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If you know someone you love that died of cancer, you should be outraged!

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by Marcello1966, Dec 3, 2010.

  1. Marcello1966

    Marcello1966 Well-Known Member

    I'm sorry I got the change your attitude from that movie. The PH thing comes from the Macrobiotic diet movement.
  2. Marcello1966

    Marcello1966 Well-Known Member

    This is the first page I opened on a scroogle search. Never been there before but it seems to be on target of my view. Didn't look past the first page. Maybe I should.

    Last edited: Dec 3, 2010
  3. Marcello1966

    Marcello1966 Well-Known Member

    Education is key

    When people tell me that I always wonder if they know how much weed is around. Their is a lot and a lot of people smoking it. Enough to give teachers and cops a raise if you taxed it.

    You would think a legislator worth their salt could write the very legislation that would be the right thing to do.

    Now about the abuse thing. I believe if you are educated about this plant you might just revere it enough to treat it with respect. Some folks smoke it once a week. Some folks smoke all day long. Some folks smoke once every few years. The bottom line is the government and pharmaceutical companies have already studied this plant extensively. Asking for more research is simply sucking up to bureaucrats and will cost us money. The legislators know what they should do for the People now.

    Cannabis education is important. I saw a guy walk into a coffee shop in Amsterdam after traveling on a train for 24 hours. Probably dehydrated, he takes a rip and promptly falls backward on to the floor with a thud. The uncaring European crowd continued their conversations while his embarrassed friends tended to him. Like my uncle Lu used to say, "these kids give drugs a bad name."

    I am sure I can get a witness when I say one hit at a time of the chroneek, is all you need. Two or three if your depressed. If you are smoking more than that your wasting it for sick people. Obviously how much is in that bowl depends on the size of your lungs. For you first timers out there, drink a lot of water and don't panic.
  4. Inquizid

    Inquizid Member Well-Known

    After last night's LOE Dungeon spat I should really learn to stay out of here but I feel passionate about this issue and last time I checked China hasn't cashed it's checks and repo'ed us so I can still speak my mind (without fear?)

    I had life saving intensive surgery several years ago. Morphine and opiate based drugs are HELL, can't eat, can't screw, can't take a dumpel, can't think straight, makes you sick from withdrawal. And the amount of APAP filler they put into those pills to keep you from abusing them, (which I don't, most are still expired in my cabinet), is enough to kill your liver more than the drug you are actually trying to take.

    Doctors would hand them out like candy I really felt like they were trying to make me an addict. But I had to drive to Savannah to see a family friend in order to get prescribed to Marinol, (which is terrible for recreation). It cured my nausea, pain, got my metabolism going, my second brain for the lady working...And the FDA called him the next day to ask why he prescribed it cause I wasn't dying of cancer or aids? In his thirty years with a prestigious practice this had never happened.

    Prop 19 was written to fail, like when the suburbs write a law to expand MARTA to them.
  5. Ganja Dude

    Ganja Dude Well-Known Member

    THC effects on Tumor Brain Cells, Normal Brain Cells

    Medical Marijuana Mice


    Cancer Cure - Cannabis & Cannabinoids,by Robert Melamede,PhD

    Cannabinoid System in Neuroprotection, Raphael Mechoulam,PhD

    A whole page of youtube videos Here

    Hemp Oil and Cancer

    Marijuana cuts lung cancer tumor growth in half, Harvard study shows

    I'll post more if you want them, but I doubt any of this will even make you give it more thought. It will probably all be snake oil to you until the day the trusted government comes out and says it works.:rolleyes:
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2010
  6. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    MR, I don't think anyone here is opposed to medical research or application. Just sayin.
  7. Ganja Dude

    Ganja Dude Well-Known Member

    Rick, I don't think most are opposed to it, the last comment was directed at SGVRider. It sounds to me like until the government comes out and says that THC will not kill you and will help curing cancer it will be considered snake oil by him.
  8. mattf

    mattf Banned-a-lama-ding-dong.

    I have no clue if weed will cure cancer, but I can relate a story about a friend who went thru cancer, smoked weed, and lived.

    Buddy gets diagnosed with cancer. Doctor tells him that he's got 6 months, maybe a year, and he should really start chemo ASAP in order to buy himself some time to get his affairs in order.

    Buddy begins chemo. Buddy is severely depressed over his situation. Buddy begins to smoke a shit ton of weed.

