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Macau GP onboard

Discussion in 'General' started by gpstar748, Dec 11, 2012.

  1. gpstar748

    gpstar748 Well-Known Member

  2. Britt

    Britt Well-Known Member

    "Where's My T-Shirt"...:)
  3. jrsamples

    jrsamples Banned

    COOL! Been waiting on this.:up:

    I'm going to watch it again if/when I get my shirt and it will be more awesome.:D
  4. tittys04

    tittys04 Well-Known Member

    :eek: you sir... are crazy. :up:
  5. dickie doo

    dickie doo Well-Known Member

    That is too cool. Not sure how you knew where to go, but glad you figured it out. :)
  6. SlyRy

    SlyRy Registered user

    long live the dare devils!

    You won't ever have to worry about having a mid-life crisis Brandon. :up:
  7. Shenanigans

    Shenanigans in Mr.Rogers neighborhood

    F@ck!!!!!! You are the man.:beer: and F@ck i forgot to order a shirt, if you have any left in 2xl let me know, i'll donate for your next race:beer:
  8. gpstar748

    gpstar748 Well-Known Member

    damnit! :p

    they are on order this week. hopefully I will have them out in the mail and everyone will have theirs before Christmas

    PATBAROK I <3 Poontang



  10. joec

    joec brace yourself

    it was nice of them to let you have the track all by yourself. haha.

    how is anything in life interesting after that?

    after watching it so may times.....its cool to see the city from that angle. i like seeing the shops and buildings in your video.

    starts at fishermans? on of my favorite corners to see.
  11. ckruzel

    ckruzel Graphicologist Xtremeist

  12. zertrider

    zertrider Waiting for snow. Or sun.

    How the hell do you remember which way to go for the next corner? D you get to drive/ride the course in the week leading up to the races to familiarize yourself, or is it a sit down in front of other youtube videos and try to remember it kind of thing?

    I mean WOW, I would be f@cking passed by you if you were on a Vespa and I was on your bike. I would need a radio in my ear like a WRC driver telling me which turn is coming.
  13. gpstar748

    gpstar748 Well-Known Member

    I will admit. Macau was extremely difficult to learn. I want to say it was just as hard as the TT but that's not quite true, it is just so different.

    I just studied the course using onboard videos in the months coming up to the event, that's really all you can do as you only get 1 practice and 3 qualifying sessions in essence...

    I am extremely lucky to be friends with Gary Johnson who gave me a complete tutorial on the course as we rode around it in a bus one time during the week. Without that I wouldve been completely lost.
  14. metalkid88

    metalkid88 Well-Known Member

    Ive always wondered are the front runners just stupid fast because they are that skilled, or just that fucking crazy and willing to hang it all out? Im not saying they arent skilled riders, but i think any normal person rides with a lot reserved as opposed to racing on a traditional closed course. How do you think they would fair out on a closed course?
  15. Britt

    Britt Well-Known Member

    Sir, You can not order something you were SUPPOSE to get while You WERE THERE...:D
  16. gpstar748

    gpstar748 Well-Known Member

    some of the front runners are top BSB racers so I would say....they'd fair very well


    I think it is a common misconception that real roads racers are just crazy and aren't as skilled as closed course riders...majority of them have some pretty impressive closed course resumes including John McGuinness
  17. ElBigBC

    ElBigBC Never done learning

    Awesome footage, I'll use it as study material :up: Hopefully I don't drive you and tophyr crazy with questions before the next TT haha. Keep up the solid riding man and let me know if you need an extra hand in the pits!
  18. JTW

    JTW Well-Known Member

  19. Pigman

    Pigman Well-Known Member

    Holy Shit...................damm U have some BIG BALLS
  20. Putter

    Putter Ain't too proud to beg



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