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Should you forgive after time served? I cant

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by Flex Axlerod, Feb 27, 2011.

  1. sheepofblue

    sheepofblue Well-Known Member

    The voices tell me... :Poke: j/k

    IMO there is a difference between forgiving and forgetting. IF he served his time and did so well then he is forgiven. However he once demonstrated the ability to kill a person in cold blood so I would have to remember that. Based on that it would be a hard call. If the dude learned and is repentant and feels terrible about an act that cannot be fixed I might give him a chance (just a chance) anything less and I avoid trouble best by not being there when it happens. My bet is a 30 second conversation would go a long way to knowing if he was worth given a chance to (sadly I doubt it since the first act sounds off the scale bad and vicious).

    Oh I would also have to factor in family. If you have a wife and/or kids the risk you take is for them also and then I would want the dude somewhere else.

    Good luck sounds like your decision is to stay away and that is not a bad one.
  2. Potts N Pans

    Potts N Pans Well-Known Member

    has Facebook become so engrained in our lives that you can't just ignore/cancel his request??

    If he sat down with you at a deli, catching you off guard, and had a talk with you face to face about what he had done, how he has changed, and wanting to pick up where he left off and you still did not feel comfortable to have him in your life...then yes ask opinions on how to handle the situation since he has already been in your person space.

    But it sounds like you don't want to have him in your life (that is fine) so just cancel the FB request like you hang up on a telemarketer or slam the door on a solicitor.
  3. SpeedyE

    SpeedyE Experimental prototype, never meant for production

    I would not want any contact from someone capable of such an act. I would be creeped out that he even contacted you.
  4. svtinker

    svtinker Well-Known Member

    Ticking f@cking time bomb! It's a numbers game let someone else be the victim next time.
  5. HiSpeed48

    HiSpeed48 Well-Known Member

    like others have said: F*ck him!
  6. Venom51

    Venom51 John Deere Equipment Expert - Not really

    After 23 years in prison he is likely to be a bigger shit bag with less regard for life than when he commited the previous crime.

    Fuck him...someone convited of murder should never be in a position for society to have to give a shit if he deserves a second chance.

    I'd personally prefer that anyone on Fagbook claiming he deserves a second chance be taken off the planet with him.
  7. STT-Rider

    STT-Rider Well-Known Member

    So just ignore his friend request. It's a free country and we are free to associate or disassociate with whomever we wish. What's the big fucking deal?
  8. Flex Axlerod

    Flex Axlerod Banned

    thanks guys. you confirmed my feelings. I politely told him to FOAD.
  9. Wingnut

    Wingnut Well-Known Member

    I have a "friend" from highschool serving out the remainder of a 18yr sentence in New Jersey for sexually attacking a 12 year old girl in a Mall bathroom. I was only friends of friends with him in Highschool. Right after graduation he was arrested for being a Peeping Tom, served probation only, then after that he was arrested for jerking off right outside a hairsalon in the middle of the day. Then he had a few other misc sex crimes pinned on him.

    I hope he seeks me out after he gets out of jail. Then I'll call the fathers/brothers of the girls he's attacked and he'll all go hiking for the day.

    Your "friend" murdering 2 people for being different than him is unforgiveable. If the victims family members decide to act out with revenge well I can forgive that. There is a time to kill. My old friend certainly deserves it...........

    The only people that I have as friends in my life have proven themselves and earned my trust, respect and love. I would never be friends with someone that I wouldn't trust alone with my wife or kids.......
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2011
  10. goose705

    goose705 Well-Known Member

    No you are definately NOT wrong. If the person who sent you the message is a fb friend of yours delete them at once. Forgiveness is divine according to some, but noone should suggest that your wrong for not forgiving. This guy killed someone because he didn't agree with their personal choice, and your a bad guy for not forgiving him? Pffft, some people. Don't beat yourself up buddy, move on and cut loose the ball busters.
  11. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    30 years? For 2 murders?

    As has been stated previously, forgiving is not the same as forgetting. That said, facebook is not a serious committment.
  12. MMAGuy1970

    MMAGuy1970 Member

    Forgive yes…. Forget no.

    I’ve known waaaaay too many folks that have spent various amounts of time in the house. As the saying goes… once they’ve been they’ll never return the same holds true to the n’th degree. It’s more important that I hold true to myself opposed to someone else’s beliefs. Fold and your morals will as well.
  13. Shenanigans

    Shenanigans in Mr.Rogers neighborhood

    I dont accept fbfr from people from high school. Didnt like them fukkers 26 years ago, why would i want to connect now
  14. RubberChicken

    RubberChicken PimpMasterT

    I'd totally forgive him, the minute that his two victims come back to life.
  15. Venom51

    Venom51 John Deere Equipment Expert - Not really

  16. Flex Axlerod

    Flex Axlerod Banned

    Yeah, the sentence caused a lot controversy. Look up judge jack hampton
    Plus, he only served 22 of 30
  17. Steeltoe

    Steeltoe What's my move?

    I've known several ex cons and spent time in a few prisons (carrying meetings not doing time). Some come out to become remarkable members of society.

    Simple truth of the matter is somebody within your circle of family and friends has done some awful shit you just don't know about. I don't care who you are. Still, there is no rule that you have to forgive jackshit from anyone. Unless you're a christian of course because they have to forgive EVERYBODY no matter what.:p

    I have a good friend who's dad is serving time for 1st degree murder. He went over to her crack dealer's house and blew that fucker's head off. I totally forgive him. He deserves a fucking medal and a cake. :beer:
  18. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

  19. Blackgt76

    Blackgt76 Well-Known Member

    When it comes to murder, especially in cold blood............ i am an eye for an eye kind of person. Forgive?? Fuck no, they should have killed him years ago.
  20. Venom51

    Venom51 John Deere Equipment Expert - Not really

    Amen...stop feeding and caring for people who had no regad for the life of others. You get convicted and loose the appeal you go straight to the fuckin chair...not sitting in a cell being fed regularly for 50 fuckin years.

    I'd extend that thought process to anyone serving a life sentence with no chance of parol either. Life should cover the time it takes to get them back to their prison cell and put a bullet in them.
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2011

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