    Buddy is in chemo, sucking down Big Mac's and turkey sandwiches and anything else that eh can get his hands on. Everyone else in chemo is sick, feels like crap and wiped out with no appetite. My buddy will eat anything not nailed down, his assertion being that smoking the weed is making him hungry, counter to the chemo leaving him with no appetite.

    Buddy beats cancer.

    He was given a year to live, yet 15 years later he's not only still kicking, he's thriving.

    Was it the weed? Or was it the weed helping him to eat, keeping his strength and stamina going? Or was the original doctor just flat wrong to begin with? Who knows.....but if my doc ever looks over the desk and tells me "better get your affairs in order" the first thing I'm doing is picking up some chronic.
  9. RCjohn

    RCjohn Killin machine.

    That's very interesting. Kind of makes sense too from that whole nutrition angle.
  10. SGVRider

    SGVRider Well-Known Member

    The revenue argument is hackneyed. California is a fiscal mess for reasons much more complex than a lack of revenue or revenue sources. Even with new taxes California will continue to sink down the drain. I know lots of people smoke weed, and I think we should be free to do it if we please. I don't however think that the arguments that proponents of marijuana make are particularly cogent. I wouldn't mind seeing California follow the Dutch model, but for reasons of personal freedom and reducing the power of the state.

    Understandably, as someone who doesn't live here you don't understand how public policy works in this state. Lawmaking bodies are not the primary instrument of California public policy anymore and their influence wanes every day. Our ill-conceived and idiotic ballot initiatives drive policy in California. Each new ballot initiative makes it increasingly difficult to govern the state. Ballot initiatives cannot be modified by the state legislature, instead a simple majority vote by the public will enshrine them into the state constitution where they can only be removed by a 3/4 vote of the legislature and approval by the voters. California was supposed to be a republic, it's not. Instead it's become a failed direct democracy with legislators who accomplish nothing.

    My failure to 'revere' a narcotic plant doesn't come from a lack of education on the subject, sorry. It comes from the lack of SCIENTIFIC evidence on the subject. I will treat marijuana with the disdain or respect that it deserves based on peer-reviewed data garnered through use of the scientific method. All the wonderful anecdotal tales in the universe don't provide conclusive evidence as to the efficacy of marijuana in treating, well, anything. That doesn't mean that it's not effective, just that there's no objective proof. I could say smoking pine needles helped me overcome constipation because I had to take a wonderful crap after, does that prove that pine needles are an effective laxative?

    I don't trust our government or large corporations, but that doesn't mean that the proponents of marijuana are correct and that it's a magical plant with all kinds of wonderful magic properties. Saying that it 'cures' anything without proof is crackpot talk, just like saying Jesus took away someone's cancer because he's magical, too. What chemical and biological process does hemp seed oil use to cure cancer? The power of wishful thinking?

    Smoking marijuana is just like imbibing alcohol, you can do it responsibly or irresponsibly. Any drug can be abused, caffeine, painkillers, whatever.

    That's because THC has well known effects on certain neuroreceptors. There is a known and rationally described mechanism for THC to effect mood. That doesn't hold true for the dubious claims of mysterious curing effects. Do you see the difference?

    You posted links to Youtube videos and a single study describing a successful experiment in rats. The same study stated that scientists don't know why it works, and also that THC has the potential to stimulate certain cancers, as well as the fact that the same results haven't been demonstrated on primates let alone humans. Your little Youtube videos and single study don't provide definitive proof of your ridiculous assertion that hemp oil cures cancer. No one cares about Youtube videos, the only substantive evidence that you provided was the description of the study, which itself didn't provide definitive proof.

    I really don't care what the government has to say, I don't like or trust our government. Marijuana should be available for medical and scientific research, but absent ACTUAL proof (not Youtube videos and anecdotal stories from pot smoking friends) I won't believe that marijuana or derivative products can magically cure cancer.

    Actual proof would be a control group with the same type of cancer taking a placebo, and the other group with the same cancer taking a marijuana derived pharmaceutical and showing statistically significant improved medical outcomes. Do you have that? I didn't think so. Until then treatment with hemp oil is in the same realm as Chinese people eating ground up tiger penis as a substitute for viagara. The study you relayed regarding mice warrants further research, but doesn't constitute proof for your outrageous statement. Outrageous statements require outrageous evidence. Youtube videos don't convince anyone intelligent. If you can't understand the difference between what you believe to be true and what has been scientifically proven, then you need to stop smoking the ganga. Well, either that or you have similar thought processes to the 53% of Americans who reject the theory of evolution by natural selection, or people that believe the government orchestrated 9/11 and that NASA faked the moon landings. :p Now, I haven't said that you're completely wrong, just that you completely lack proof for your incredible claims.
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2010
  11. Ganja Dude

