Durrani magnesium wheels?

Discussion in 'General' started by Booger Van der Jackass, Apr 13, 2007.

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  1. RIB333

    RIB333 Well-Known Member

    Well, one could assume that the wheel is dead and buried. But far from it. The wheel is one of the, if not the seminal invention in the history of mankind.

    Durrani has just taken to another metaphysical level.
  2. charles

    charles The Transporter

  3. socalrider

    socalrider pathetic and rude

    hahahahhahahaha :Pop:
  4. TheMoldMaker

    TheMoldMaker Well-Known Member

    why socalrider take out popcorn? moovy starting?
  5. rainmanrm

    rainmanrm Well-Known Member

    I have not read the last few pages. Did Charles get his wheels?
  6. chrison600

    chrison600 Well-Known Member

    "Every time a bell rings a rider gets his wheels."
  7. caferace

    caferace No.

    and a kitten is killed. :D

  8. C-Par

    C-Par Well-Known Member

    Guys, I have an old Roadracer X magazine July 09, I take into the crapper at work to reasearch while I do my thing.

    Yesterday, doing my thing
    On pg 42 BAM, an advertisement $1598 per pair.

    I though WOW do they now exist? They must it now in magazines.

    Well I found this post and its crazy, this thread is way deep in stories and philosophy.

    Can someone break it down and narrate this story to me? There is much here I do not understand?

    Can you buy these stupid things?
  9. socalrider

    socalrider pathetic and rude

  10. caferace

    caferace No.

    Before you even think about it? Start from page one. I know it sounds painful, but it'll hurt less than draining your bank account on something that doesn't actually... well. Just go read.

  11. C-Par

    C-Par Well-Known Member

    Come one, there are 300 + pages.

    I cheated and skipped through a bunch and got confused?

    My work and family will be pissed if I waste my time reading 300 pages of this post.
  12. charles

    charles The Transporter

    First of all, you really need to go back to Page One and start there. In fact, it is a requirement, otherwise the Committee will hear of it and there'll be hell to pay, fines levied, messengers sent forth, and huge shitstorms all the way up the line. So return to Page One and begin reading. As you do so, more will be revealed, but only if you allow your mind to accept what you will learn.

    The path is true, but, like a forest, you know where you go in but you won't know where you'll come out. Have no fear, there are countless millions who went before you. Regarding 'the wheels,' be advised that this hallowed thread was never really about 'the wheels.' Even 'the wheels' weren't really about 'the wheels.' There is, as you say, "much here" that you will struggle to understand. Again, fear not, that is why there are The Guides who will assist you on this journey, such as Rainmanrm, The Moldmaker, and Kenessex. There are others but you will need to select only one Guide. So, knowing this and grasping the serpentine nature of what transpires herein, return to Page One- we will know if you did this- and return here after you read 30 pages, no more, no less- we will know if you did this. Last, never, repeat, never use the word "stupid" to make reference to 'the wheels.'

    Carry on.
  13. chrison600

    chrison600 Well-Known Member

    You mean Durrani wheels are made out of dead kittens?!

    Oh the HUMANITY!

    Maybe that explains everything. A kitten shortage!
  14. speedfree

    speedfree not so slow as all that..

    yes. send the money to me, prepaid in full up front, and i will make sure it is delivered to the appropriate party, after which you will get your wheels as soon as they are ready.
    what make/model motorcycle do you need them for?
  15. charles

    charles The Transporter

    Tell your 'work' and family that you got a huge thing going on here, something that they wouldn't understand or want in their lives, and it is time for you to move ahead in a different direction...then, start reading before it is too late.

    Time is not yours to waste. Time is neither saved nor wasted. It is what it is.
  16. charles

    charles The Transporter

    Stop it. You don't know where the hubs are.
  17. BRKNtibia

    BRKNtibia AMAfan Wannabe

    Basically, what Charles is saying is you have to put in the time and effort of waxing the cars, painting the fence, and sanding the floors so that you can thoroughly understand the philosophy of "wax on, wax off".
  18. panthercity

    panthercity Thread Killa

    Reading this thread can not be considered a waste by any other than those who are already wasted.
  19. Spyderchick

    Spyderchick Leather Goddess

    And thus, another begins the journey...
  20. charles

    charles The Transporter

    ...perhaps to where no man has gone before...
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