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Discussion in 'General' started by RAMBO, Jan 22, 2010.

  1. RAMBO

    RAMBO Well-Known Member

    :confused:MAN does this suck.11 years gone but 2 two fabulous kids wishing them to stay with me. Awarded temporary custody with my restraining order today..
    This is second time I have had a restraining order on her and awarded kids.. Any lawyers want to trade some motorcycle labor for assistance? Located in Fl..
    SOOO DAM NERVOUS.. Any supportive words would be great right now..
    So how many single dads out there on the board?
  2. outlawgibbs

    outlawgibbs Well-Known Member

    Best of luck to ya. I kinda know what your going through. 2 years and one kid but I never needed a restraining order. And I also didnt get the kid. But we get along good now that its over.
  3. JTW

    JTW Well-Known Member

    I'm not a single dad and hopefully won't ever be one as long as my wife continues to put up with my sh!t but I was raised by a single mother due to divorce. All I can say from that perspective is to focus on your kids and do what you can to continually let them know that you and your ex both love them unconditionally and that this has nothing to do with them. I know that this is common sense and that I'm probably not telling you anything you don't already know. Hang in there and good luck.
  4. Slaps808

    Slaps808 Well-Known Member

    im a single dad/parent.
  5. Putter

    Putter Ain't too proud to beg

    Good luck dude. I have a three year old and I couldn't imagine doing it by myself.
  6. nwong

    nwong Active Member

    Never had a restraining order, but single dad. Best advice I can offer is if you don't have a lawyer yet get one soon. The more prepared you are the better. I wish you the best of luck.
  7. weber#465

    weber#465 mud fight

    Make sure your or her desire to have custody of them is not financially (or I just want to win a fight) motivated.

    How old are your kids?

    Been a single dad/parent (x 3) since 1993, and am in my last year until they (twins) graduate high school. I went through a similar deal (restraining order, police, court, etc).

    Sounds like you two are off to a shaky start, beings you two WILL have to put up with each other even after the divorce. After you two get through with all the hair pulling and scratching each other, the lawyers will have a pile of money that the children could’ve and should’ve benefited from. If she loves the children, then try not to let ya’lls spat be detrimental to them.

    I am sure you will do the best you can, BUT (believe it or not) the children will lose a lot if you two aren’t partners in their well being.

    Good luck.:beer:
  8. gapman789

    gapman789 Well-Known Member

    This is one of the reasons why I'm 40 and never been married.
    Scared as hell to go thru a divorce.

    My parents divorced when I was 13 and I think that had alot to do with how I look at marriage now....

    Good luck man...time will take care of everything....
  9. Gigantic

    Gigantic Maverick Moto Media

    Do you know why divorce is so expensive?

    Because it's worth it!

    fortunately, I don't have kids, but I've been through the divorce wringer. sorry to see anyone go through that, but if you've had two restraining orders, it's fair to say that better days are ahead of you, man! good luck with the proceedings.:beer:

    NEDRAGGER 2001 RC51

    spent 10 yrs married 2 wonderfull daughters,now divorced 3 yrs. and i just happend too say this just yesterday " DIVORCE, IT IS JUST AN INVESTMENT ON A FUTURE. hang in there it gets better and the bright side, you have your kids and thats the most importatnt thing any father could ask for..

  11. TurboBlew

    TurboBlew Registers Abusers

    what does your soon to be ex do that warrants a restraining order? :D
  12. antor1

    antor1 Well-Known Member

    I would try to avoid any restraining order unless the mom is no good. What mom or dad would like their kid to have a schedule. I personally am divorced but have a good relationship with her and I think it would be even better if we had a kid.
  13. oldmonk

    oldmonk Just trying something!

    I am typing in on my guy's account. I am a lawyer in a different state, however I will tell you this, I think it is an awesome thing that you are protecting your kids. Always put their best interest first, and get a lawyer down there in Florida. The one thing to remember if you need a lawyer is find the one that best fits your needs and if you need to interview several of them. Don't forget they work for you!!!! I wish you well....

    Good luck, we're both divorced with kids so we know how hard it can be. But like some have already mentioned.....it'll get better! That last part was me.
  14. AH406

    AH406 Well-Known Member

    My divorce is actually official this week after a year seperated. Have a wonderful 5 year old daughter and I am lucky to be really close and friends with my ex. The money thing in divorce can be very destructive and take away the focus that should be on your kids. Protect and shield your kids from any battle and negativity with your future ex. If you talk bad about her they will reflect it onto themselves because they are a part of her. Do whatever you can including eating a little crow and taking the high road when your being dragged thru mud but do what you must to create a truce with the soon to be ex. Really sucks to have to go thru that crap but your kids will be proud of you and you will can walk away holding your head high. Forgive but don't forget or you will marry the same type of person again. And I highly recommend going with the future ex if possible to go to a divorce and parenting seminar. They are hosted by counties, usually at the court house and they are very informative and help answer a lot of ?s as well as give you achance to see other people who are going thru the same things. Helps get your perspective straight. Good luck man, hope that helps.
  15. sauce314

    sauce314 BROWN DYNAMITE

    its going to be hard on you & your kids.i spent $40,000 tryn to get full cust of my son.the law in il is very hard on dad's.good luck
  16. Newsshooter

    Newsshooter Well-Known Member


    Parents putting their children in the middle is the worst thing any parent could do. I realize it's very hard to do sometimes, but always try to take the high road when you can. I got to the point where I would tell my mom if she was going to complain about her soon to be ex, (she's been married a few times), that she could talk to someone else cause I wasn't going to listen. My mom asked me once when I was 29 if she was the reason I said I'd never get married? An I said "Ya think", she never asked again. :) Got married when I was 30, will be married 20 years this year, I'm a lucky man.
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2010
  17. Bad Dog

    Bad Dog Well-Known Member

    I hope you get your kids, I'd be lost without mine, :(

    Me too, he's a handful at 3 and we also have a 6 month old daugther, I don't know how my wife does it, :wow:
  18. WERA74

    WERA74 Poser and proud of it!

    I have seen my war here. PM me.
  19. camp170

    camp170 Well-Known Member

    There is a national law firm that advertises that is supports the single dad's side of things-I can't recall the name but they do have a web presence and were all over the US. Maybe someone all has heard of them.
  20. Dits

    Dits Will shit in your fort.

    Ummmm.... wait.... pm sent to OP.

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