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Vintage 'Dash for Cash' @ Barber

Discussion in 'WERA Vintage' started by Hate McDead, Feb 14, 2010.

  1. Hate McDead

    Hate McDead Well-Known Member

    Is that WERA event at Barber still in play where the vintage classes work in more AHRMA bikes and there's some actual purse money?
  2. hinshaw929

    hinshaw929 Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure - depends on how fast you are. ;)

    Yes - the Fast from the Past Vintage Challenge will take place again this year. :)
  3. Hate McDead

    Hate McDead Well-Known Member

    Thanks but what is the date?

    Of course the purse isn't for me.

    Hate McDead is just a broken old man. but then..........hope springs eternal
  4. charles

    charles The Transporter

    Dr. McDead:

    We would hope you would podium your 2-stroker to earn some of the FFTP prize. If not, due to your age and condition (i.e., broken), you could come to the event to take in the comraderie and sounds (of 2-Stroke Victory).
  5. hinshaw929

    hinshaw929 Well-Known Member

    May 1st
  6. Hate McDead

    Hate McDead Well-Known Member

    May 1st.

    Now that's a date I could work with.

    Maybe I'll bring my Seeley 7R, Boy Racer, 350GP bike down. Just to display, mind you. Or maybe to try a feeble warm up lap. Certainly not to race. Of course when you're a broken old man, the very idea of actually racing a motorcycle could cause a heart attack in no time.

    I could bring my Yamaha YZ450 Super Mono too. Don't know why though.

    I heard something over the winter that there is a concept that if you roll the throttle far enough that it becomes 'pinned'. This thing called pinned? Is it a phenomenon like Zen meditation or is it something of real merit? The concept escapes me.

    And perhaps I should bring my Rickman Montesa for display. To show the world the evils of the 2 Stroke. (I wonder if there's a correlation between 2 Stoke and suffering a stroke?)
  7. charles

    charles The Transporter

    Freedomize Hate McDead!
  8. TheJames

    TheJames Feelin lucky?

    What was the result of the v6lw protest last year?
  9. TheJames

    TheJames Feelin lucky?

  10. kenessex

    kenessex unregistered user

    Dr McDead,
    Have you considered the removal of that horrid 2 stroke lump from the Rickman and replacing it with an appropriate 4 stroker, like a BSA, Triumph or Royal Enfield? It might make a delightful 250GP racer with the right power plant.

  11. T.Read

    T.Read Well-Known Member

    Maybe this year the challenge will be a dry race. Hasn't it rained like hell everytime y'all have done it? Last year was my first time.
  12. ringdingding

    ringdingding TWO-STROKE MILITIA

    You mean the guy who bragged about being illegal to some and finally got protested?

    Check the results at the main WERA site, there is a DQ. You mean That One?
  13. Hate McDead

    Hate McDead Well-Known Member

    This is an interesting idea. As a Doctor of Nuclear Propulsion (yes, I am also a rocket scientist among many other degreed disciplines), I have considered many options but none as intriguing as this.

    At first I had visions of the Montesa 2 stroke approaching the level of a TSS Bultaco and challenging the vintage 250 GP class, but those dreams were dashed on the treaterous shoals of 2 stroke deception.

    Perhaps, a new vision of a nifty little proper 4 stroke might lift this delightful little running chassis like the Phoenix bird from the ashes and free it from the chains of the 2 stroke enslavers. Thank you for the inspiring thoughts, Ken.

    I will give some thought to a pucca little motor for the Rickman Montesa.

    It would be interesting to see if Sir Charles will feel the need to prove the worth of the misconstrued 2 stroke and offer a solution himself.
  14. TheJames

    TheJames Feelin lucky?

    yeah, but I thought it was "unofficial" and would be decided at the end of the year. and I never got my money:(
  15. hinshaw929

    hinshaw929 Well-Known Member

    Second and third were paid prize money at the track. Money for first place was held pending outcome of the protest. So I don't understand "I never got my money" ?
  16. TheJames

    TheJames Feelin lucky?

    What don't you understand? I asked you about it at Talladega a couple of weeks later and you told me it probably wouldn't be decided until around the GNF, depending on when Sean got around to it. If you're implying that I got paid at the track, that's a mistake. I went to Wera at the end of the day, and they told me to go find you, or Joe, and unfortunately, ya'll had to leave early.
  17. hinshaw929

    hinshaw929 Well-Known Member

    If I owe you any money you'll be paid now. Please call me at 404-680-6502 to sort this out.

    My motorhome with the Fast from the Past banner on it was parked next to the podium at Barber until 6:00 that Saturday. Did you show up for the awards ceremony?
  18. charles

    charles The Transporter

    Dr. McDead von Braun:

    Before you freedomize the chassis, send me a PM about the unfortunate mishandling and pillage of the lovely Montesa. Perhaps one of your overpaid minions felt slighted and sabotaged your entry into the wonderful world of 2 Strokes.


    "Never a wasted stroke!"
  19. TheJames

    TheJames Feelin lucky?

    Well I'm not sure that you do. If you paid someone for 2nd place in that race, then they owe me money. I was just under the impression that it would be paid when Sean made his decision, and I never saw anything stating his ruling on it, but I assumed that nothing ever came of it since I didn't see him post anymore about it on here.

    I will call you around 5:00 today if that's ok. If you're sure someone else came and got that money from you though, let me know and I'll have to hunt them down :D. There's no need for you to payout for one position twice.
  20. YAM#849

    YAM#849 y'all watch this...

    I thought you were gonna let me make that taco-burner run like it was on rice? :confused:

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