Does this make him faster?

Discussion in 'General' started by Chubby Huggs, Jul 26, 2002.

  1. TLR709

    TLR709 AKA "richard"

    its just hair! geezzzzz people gotta remember nicky is still young cant take the kid out of him or none of this would be fun!!!!! who cares what other people say, do what you like, they don have to like it. kinda like tattoos and peircings not for everyone but some people like it, YALL NEED TO LIGHTEN UP ITS JUST HAIR,BRAIDS,SPOTS,PINK,PURPLE OR BLUE ITS HIS HE CAN DO WHAT EVER HE WANTS WITH IT:rolleyes:
  2. racergrrrl

    racergrrrl Member


    those braids are awesome! hair was put on our damn heads to have fun with it! i love doing wierd shit to my hair just to see how people treat me differently.....actually it's kind of sad how SOME people make judgements based on hair....

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