Honestly...how stupid can ya be..Darwin loses

Discussion in 'General' started by DocPup, Jun 16, 2010.

  1. DocPup

    DocPup How do it know?

    Darwin Fails!!!

    Keaneu Reeves Voice:

    Your car is accelerating out of control and you have no brakes, no emergency brakes, nothing...what do you do....WHAT DO YOU DO!??!?!?!
  2. eboos

    eboos Slowski

    Shifting into neutral would have been a bit better then jumping out.
  3. HAZE

    HAZE Group Therapy

    How about turn the ignition off ??
  4. CounterSteerer

    CounterSteerer Screwed

    Headlines should have been;
    Natural selection adverted due to extreme inane ability.
  5. kiggy74

    kiggy74 As useful as an...

    So where did the car end up after she jumped?
  6. onefastgs500

    onefastgs500 Well-Known Member

    shoot the hostage:up:
  7. skee

    skee # 358

    STUPID is as STUPID does

    I think this one has you beat!

    Edited to say this is gross as hell and no one should look at it - Mongo

    Attached Files:

  8. svtinker

    svtinker Well-Known Member

    Drinking that Carolina moonshine?

    Do they cover this possibilty in drivers ed?

    She'd make a great motorcycle gear tester.:D
  9. cobra2497

    cobra2497 Well-Known Member

    How does a so called reporter interview her and not ask a simple question as "Did you try to turn the ignition off or put it in neutral?"
  10. eboos

    eboos Slowski

    That's a whole lot of stupid right there.

    He should have continued looking for skyhooks and a PRC-E7.
  11. brand-o

    brand-o Well-Known Member

    Smells like insurance fraud to me...
  12. svtinker

    svtinker Well-Known Member

  13. Spyderchick

    Spyderchick Leather Goddess


    Skee...you were just waiting to post this somewhere, weren't you?
  14. TurboBlew

    TurboBlew Registers Abusers

    she should have her license suspended indefinitely!!!

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