If Schwantz was to grid up this weekend on a GP bike..

Discussion in 'General' started by Putter, May 18, 2012.

  1. Hawk518

    Hawk518 Resident Alien

  2. Mr. Boost Fade. AKA Internet tough guy. Im an idiot because I don't share the same opinion as you about something that's impossible to prove.:crackup:
    Last edited: May 19, 2012
  3. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    In his defense, I think he said you have proved it on previous occasions. I'm not gonna say he's wrong, but I'm also not… Well, no, that's it. :D
  4. Yea, the previous occasion he referenced was in the Dungeon, in the Martin thread. Again, a difference of opinions. No need to call names because you don't agree with someone.
  5. There may not be a "need" for name calling, but it is definitely more entertaining. :D
  6. If there's any reason I am an idiot, its not for believing Kevin Schwantz on a Monster Yamaha M1 could beat James Ellison on the worst CRT bike, or for thinking that its not ok for an armed adult to confront and kill an unarmed teen. Its for wasting way too much time arguing on here.
  7. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    So you agree?
  8. Cannoli

    Cannoli Typical Uccio


    You know I love'ya Hank :up:
  9. No:D

    I said if. I do often wonder why I feel the need to argue on here though. Its a minor personality flaw, but Id say that overall, no, Im not an idiot.

  10. Don't you have some meat to smoke or something?:D
  11. Hawk518

    Hawk518 Resident Alien

    Not before he does some trimming!
  12. Garyb425

    Garyb425 Well-Known Member

    Would Schwantz beat the CRTs? No.

    And I believe that he would agree with that.
  13. I still think he would beat Ellison at the very least, but I do agree, that if asked, he would probably say that he would come in last place. He seems like a pretty humble guy, and respectful of all the racers.
  14. Prolog

    Prolog Cantstandya

    The only factor debating kevins ability to hang with Hayes, Haga, Spies, etc... would be his physical condition, hes OLD! But i wouldent doubt his abilities one bit. He manhandled the 500cc era with grace. I bet he can still throw a bike around pretty damn good. Mike Hailwood was pretty old and still owned the TT is his prime age. The debate should of been Rainey in the chair VS Christopher Reeve on his stallion around the kentucky derby. Still would of put my money on RAINEY!
  15. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    I seriously think Kevin might be in better physical shape now than at his peak of riding.
  16. 418

    418 Expert #59

    Not that I was checking the dude out in the pits or anything :Poke: but agreed. That guy is in crazy good shape, I wonder what his body fat is.
  17. BC

    BC Well-Known Member

    The eyes and the reflexes are more inportant than the physical stuff, and that's what you lose with age.

    No way he can hang today.
  18. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Not sure those are as important in motorcycle racing as other sports. Feel is important so he would need some track time. He also wouldn't have the aggressiveness to really push hard either. My other answer was more pot stirring than anything, I think he'd be able to qualify tho.
  19. crashman

    crashman Grumpy old man

    Joey Dunlop was still winning at 48. I think once competition started Schwantz would do better than alot of people think.
  20. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    He is still one of the most naturally talented people I've ever seen on any kind of motorcycle.

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