I don't mean to sound insensitive but...

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by Ex CCS Racer, Jun 17, 2003.

  1. Ex CCS Racer

    Ex CCS Racer Banned

    Why is everyone making such a big deal of this? Why is she home? She is still enlisted isn't she? Is she on leave? Medically discharged? What? Is she the next Scott Grady,O'Grady, McGrady, or whatever the hell his name is? Next thing ya know the government will be giving her a fat check to compensate her for her conditions(s):rolleyes: Kinda like 9/11 victims' families getting paid because a family member was at the wrong place at the wrong time.

  2. Richard Lesher

    Richard Lesher Well-Known Member

    Well, usually when someone has broken limbs and is shot up they give them some time off before sending them back to the wolves.

    Also, like many other wars we kick ass so god damn fast heroes are hard to come by before it even gets started it's over.

    I recall a guy got the SILVER STAR in Desert Storm becasue he found mines laying on the ground and simply picked them up and cleared a path with ease.


    My grandfather's buddy takes it through the head the bulled grazes his skull (leaving a life time scare), he pulls him out of the line of fire, commendires a jeep, and gets the hell out of there with the intellegence items he was responsible for and he only gets a BRONZE star.

    It is relative.
  3. Novice732

    Novice732 Well-Known Member

    Why is she home? She's not "home", she's being treated for multiple broken bones and a spinal injury at Walter Reed Army Medical Center. And why do you have a problem with the US Government taking care of it's own? She sustained injuries in the performance of her duties. Damn straight she should be taken care of.

    Should we be making a big deal out of this? Not unless we make a big deal about all the other personnel who suffered injuries or were killed. But one thing really has nothing to do with the other. I see no special treatment being afforded to Lynch other than that which the press, not the Army, is focusing on.

  4. Joe Morris

    Joe Morris Off The Reservation

    Yeah, I'm kinda suprised by all the hubbub too. It seems that the publicity has given her a much different path of treatment than is typical. I'm not sure why she's ended up at Walter Reed but it beats being back with her unit and probably convelescing while pushing a broom or some other "light duty" non-sense.

    I had a buddy at Walter Reed and wasn't impressed with the quality of care. The neighborhood surrounding Walter Reed is like a little war zone at times.
  5. RCjohn

    RCjohn Killin machine.

    Oh yeah I see, everyone is all surprised about it now but everyone was on her damn bandwagon when I raised hell about going in to rescue one damn E-4 maintenance person with a gang of spec ops people. :rolleyes: :p

    It is simple my friends... she is a woman in the military that was captured. They will do anything to turn her into a hero. :rolleyes:

    No different than the first female carrier based fighter pilot that slammed her plane into the carrier killing herself. It made the national news. They didn't tell about the other half dozen or so men that do the same things every year and leave families behind. See this shit is just so much worse when it happens to a woman. :rolleyes:

    I'm all for women in combat roles if they choose but they shouldn't be treated special and any of you that thinks they don't you haven't been there. I should add though, women were treated worse than men for decades too and still are in many cases. :(
  6. Due North

    Due North Source of Insanity

    I like the part about the 'unnecessarily darmatic rescue',.....nothing like made-for-tv events. :D

    Perhaps John, there was no real risk to the sp-ops personel.
  7. Ex CCS Racer

    Ex CCS Racer Banned

    I do stand corrected, she IS still in a military hospital. I read my sources wrong the otehr day. But RCJohn put it exactly how it is.:mad:
  8. ysr612

    ysr612 Well-Known Member

    some operations are run as much for training as the actual rescue.
  9. RCjohn

    RCjohn Killin machine.

    I think you are right on this one. :)
  10. Paige

    Paige BBS FF Champ

    I heard a report yesterday that her legs were so badly broken (either from the impact of the humv crashing or the abuse she got) that she now has so many pins in her legs that it takes her 1 hour to get from her bed to a wheelchair.
  11. Ex CCS Racer

    Ex CCS Racer Banned

    I thought I read ALL of her injuries were due to the Humvee crash.
  12. Paige

    Paige BBS FF Champ

    OK, I wasn't sure if they clarified that up or not.
  13. tonya-k

    tonya-k Well-Known Member


    I have to admit..Im all for the "hero stories" ..
    So I ask myself.....was she a POW?....YES, she was.....BUT so were a dozen or so others..

    AND...she wasnt the only female captured...there was the black cook who was captured...aparently she didnt have the same "press appeal" that Jessica does???

    I guess theres publicity in cute little white girls from the county that appeal to americans......sad but true......
  14. Stake

    Stake Well-Known Member

    I've got no problem with her getting the treatment she requires....but-

    Lets look at what happened- They got lost. They got ambushed. Their weapons jammed apparently because they were not properly maintained (cardinal sin). They got captured. They had to be rescued.

    Now she has a free ride to a University, a book deal, a tribute website, and people are treating her like she is a hero. WTF? Did I miss something?

    If I could be rewarded so handsomly for being incompetent, I'd start F-ing up my job right now.

  15. Joe Morris

    Joe Morris Off The Reservation

    If that's the case then I REALLY feel for her! While Walter Reed is probably good for a military hospital but I'm sure it doesn't hold a candle to the quality of health care the rest of us can get (private sector). OK, now I feel sorry for her. :(
  16. MarkB

    MarkB All's well that ends well

    Give her a break. Both she and her family, have been through hell in this. I'm all for special ops going over the top in situations like this - no more Somalias where "just enough" force is used for the job. And these bronze and silver stars are not part of some competition; they are a sign of respect and gratitude from the country to its soldiers, they cannot really be compared.
    And if she and all her collegues f'ed up on so many levels, then there are reasons for this. Inadequate training, preparation, instruction, guidance, whatever, but its not necessarily their fault. Plus war is unpredictable.

    Anyway, let her have special treatment, and give her an award and pay for her school. Shes done her bit.
  17. Stake

    Stake Well-Known Member

    Sure, no one is responsible for their own actions- if they F up it must be because of something someone else did to make them incompetent. Please.

    And since we as a society love to throw the "Hero" word around indiscriminately, lets apply it across the board- to all those that did their job, kicked the sh!t out of the enemy, and didn't F up in the process. We're going to be coughing up the better part of the GDP paying the tuition for all these fine folks to go to school.
  18. TXFZ1

    TXFZ1 Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I agree!

    They got freakin lost because someone-in-charge didn't tell them the route had change, can't blame them for that one!

  19. Ex CCS Racer

    Ex CCS Racer Banned

  20. wera176

    wera176 Well-Known Member

    :clap: :clap:

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