If Republicans had any brains they'd be Republicans

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by Tinfoil hat charly, May 8, 2008.

  1. Tinfoil hat charly

    Tinfoil hat charly Well-Known Member

  2. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    When am I going to learn not to click on these links?
  3. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    You aren't. But since it's on the interwebs, it's true.
  4. (diet)DrThunder

    (diet)DrThunder Why so serious, son?

    Or...it runs contrary to accounts of amazing bravery and patriotism, so it can't possibly be true. I mean, he's, like...a patriot...and stuff. Beyond reproach. And, anyone who says otherwise hates America.

    And children.

    And pie.
  5. 45° Please

    45° Please Large Member

    Funny actually
  6. Sulli

    Sulli Well-Known Member

    Dr. Jack Wheeler,
    author of the Reagan doctrine.

    The upcoming election is still going to be an astonishing election no matter..

    Woman, Muslim, or McCain...

    McCain is the type of man you want in office?

    Where are a man's morals... He was dating another woman, live-in-girlfriend, two years prior to his divorce. While in the navy at that! The people he worked hand in hand with knew of his affair, but the service did not stand in on such when it is highly frowned upon.

    Files for divorce in Feb. 1980 finalizes on April 29th 1980 then gets married to his mistress on May 17th 1980.

    Man of this nature, suppose it is just as common as others...

    Yet these are PROVEN facts these are not here-say. These files can be recalled on an micro-film system for divorce settlements at your local library. Same with the marriage license that was filed for on the very first week of may. Days after the divorce was final.

    Sorry I was a political science major prior to changing to computer information systems...
  7. Hawk518

    Hawk518 Resident Alien

    Thanks for the heads up. I was about to click when I saw your post and after further review, it is from Charly! No thanks!
  8. RCjohn

    RCjohn Killin machine.

    On the surface that sounds bad but....

    I had a girlfriend while I was still married. My ex and I were still married for two years after we separated. She dated and I dated. We were still friends and didn't see any urgent need to divorce. Kept her on my medical, taxes, etc. We did file for divorce when I got a serious girlfriend because then it became a moral issue in my eyes and it wasn't fair to the girlfriend.

    I don't know McCain's situation(probably not the same as mine) but in my situation it was not a big deal.

    But then again, does it matter? Asshats that voted for Clinton didn't have a problem with adultry.
  9. Tinfoil hat charly

    Tinfoil hat charly Well-Known Member

  10. JamesG

    JamesG Architeuthis dux

    Ah campaign season... where the mud slingers emerge from their slimy holes.

    And some wonder why better people don't run for high office?
  11. RCjohn

    RCjohn Killin machine.

    That was some whacky shit. Interesting read.

    It think the old "those in glass houses should not throw stones" thing will come into play. The Clintons have some serious skeletons they can't let out and it's the same for McCain. The Clintons won't matter though because McCain will be facing Obama.
  12. Sulli

    Sulli Well-Known Member

    Well this directly affected his career in the Navy. Under article 134, he had committed an act that brings discredit to the military. This is why his promotions ceased within those years and he would seek other means for employment.

    It would be a year after his marriage to his mistress that he would retire from the military at the same level he carried as of Captain.

    Many speculate rumors but I depict fact. The lady he married was wealthy, the only child to a major Anheuser-Busch supplier. He married into wealth and in an effort to keep his ex wife quiet she obtained two of their three houses in which she had purchased, and a monthly payout for an unknown duration.

    He was grounded after extensive investigations into allegations of him using military aircraft to pursue his current wife Cindy, in his pre-martial affair.

    Stationed out of Jacksonville, he would fly to Arizona for weekends using military equipment.

    Some believe that he left his previous wife of 14 years because of the accident and she had changed due to a depression of the on sought of losing him in war.

    Do a little research the same articles I used can be obtained easily. Most of this has been kept out of the lime light.

    Why use skepticism? Use facts.

  13. Sulli

    Sulli Well-Known Member

    Obama is an odd man.

    If he doesn't place his hand on the bible to be sworn into office I will be appalled, something he didn't do the first time he was sworn into office.

    I really do not like any of the candidates. A woman who is strict yet firm. A man who denies his own family heritage and hides it..(look at his name?) and another who is known to have affairs consistently.

    This will be an odd year.
  14. Tinfoil hat charly

    Tinfoil hat charly Well-Known Member

  15. Sulli

    Sulli Well-Known Member

  16. RCjohn

    RCjohn Killin machine.

    Well the affairs thing didn't seem to bother the majority of the country in the last administration.

    Why would you care if Obama puts his hand on the bible or not. Would concern me more if he did it now because he didn't before.

    Hillary is dangerous because she is an arrogant commie.

    So basically once again, they all suck. We just have to figure out which type of suckiness we can tolerate until the next sucky team is put before us. :D
  17. Marcmcm

    Marcmcm Huge Member

    Get your facts straight...He did use a Bible to swear in. It was his persoanl Bible.

    Obama's swearing in

  18. panthercity

    panthercity Thread Killa

    Sulli, do you believe all the e-mails you get? Or just the ones that support your prejudices?
  19. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    Are you implying that I don't have a long lost relative in Nigeria that left me millions of dollars?:(
  20. Sulli

    Sulli Well-Known Member

    I should have made my reference a little more clear. Thank you for pointing this out. I knew this, I was only trying to use a reference to the Christian bible.

    He denies he is Muslim, that was the point I was trying to make.

    I knew he used a Koran because that was the focal point of a debate this past semester. His strong denial of his religion to the public during his current campaign to office. He feels he has to deny his beliefs to keep the scare tactic down. Common thing seen, people flock to religion or push it away in an effort to get or sustain votes.

    I thought for sure MOST people knew he used a koran because it was old news to me and many others. Then the point would have been a little more clear, my apologies for not clarifying the statement.

    The main argument that was always brought up was equality. We are a nation a of equality and he has a choice. I dunno, I look at it as a time honored tradition is all...

    My prejudices? No I read the paper, I read current affairs, I do research still, I am stuck on a campus so far for most of my life and have almost 200 hours in college credits, I am so tired of school..

    I go by personal experiences and personal research.

    I don't know how you were exactly wanting to say prejudices, if by means of using it for a sense of racial prejudice against others or making predetermined decisions?

    Neither of which I have tried nor done.

    Simply put, I don't like any of the candidates in the up coming election.



    By the way I am not trying to start an internet fight. I was simply replying to an article that intrigued me and I was aware of the topic.
    A lot of the people in the forums go through trying to find a topic or person to start something, I could care less.
    Most of us are grown we can at least act that way, some of us it may be hard than others but we were just simply talking over the current article and candidates.
    Last edited: May 14, 2008

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