What do you think..

Discussion in 'General' started by tonya-k, Feb 27, 2003.

  1. tonya-k

    tonya-k Well-Known Member

    Girl turns her back on the American Flag and looks down at floor during the National Anthem..

    She is a basketball player for a college in NY..........



  2. dtalbott

    dtalbott Driving somewhere, hauling something.

    Morning, Tonya-k,

    Sounds like a little rich girl who doesn't really understand what she is doing. Sort of like giving someone the middle finger and saying that means they are number one.

    I would hope that she loses any federal scholarships (if any) that she is using. Of course, that would get the ACLU involved.

    Respect the flag, respect the soldiers, protest the politicians.

    See Ya,

    Darrin Talbott
  3. MarkB

    MarkB All's well that ends well

    I dont agree with her protest. But that aside, she has shown alot of strength, courage of conviction, calm, poise, and a strong sense of personal responsibility for what the country does in her name. And all this at 21 years old. She will go far.

    Me, at 21? I couldn't look a person straight in the eye, was nervous, had no idea of the world. Oh - and I was caught in the 80's fashions long in to the 90's.
  4. MarkB

    MarkB All's well that ends well

    Nah - if she was a little rich kid who didn't understand what she was doing, she would just stare blindly up at the flag, and let her mind wander off to thoughts of losing her virginity in the back of her boyfriends car the night before, and wondering if her sorority sisters were going to give each other a make-over before the party that night. The thoughts of far-away conflicts, and what role the US has in the world would not have even entered her pretty head.

    I still don't agree with what she did.
  5. WERA522

    WERA522 Lost

    I can deal with people burning the flag out of protest. I can deal with people ignoring our flag. But when it comes to the national anthem, that is a whole different story. I know I have some weird political views, but our national anthem is sacred.
  6. VFR pilot

    VFR pilot Well-Known Member

    kick her ass, sea bass!
  7. tonya-k

    tonya-k Well-Known Member


    Im just surprised she made it out of the arena alive,,,,

    I mean they could have jumped her....kicked her ass...then rolled her up in the American Flag and dumped her in the River....

    ...but wait... on second thought.. that would be desecrating the American Flag...they'd have to wrap her up in something else......................
  8. 50Joe

    50Joe Registered User

    I don't agree with her actions, but her ability to take her stance and not be put in jail (or worse) for it is one of the things that makes this country great. This country would really suck if everyone looked, thought, and believed the exact same things. Our diversity is our strength and supports our system of checks and balances.
  9. MarkB

    MarkB All's well that ends well

    "A half revolution of the body that had gone unnoticed for months" - hardly flicking her middle finger to society if no one noticed for so long. Let her have her little protest, as long as she understands what she is really doing.

    Anyway forget all that - POP QUIZ for you all. Who said the following:

    "(roadracing) is like high-speed ballet on two wheels" ??

    Anyone? I'll give you a clue? You know him/her.
  10. Renaissance man

    Renaissance man Well-Known Member

    I always like to see intellectual douchebags like this. Only in America does a woman not realize that in many other countries (like the one she is afraid we may go to war with), you can be bought/sold as quickly as you arrive in country. The dirtbags over there think of women as simple material possesions. You can beat them, or do whatever you want. Iraq is probably one of the more progressive countries when it come to their treatment of women, but don't be mistaken with that and the civilized world.

    I sure would like to see the expression on her face if she was dropped in the middle of IRAQ and found by some nomads. I am sure she would find out the meaning of the word "CamelTrain" real fast.

    Oh for all of you ultraliberals out there. Since everyone of you seem to know someone that was "in the middle of everything going on" whenever you want to argue about some bleeding heart subject, find a female that served on a com team or something that was near the front. Ask them what happened when nomads would come by.

    I will tell you what happened to our females when nomads where around. The nomads wanted to buy our "whores" (Female Soldiers). They could not understand what women we be doing in a unit other than be there to be our "whores".

    Yeah, you dumbasses, go protest a war against people of this mentality that have NBC weapons.
  11. SpongeBob WeaselPants

    SpongeBob WeaselPants Bohemian Ass-Clown

    In our founders’ homelands, if you disagreed with the ruling power, had the wrong religion, or were just different... you got locked up or had your head chopped off. They wrote the constitution to change the injustices of their homelands.

    I don't agree with the kid, but she has a right to express her opinions. A founding block of this country was freedom of speech.
  12. HFD1Motorsports

    HFD1Motorsports BIKE TUNA

    Send her to Iraq to play basketball:mad:
  13. SpongeBob WeaselPants

    SpongeBob WeaselPants Bohemian Ass-Clown

    Maybe she's protesting against YOUR mentality :D
  14. wera313

    wera313 Well-Known Member

    Dave Sadowski?!!? Has someone else been watching Superbike re-runs?
  15. dtalbott

    dtalbott Driving somewhere, hauling something.

    When I was getting out of the Army, a two-star general came in to deliver a final speech and issue one last order - "If you ever see anyone burning the American flag, go up and hit them as hard as you possibly can."

    Again, respect the flag. Respect the soldiers. Protest the politicians.

    See Ya,

    Darrin Talbott
  16. CorollaDude

    CorollaDude Beach Bum

    A spoiled brat who got everthing at home she demanded, but when she went off to college, she couldn't get the attention of the jock guy she wanted, so she decided she'd playbasketball. Has a two point average coming in from bench, so doesn't get his attention, so she decides she'd try to make him jealous by going after political science dude she likes. He doesn't give her time of day so she gets all "political" by turning her back on flag.

    Next thing she knows CNN and FoxNews pick up story and she has to play along with war protester mode otherwise she'd have to admit what a mindless twit she is. Poly-Sci dude still doesn't give a hoot about her because he's a Bill O-Reilly fan and is having a passionate relationship with sexy, beautiful Armenian exchange student.

    But on-campus, hate-America hippie turd protesters living off mom and dad's college tuition payments flock around her as their new goddess. She gets all the doobies and Thai sticks she wants for the rest of her college career.

    Twenty years later, she's a rich bitch who never had to lift a finger because of her two maids and husband who earns a big living ripping off smalltown investors with worthless IPOs. She rides around with an American flag on the back of her Jaguar that she only uses to skip off to Ocean City to see her young boyfriend.

    All the while hoping no reporter from FoxNews makes a connection and does a story: "She Now Loves her Cushy, Sinful American Existence, But 20 Years Ago She Turned her Back on the American Flag."
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2003
  17. tonya-k

    tonya-k Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: What do you think..

    I totally agree with you Eric....that is what is called freedom..

    but then I am torn..just because you have the RIGHT to do something doesnt mean you should do it.... Its like spandex and fat chicks.....just because they CAN wear it.. doesnt mean they should *shiver* :D :D

  18. Venom51

    Venom51 John Deere Equipment Expert - Not really

    She should be allowed to express her opinions and convictions and then promptly be put on a fucking plane out of here.
  19. dtalbott

    dtalbott Driving somewhere, hauling something.

    "There is no right; there is only power."

    See Ya,

    Darrin Talbott
  20. WERA522

    WERA522 Lost

    Never said how I would deal with it. ;) (not very well)

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