    Ganja Dude Well-Known Member

    I see what you are saying, but I see no reason for people like Rick Simpson, and the many people in the "Run from the Cure" video to lie. I doubt there will ever be a study like you are suggesting until the laws are changed. At least you don't trust the government either.:up:
  12. Ganja Dude

    Ganja Dude Well-Known Member

    Last edited: Dec 5, 2010
  13. Orvis

    Orvis Well-Known Member

    Because of the complicated medical, and drug control systems we have here, there are probably a lot of chemicals and substances that would be a boon to man's battle against disease if they were brought onto the scene. One of the obstacles that hamper us is the propensity of some do gooders to still think that anything that feels good must therefore be bad. I am, quite honestly, confused on the issue.

    I, and many others, feel that with all the studying that's been done on MJ why hasn't it been cleared for medical use without interference? It would seem that the American Medical Assoc., and Federal Drug Assoc, would have enough power to bring MJ into the family of treatments available if it were actually useful.

    It has always seemed to me that the only voices raised for MJ are the users of MJ. Why is that? Either it does have good uses, besides getting high, or it doesn't. How do we clear this issue up in the public's eye?
  14. Orvis

    Orvis Well-Known Member

    MR, I will have to side with SGV to some extent. Like him, I'm a bit of a skeptic on what I read on the net. Since I don't know this Rick Simpson then I will not trust what he has to say until proven otherwise. He is saying it for some reason, it's just that I don't know what that reason is.

    I tend to believe science and the results that it comes up with. The acception is that if it's Government scientists doing the research then my skepticism rises again. On the other hand, I tend to really get skeptical when the people making all the claims for MJ are users.
  15. Marcello1966

    Marcello1966 Well-Known Member

    The free market is not

    Could it be this simple? 25,000 different products can come from the hemp plant. 25,000 different products come from petroleum. Until hemp is allowed to grow, the free market is a lie and it has been since 1937.

    I took this from the web-page below.

    An important clue to who was behind this prohibition-pretending-to-be-a-tax can be found in the DuPont 1937 Annual Report: "The revenue raising power of government may be converted into an instrument for forcing acceptance of sudden new ideas of industrial and social reorganization". (68) With hemp rope gone, DuPont's new invention Nylon would be one of the synthetic “sudden new ideas” accepted by North American citizens.

  16. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Nylon being better strength to weight - and especially if you start looking at the kevlar fibers and the like - of course have nothing to do with it :D
  17. Inquizid

    Inquizid Member Well-Known

    So really I'll trust Pfizer and that proven science over God and/or nature any day?!?

    So all those FDA science and lobbyist backed drugs that get pulled from the market for killing people compare to the risk of a substance that has never killed anybody? Did you know that they spend much more on the marketing than the research behind that science? The warning on side effects of Marinol compared with the horrendous side effects of other medications was and I quote, "may cause narcoleptic fits". That's right, it might make you pass out and go to sleep. Let's all be scared now and think of the children....and no I don't use marijuana for recreation, I grew out of that years ago for the sake of my family but if they would quit threatening to ruin my life over it I can say I'd prefer it to alcohol any day. It is also degrading and insulting whenever anybody ask me to give them some pee to prove this.
  18. chuck1234

    chuck1234 Well-Known Member

    ive been smoking for a while now and i guarantee im just as smart as all you drinkers and im in better shape.:moon:
  19. Marcello1966

    Marcello1966 Well-Known Member

    It never had a chance to compete in the "free market" and find out what may have been it best uses for our country. The choice was made for us through manipulation while the American farmer got screwed and is still getting screwed.

    Mercedes is putting hemp in their cars, where is ours hemp industry?

    The DEA showed up on the Pine Ridge reservation and ripped up their hemp crop. The Natives where trying to create a legitimate industry to help them out of poverty.
  20. Ganja Dude

    Ganja Dude Well-Known Member

    Ok so nylon makes stronger/lighter rope. What about that hemp makes better/longer lasting paper, and that hemp can grow in a few months as compared to years for trees. Everything I have ever read/saw says that a dupont chemical for paper out of trees is what started the whole hemp being illegal fiasco, they just used the made up scares of marijuana to outlaw hemp. Of course that is only two uses out of the many that we are not allowed to use the plant for.

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