Thank you Mr. John Ulrich RRW

Discussion in 'General' started by willowracer845, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. willowracer845

    willowracer845 When in

    I would like to give a personal thank you to Mr. John Ulrich, for taking the time to support us (U.S Troops) especially during our deployments. I saw JU post about free RRW issue to military service members, and I said what the heck, let me give it a try. And true to his word, I received my Volume 21, Number 2 February 2011 the ture Pinnacle of everything motorcycle news.

    Mr. John Ulrich, I salute you sir!

    USMC 0699
    1990 to present
    Camp Leatherneck
  2. peakpowersports

    peakpowersports Well-Known Member

    I'm sure he'll thank you even more :up:
  3. Potts N Pans

    Potts N Pans Well-Known Member

    Thank you for your service to our country and thank you JU/RRW for letting our service men/women know you appreciate what they do.
  4. mavrik82

    mavrik82 Well-Known Member

    :up:to John! And Semper Fi willowracer, thanks for havin' our backs!
  5. HenryZX6R

    HenryZX6R Well-Known Member

    Wow, was going to post up something very similar, but I suck at wording it. John, the new RRW shows up out here in the mountains, and it gets passed around like a dirty whore around the base. Lotta guys that ride out here. Thanks!
  6. RubberChicken

    RubberChicken PimpMasterT

    Gee, JU, you could use that as your new promotional line: "RRW- gets passed around like a dirty whore..."

    Everybody in publishing knows that advertisers look at "pass-along" estimates.

    Seriously, John, that is a good thing that you do. It helps keep those brave guys and gals thinking of freedom on wheels.
  7. Putter

    Putter Ain't too proud to beg

  8. John29

    John29 Road racing since 1973

    Thank you for your service, and thanks for reading Roadracing World.

    And if you can get a photo of you with an issue in the sandbox, send it along, I'd love to see it and maybe run it in the mag! (The more weapons that show in the photo, the better!)

    Any forward-deployed military person can get a free subscription, contact [email protected] .
  9. John29

    John29 Road racing since 1973

    PS: We've got our own Cpt. Hayley (Army) and Cpl. Brian (Marines) on staff here, and we want to do anything we can to make those deployments a little easier.
  10. Boman Forklift

    Boman Forklift Well-Known Member

    :up::beer::beer:^^^^^That's really cool that you give out free copies to our military folks. Here Here!!!!
  11. Aaron71

    Aaron71 BEEMER

    Long time No hear or See!!! How's the family?

    You might see me back over their real soon!

    GO ARMY! :D
  12. mattf

    mattf Banned-a-lama-ding-dong.

    I don't think that I'm going to read a better feel-good thread on the web anytime soon.

    Thank you for your service, and huge props to JU and RRW.
  13. HMEN

    HMEN Well-Known Member

    great stuff, when i was deploy my wife used to ship me RRW every month. thanks JU and RRW.
  14. Thistle

    Thistle Well-Known Member

    I love stories like this. Great to see that there are good hearted people in a troubled world. Thanks for your service guy's and gal's and kudo's to JU and staff for supporting them. :up:
  15. panthercity

    panthercity Thread Killa

    John, you're a good man (for an old curmudgeon). I'd have been tickled shitless to get a copy of Cycle News back in `69! ;)
  16. Tim McKinley

    Tim McKinley Salty Member

    just to pile on, when I was in the sand box and was blocked by some USAF IT nerd, there were posts here (of course the Beeb wasn't blocked) about some particularly juicy First Person Opinion pieces JU was writing and posting. I posted a request for someone to cut and paste, and even mentioned that I hoped JU wouldn't mind since I was deployed. Someone did indeed send me each of the articles, sequentially. It was of course JU, with a nice note and an invite to stop and say hi by if I made it to any of the rounds when I got back. Totally a class act.
  17. Suburbanrancher

    Suburbanrancher Chillzilla

    JU is a total class act :up:

    And thanks for your service, Willowracer :clap:
  18. Sicilian32

    Sicilian32 Well-Known Member

    I thank you as well again.. I have received a couple of copies as well out here in Africa and I'll tell you what it makes my day when one comes in. I forgot how much I love this magazine. (especially compared with the other "sport bike" mags on the market)

    Very Respectfully
    A US sailor thats been playing in the sand for a year now.
  19. DEAN

    DEAN Well-Known Member

    Class Act RRW thanks for supporting those that serve. Giant thanks to those that serve and have served this country.

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