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ticks - WTH?!

Discussion in 'General' started by gapman789, May 29, 2011.

  1. gapman789

    gapman789 Well-Known Member

    Are ticks especially bad this year or what?
    I can't go into my yard to mow, weedeat, toss ball with the boy, etc...without coming in and finding a couple ticks crawling up my leg.

    Do I need to wear a dogs' flea/tick collar and take a flea/tick bath once a week? Damn.
  2. rc-rick

    rc-rick Well-Known Member

    Buy a couple of chickens.
  3. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Yeah bad down here this year too.
  4. ToddClark

    ToddClark f'n know it all

    yup, ive been living where i am for 20 years and have never had a tick on me from working in the yard, and everytime i go cut grass, i wind up with at least one on me, and ive never had to pull one off my dog and he's getting them almost everytime i take him out to piss.
  5. Marc Camp

    Marc Camp Well-Known Member

    I've been running alot of storm trouble as of late and the ticks are horrible!One of the guys i work with had one dug in the middle of his baCK.He had to get it cut out.:wow:I've had many on me.I've never seen it this bad.
    Last edited: May 29, 2011
  6. trancework

    trancework It's always now...

    If you really want the tick heebie jeebies, go watch the lyme disease documentary "Under Our Skin".
  7. RoadRacerX

    RoadRacerX Jesus Freak

    Indeed. And this isn't make believe. Lyme disease can give you heart block, which is one reason you could need a pacemaker. Ticks are extremely bad in TN this year.
  8. Shenanigans

    Shenanigans in Mr.Rogers neighborhood

    Pulled on of the dogs head yesterday, he had been out about 10 mins to do his business. Lil fukker<tick>was alreadystarting to dig in!
  9. povol

    povol Well-Known Member

    They do seem worse than normal this year. I am treating my dog twice a month instead of once, and he is primarily an indoor dog.
  10. RoadRacerX

    RoadRacerX Jesus Freak

    my neighbor next door owns a pest control business. He sprayed my backyard and my woods. They haven't been a problem since. But we've been looking at buying about 20 acres, and we get ticks on us every place we've looked at. Worthless little buggers!h
  11. sbhockey

    sbhockey Orange shirt #157

    I go shooting at a buddy's 30 acre sheep farm (hold the sheep jokes) and that place is a breeding ground for ticks. I actually change in my detached garage and throw what ever I was wearing right in the wash to keep them from getting in the house.
  12. barnacle bill

    barnacle bill Darethea and B Bill

    yeah their bad this year

    especially the really little "turkey" ticks . you can hardly see the dang things. I'm putting my pants legs down in my socks and spraying with a good insect repellant before I do any weedeating or mowing or field work . skin so soft works pretty well too . when I was a kid we'd tie a cloth soaked in kerosene around our ankles to turn the chiggers and ticks when we'd pick blackberries or work in the hay. I don't ever recall having many chiggers or ticks then either so maybe it worked. just my 2 cents . I had to be treated for a tick bite 2 years ago . if you get a bullseye looking sore from a tick bite or swelling and heat with red streaks running from the area get your arse to a doctor for treatment pronto . better safe than sorry.

    ps. you can also get a spray to treat your clothes ( not your skin) . spray them a day or two before and let dry before you wear them. lasts about a week onthe clothes.
  13. SmokeSignalRT

    SmokeSignalRT Fat Member

    Dog had a few dead on her thanks to frontline so I had my yard treated by a pest control company last month and havent seen any since.
  14. gapman789

    gapman789 Well-Known Member

    Any idea what the cost would be to treat about an acre worth of yard?

    My well-groomed acre of yard is surrounded by tall grass fields and horses.
    I think all the damn severe storms and high winds that we've been having, blew them off the tall grass and into my yard. :confused:
  15. RoadRacerX

    RoadRacerX Jesus Freak

    My neighbor says yard treatments are usually around $100.
  16. bus

    bus Monkey with a football

    My yard is about 2/3 woods and the ticks have been pretty bad here too. I think it's all the rain. It seems like they are worse on the years we have a really wet spring. I was getting them every time I walked out into the yard. I put down a granular pesticide throughout the woods and on the lawn and then sprayed liquid on the lawn part of the yard a couple of weeks later. I haven't seen one since.
  17. buxton

    buxton Southern Canadian

    We've been dealing with ticks for years (damn little buggers). It does seem like they've been worse over the past few years though. We don't spray or anything (40 acres, what's the point?) but we check the dogs over really good when they come in. They love the attention.

    Wear light clothing as it makes them easier to spot. If you find one, drop them in a little tupperware container of rubbing alcohol which dispatches them pretty quick.

  18. T.Read

    T.Read Well-Known Member

    Found one in my belly button the day before Barber recently. GROSS! Better get it checked, still itches from time to time.
  19. Gorecki

    Gorecki verwirrt und orientierung

    My youngest has been fighting it for a year. They think they got it licked and it shows back up. :rolleyes:
  20. rockman

    rockman Member

    I take my two dogs to the river every weekend. One reacts badly to Frontline and other topicals so he doesn't get it.

    After swimming, they always go running through the woods and high grass but never seem to get any ticks. I wonder if being wet has any effect on keeping them off?

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