Why I don't attend church

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by paistes5, Apr 14, 2008.

  1. paistes5

    paistes5 Well-Known Member

    Well, actually there are a lot of reasons why I don't, but saw this cadillac driving down the road yesterday with a vanity plate that said I TITHE. Yeah, so much for being discreet; glad you have to let the world know you donate. :rolleyes:

    Just one more reason why I can't stand religion.
  2. Tracee Polcin

    Tracee Polcin Pic by IYF Photo

    Maybe it was a preacher driving in a car the church bought for him.
  3. RCjohn

    RCjohn Killin machine.

    What is TITHE?
  4. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    Jesus tax.
  5. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    Tithing is more OT.
  6. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    OT? :confused:
  7. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    Old Testament
  8. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    OT is very specific on how much of this and that go to the temple.
  9. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    I almost said "God tax" but I felt "Jesus tax" had a nicer ring to it.
  10. klebs01

    klebs01 Well-Known Member

    In college me and some of my fraternity brothers were participating in a large organized community service day and were sent to a faith based school to help them. They told us to pick up rocks in the parking lot, while the principal and minister came and left. One is a brand new caddy and the other in a brand new Mercedes. Shortly there after we said F it and started car jousting.
  11. paistes5

    paistes5 Well-Known Member

    Begging for tithe's is what keeps these tv ministers in their multi million dollar houses all in the name of doing god's work. What a big bunch of bs.
  12. james walker

    james walker beat down, broken & busted

    tv ministers of any race, color creed or otherwise are a joke and a scam to begin with. if you're too lazy to go to an actual house of worship to let's...uh, say, worship, you pro'lly deserved to be scammed by one of these hair helmeted "profits" anyway.
  13. TrayDawg

    TrayDawg Hawaiian Tropic Model

    C'mon David, there are jerks everywhere! There are several in my church and I don't agree with them or their lifestyle, but that doesn't keep me from going. The moron with the vanity plate is just that, a moron. Everybody knows your vanity plate reads ASSMAN. You think I'm giving up turd cutters because of your vanity plate? :tut: There are a few dorks at the track too, it doesn't keep you from coming out.

    C'mon on over from the dark side my brotha! :up:
  14. Suburbanrancher

    Suburbanrancher Chillzilla

    Really? I love organizations that:

    A) Protect pedophiles over the interests of children, or;

    B) Promote fanaticism to the point that parishoners feel the need to travel across the country and protest at the funerals of soldiers, or;

    C) Create compounds to house easily influenced/helpless people for purposes of promoting their own little sects that may "one day" have to be defended to the death, or;

    D) Teach followers that genocide is a viable method for ridding the earth of people who do not hold their same views and beliefs.

    See? Religion can be FUN FUN FUN! :Puke:

    Who I do feel bad for are the everyday people who happen to follow a faith (regardless of what) and are taken advantage of because of it - like those who have to donate excessive sums in order to be married in a church. Because we all know it won't be a proper marriage in the eyes of God in you don't donate over $1000.00.
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2008
  15. paistes5

    paistes5 Well-Known Member

    I hear ya Tray. I know that there are good and bad people in any organization, whether religious or not. Still, you've got to question most religions and their motives. I really believe that religion was created for profit. This is done by saying "hey, your life sucks now, but it's gonna be better when you die, now where's my check?"
  16. tony 340

    tony 340 Well-Known Member

    Shit costs money.

    I used to be in college and people always said fraternity guys bought their friends. All the shit around the house and what the house does costs money. Nobody in the house was getting payed.

    The church is essentially the same way. All that stuff costs money. They need tithes to pay for it, so of course they ask for it.
  17. james walker

    james walker beat down, broken & busted

    i may be wrong, and maybe Brother Barfield can correct me, but, isn't it looked at as God's money to begin with? the 10%, or tithe, is just what he requires back.
  18. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    The 10% has its basis in the Old Testament. Different denominations look at the 10% differently. Some are fairly rigid, others a little more flexible. Scripturally, 10% would be a minimum and it would be to support the church directly. Youa are encouraged to give over and above the 10% to feed the poor and spread the word. It is not to be considered a bill and should be given in gratitude for the blessings you have received.
  19. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    Oh and James is right about it being God's money.
  20. Tracee Polcin

    Tracee Polcin Pic by IYF Photo

    It's my money.;)

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