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can you die from a brain freeze?!

Discussion in 'General' started by Royale w/cheese, Oct 2, 2008.

  1. Royale w/cheese

    Royale w/cheese Well-Known Member

    damn, i think my eyeball is about to pop!

    death by strawberry popsicle.:down::mad:
  2. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Yes you can.
  3. Royale w/cheese

    Royale w/cheese Well-Known Member

    seriously? i know what causes it but i didn't know it'd actually kill you.

    this was the longest one i've ever had...like two minutes. i almost scribbled down a make shift will.
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2008
  4. gpstar748

    gpstar748 Well-Known Member

    explain :confused:
  5. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    You're taking an answer on a brain freeze seriously? :crackup:
  6. Royale w/cheese

    Royale w/cheese Well-Known Member

    i love wikipedia :D:

    "It has been estimated that one in three people experience ice cream headache from consumption of ice cream. Some studies suggest that it is more common in people who experience migraines; other studies have shown the opposite.[1] Experiments have shown that frozen yogurt, which will generally maintain a more liquid state than traditional ice cream at lower temperatures, will trigger ice cream headache in test subjects more readily than dairy ice cream, cold drinks or ice.

    if that's true, it applies to me. or not. i do get migraines a lot. :(
  7. Spyderchick

    Spyderchick Leather Goddess

  8. dtalbott

    dtalbott Driving somewhere, hauling something.

    Depends on the size of the brain, right? Smaller the brain, the more likely death by brain freeze?
  9. Royale w/cheese

    Royale w/cheese Well-Known Member

    apparently you've never suffered the agonizing torment that is a brain freeze, or shakeache as i now like to call them (thanks to wikipedia). :D
  10. gixxernaut

    gixxernaut Hold my beer & watch this

    You can get immediate relief from a brain freeze by drinking water as long as it's about room temperature or higher.

    Slightly warmer water works best. Ice water doesn't help at all.
  11. RCjohn

    RCjohn Killin machine.

    I use to get migraines a lot and also got brain freeze very easily. I don't get either very often now. I think it is why I never was into ice cream that much.
  12. frackadelic

    frackadelic Buddha Stalin is Chronic

    That's just a sign that your brain is starting to fail. It's normal and comes with age. :D
  13. Royale w/cheese

    Royale w/cheese Well-Known Member

    another little known semi-remedy is by smashing your big toe underneath your office chair until you forget you have a shakeache.
  14. EnvyCycles

    EnvyCycles D.RoD

    i just ate a bunch of ice cream... got a killer brain freeze... I love it...
  15. RCjohn

    RCjohn Killin machine.

    So that's why my Grandfather ate so damn much ice cream?

    Ooops, I mean ice milk. He only ate ice milk.
  16. Spyderchick

    Spyderchick Leather Goddess

    I have, I just got a kick out of you scribbling a makeshift will. :D
  17. whiskeypigeon

    whiskeypigeon Well-Known Member

    brain freeze starts at the back of the throat. just sayin'.
  18. RCjohn

    RCjohn Killin machine.

    That was damn funny. :D
  19. Royale w/cheese

    Royale w/cheese Well-Known Member

    "The effect occurs when something very cold, such as ice cream, touches the top palate in the mouth. The blood vessels constrict due to the cold. This makes the nerves send a signal to the brain to open blood vessels. But this rapid opening of the blood vessels makes fluid back up in the tissues that won't drain for thirty seconds to a minute. This causes a slight swelling in the forehead that causes pain.

    wikipedia called you a liar :D
  20. beechkingd

    beechkingd Well-Known Member

    I read some where that it is the roof of your mouth

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