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kids shouldn't play with matches

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by wsmcrobert, Mar 4, 2009.

  1. lrrs517

    lrrs517 Internet Investigative Officer

    Panthercity, Obama cannot invoke Gods powers. His agenda is that he hates America. He wants to elevate the enemies of this country to a non terrorist status. He wishes to spend this country into bankruptcy. He wishes to cause division within its borders with a redistribution plan. He began with his Black Panther like activities as a community organizer, continued with his God Damn America teachings and even in his bedroom he whispers sweet destruction of America into his wifes ears and she giggles and wiggles with delight.
  2. lrrs517

    lrrs517 Internet Investigative Officer

    Make that the Lincoln Bedroom.
  3. brex

    brex Well-Known Member

    Actually, it IS true. Completely true. I'd post a link to that very part of the CPAC speech that shows tubby popping off, where he specifically said he wants him to fail at removing capitalism, but it would end in a vacation. It is out there in YouTube if you care to actually get educated on what you're talking about rather than parroting the lefty line.
    And I agree with that part. I would want ANY president to fail at that. Hell, I wanted Bush to fail at expanding welfare and creating the TSA.
  4. brex

    brex Well-Known Member

    That part is easy enough for a fifth grader.
    The Constitution simply tells the gubmint what powers it is allowed to have. The Tenth Amendment, which is one of the most important then shuts off the tap.
    "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."
    Therefore, creating a socialist health care system, nationalizing the banking system, etc. does fly in the face of the Constitution.
  5. JeF4y

    JeF4y Sweet Tea & Grits!

    Holy Christ dude... you're one penske truck & 3500lbs of fertilizer short of a news headline.
  6. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    Check your facts Robert. Read the transcript, not the blogs.
  7. Orvis

    Orvis Well-Known Member

    I sure do wish that some of you guys would quit misquoting what Limbaugh said about Obama "failing." Limbaugh never said that he wanted Obama to fail, he just wanted some of Obama's socialistic plans to fail. There is certainly nothing anti-American about that.

    I also see nothing insane about letting some of these banks, and other entities, fail rather than keep piling money on them only to see them fail in the end. What McCain is stating isn't rocket science. Common sense tells you that you don't keep adding money to a company whose own auditors don't give it much of a chance.

    Will this huge stimulus package actually help the economy? I think maybe Saturday Night Live called it right. Put all that money into an account and offer it to the person that can come up with a plan that will work. :D
  8. Orvis

    Orvis Well-Known Member

    Alas, that's even a bigger shame than a lying politician. :(
  9. Robert

    Robert Flies all green 'n buzzin

    The difference is there was no guarantee of being attacked again but if the current economic plan fails so does the country. And watering it down does make certain it will be less effective, and more likely to fail. With economics it isn't a buffet, you can't go left and right at the same time. Limbaugh's comment:

  10. Orvis

    Orvis Well-Known Member

    Self fulfilling prophecies breed like mice. I firmly believe that if we could get the politicians, and the press, to stop talking about how bad the economy is it would start turning around pretty quickly.:beer:
  11. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    Here you go Robert, from the transcript:

  12. Orvis

    Orvis Well-Known Member

    David Frum. Oh yeah. :rolleyes:
  13. Orvis

    Orvis Well-Known Member

    What! I'm surprised that you missed it. It's on page 45, Section 2, Paragraph 7, article 9, Amendment 99. It states, and I quote, "no Socialism, ever, or else."

  14. Robert

    Robert Flies all green 'n buzzin

    Huh? Frum is an ultra conservative author, he worked for the Bush admin as an economic speechwriter and is a columnist for the rightwing National Review.

    Sometimes I wonder if you seek out only news that does not challenge your views. :)
  15. panthercity

    panthercity Thread Killa

    Cite source(s), please.

    Cite source(s), please.

    Cite source(s), please.

    Cite source(s), please.

    Jesus H. Christ on a crutch! Are you really drowning in that much hate? I feel for you. I really do. Or in the words of that great Philosopher, Mr T. "Pitty da fool!"
  16. panthercity

    panthercity Thread Killa

    You construe that to prohibit the implementation of a particular socioeconomic policy? Or any socioeconomic policy? :confused:
  17. panthercity

    panthercity Thread Killa

    On further reflexion, brex, does the 10th Ammendment allow a given state to establish Scocialism? Communism? Marxism? Or any other "ism" the state's voters approve?
  18. brex

    brex Well-Known Member

    It prohibits the federal government from grabbing any power not laid out to it in the Constitution.
    So yes, any grab of power that isn't there is prohibited. Seriously, it isn't that difficult to understand. Nationalizing of banks is a power grab not allowed in the Constitution. Nationalization of health care is a power grab not allowed in the Constitution.
  19. brex

    brex Well-Known Member

    Yes, the 10th allows for states to have their own forms of socialist policies, as long as the Constitution of that state allows.
    It's the same thing as abortion, gay marriage, education, etc. There should be no declaration from on high on those things, they should be decided at the state level.
    If the state of Massachusetts, at the state level, wants to reform the health care system in their state to have more government overtones, that is up to the people of the state of Massachusetts. And they did so. But at the Federal level it is prohibited by the 10th.
  20. lrrs517

    lrrs517 Internet Investigative Officer

    I read the news today o boy.

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