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2012
  7. Sheik Abdul ben Falafel

    Sheik Abdul ben Falafel Well-Known Member

    does this right require 11 guards?

    is the feasibility of this right requiring 11 guards at every public school realistic?

    want does not equal a right btw. just so we are clear.
  8. Sheik Abdul ben Falafel

    Sheik Abdul ben Falafel Well-Known Member

    he is paid to be a public servant...but that does not mean the usage of his payment is dictated by the taxpayers.

    does your boss tell you how to spend your money?

    so are you really, realistically expecting the potus to send his kids to public schooling?

    his agenda has nothing to do with how/why/where he sends his kids to school..

    could it also be that the school in question actually provides an above average level of education?

    whats next, want to fly around in airforce 1 for the price of a greyhound ticket?
  9. cav115

    cav115 Well-Known Member

    Did you read my post? I stated he should lead by example: he obviously agrees protection is good; he should look into that for the rest of the country. Instead he pushes a political agenda that is worthless.
    Never said I cared where he sends them, I don`t. I said since he sees what works, give a shit enough as our servant to do what`s right for our kids who he tries very hard to keep in public schools (doesn`t support vouchers). Again, we pay him, I expect good leadership (whether I get it I know is a joke)

    I`m self employed, so yes, my boss does tell me how to spend my money. That`s not the point, -I`m not a public servant, the "leader of the nation"
  10. cav115

    cav115 Well-Known Member

    11 are not needed. One would be a good start.

    And we get a lot shoved down our throat we did`nt want, but still pay for.

    Just so we are clear.

    In this society, "want" does seem to equal a right; our entitilment society says so.

    We are talking about safe kids in public schools. not free phones, housing, food, transportation, tv,clothes, etc.
  11. Sheik Abdul ben Falafel

    Sheik Abdul ben Falafel Well-Known Member

    read is clearly.

    vouchers would not be enough to put kids into schools of that caliber.
    good leadership and his PERSONAL choices regarding his family are seperate.
    Good leadership does not have to be by example, especially regarding his family.

    protection is one thing. expecting 11 guards is another. have to be realistic about this.

    you being self employed means you have no boss.
    you cant be your own boss. :D

    I am self employed as well, and i have tried that many many times...doesnt work.
  12. Sheik Abdul ben Falafel

    Sheik Abdul ben Falafel Well-Known Member

    you are saying this like this is a good thing.

    there are two sides to this coin. There will be somebody bitchin about much it costs etc...especially when adding up all the schools in the country, then multiply that against the salary of each of these armed guards.

    a guard at each school would be nice....but will it be reasonable? nope.
    will it happen...double nope.
  13. cav115

    cav115 Well-Known Member

    Not at all. I am totally against the entitilment state. But that is what it has become.

    If the gov is going to push for public education, and we are forced to pay for it, if the only way to help protect them is with armed guards, so be it. We have every right to ask for that protection if our kids are to be at a public school.

    Do I like it? not at all. There is a bigger problem that I feel will not be fixed. I don`t see a better solution.
  14. cav115

    cav115 Well-Known Member

    Vouchers for public school level education doable.
    Good leadership is doing what he knows is right for the country.

    When you are self employed, you have many bosses; all your customers.:up:
  15. jrsamples

    jrsamples Banned

    I think you missed the point my friend. No, I didn't say that anyone deserves nor has a right to 11 guards or even one guard. The only exception to that is if they chose to pay for 11 guards....then they should get what they bought.

    What I am saying is that everyone has a right to self defense, and more specifically, self defense with a fire arm -- if they so choose. Those teachers in Newtown were denied that right. Parents are denied that right in the criminal protection zones.

    The point of this thread has to do with the well-to-do "lefties" preaching that armed protection in school is bad for everyone else except them.
  16. Sheik Abdul ben Falafel

    Sheik Abdul ben Falafel Well-Known Member

    indeed i did. as i was making a different point.

    my point is that the right to have 11 guard is completely within reach.
    just pony up the cash that obama is to send.

    are the teachers carrying at the school in question? or just the guards?

    I dont think its a fair comparision to compare well to do lefties (or righties) who have the resources to send their kids to private schooling with public schooling.

    that makes it too much into a debate between the "haves" and the "have nots"
  17. Mr Sunshine

    Mr Sunshine Banned

    Since when is the position President of the United States a public servant job?
  18. Mr Sunshine

    Mr Sunshine Banned

    I think you are missing the point....people will try to hurt him through his family. They want to hurt him due to his position. So he must extend the protections that he receives to his family which might be contrary to his agenda.
  19. crashman

    crashman Grumpy old man

    So he can go against his own stated agenda if it is not in his own best interests? That seems a bit hypocritical. Iinteresting how you justify giving extra perks to someone who begged for the job and would have probably taken it for no pay.
  20. Mr Sunshine

    Mr Sunshine Banned

    His stated agenda is to remove armed guards from schools?

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