How will we know we won the war on terrorism?

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by tcasby, Sep 12, 2006.

  1. Orvis

    Orvis Well-Known Member

    I didn't state my position well. There is education as in book learning and there is education as in dealing with your fellow man. (If that is a decent way of putting it.) Most of them have not grown past the point of killing someone simply because that someone doesn't believe as they do. Most of them also don't find it a problem killing innocent people. Even their own people. That is barbaric.
    One of the problems with dealing with other cultures is that usually the superior force (us?) will not expend much effort trying to understand how the other culture lives. For example: most Americans find it impossible to understand how most of the Middle Eastern world would treat their females like they do. Do the women of the middle East really want something different? Obviously some of them do but I suspect that most are living the life that they choose. It's the only life that they know. We, as well as some other countries, apply our values to someone else without thinking about the ramifications.
    The whole subject of the middle East is so convoluted that we could hash it out for a few years and not even scratch the surface. After all, the problems in that part of the world have been going on since about one thousand years before the birth of Christ. It's going to be a long time before they drag themselves up to being equal to the rest of the civilized world. Of course, if we went over and nuked Israel we would probably be their hero. Naa. They would still try to kill us.
  2. panthercity

    panthercity Thread Killa

  3. 2000yellow360

    2000yellow360 Well-Known Member


    You need to read the entire post, all of it. Taking one sentence, essentially out of context, indicates that despite your claim, your understanding of what I said is somewhat suspect.

  4. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    I'm thinking that might be good advice for ALL here, including me and the person quoted above.
  5. panthercity

    panthercity Thread Killa

    I'll third that.
  6. maxim1

    maxim1 officially gone GREEN..!!

    Finally, Art introduces two good points...

    1. they will continue as long as they have a place and supplies to do so
    2. as long as they have a backing/support for their cause

    i dont know how much military IT people have on this board but i do know there are some very intelligent men on here i will keep it simple for the sake of boring the sh#t out of some...and hopefully introduce some more light on the issue...

    we know where most of the money and supplies are coming from...directly and indirectly...without stopping that or atleast severely slowing it down we are doing no more than fueling the fires...

    here is a short list of the not so behind the scene countries: RUSSIA,CHINA,FRANCE

    90% or more of the muslim population do not support the extremist terrorist that are all over the news and such...thanks to our liberal media! go figure?

    the "cold war" is over.. hmmm... its really just taken on a different form.... to keep some kinda of "balance of power" in the world it has got be this way...

    i am sure most of you know the big players behind the scenes trying for the "one world Gov't" the "terror stuff" going on now is big picture maneuvering...trying to show the world we NEED the World Gov't...

    damn this is some good weed..! bring it on..!
  7. Robert

    Robert Flies all green 'n buzzin

    The obstacle here is whether or not you think attacking and invading Arab countries convinces more Muslims to become terrorists than are killed or captured by the attacks or invasions themselves.

    I believe al Queda can eventually be whittled down but there are literally dozens of other terrorist groups. And as I mentioned in my previous post, we can ignore the fact all we want but, terrorism is incredibly effective. The genie is out of the bottle. 9/11 was the real end of cold war.
  8. panthercity

    panthercity Thread Killa



    Oh, and that 10%, if it is indeed 10%, are making news that the so-called "liberal media", along with the Faux Gnus Nutwoork, reports while the other 90%, if it is indeed 90%, are not making news.


    Must be REALLY good...
  9. maxim1

    maxim1 officially gone GREEN..!!

    damn, i am trying to make the decision/committment to buy one of Mark J's 600s...

    i cant post to the dungeon while trying to make such a difficult decision...!!! what the hell was i thinking...?

    #1 -foremost thier actions/ lack of...
    China and Russia are in deep with iranians players/oil/weapons markets? ...france is just on that list because they have a vote at the Un...other than their vote they can only provide their propaganda...

    #2-90% dont directly support the extreme terrorist...i speak some from personal experience from having discussions most with all i have met and from friends and family that have been in Baghdad and Tikrit for the better part of the last 2 years.. you know as well as i do if more than 10% of the muslim people supported these extreme actions we would be in world war III as we speak.....

    and it is probably closer to 95-5% but i didnt want to come off to be too narrow minded..!

    #3 c-mon now..? you know mainly the gloom and doom stuff is what makes the news and always has.... sadly to say even on fox... the rest of the people are sadly stuck in the middle of this "war" trying to survive... they will follow whichever ideaology feeds them....physically and spiritually...

    one world gov't pushers are loving this...and have been since the so called end of the cold war/fall of the USSR...they just didnt count on the muslims being so psycho once they had so much money from their black gold...

    if you do any research on the one world gov't "stuff" you would start to get a different view of things....maybe? but if you have any true liberal ties you should already know some things about it....

    just FYI ...i am not right wing nut job. i tend to be quite middle of the road but land on the "more conservative" side...
  10. RCjohn

    RCjohn Killin machine.

    Yeah yeah... me too. :p
  11. Robert

    Robert Flies all green 'n buzzin


    Btw, it is the "one world gov't" that uses black helicopters? Hard to keep up on this "stuff." :D
  12. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    Dammit, all this time I thought it was right wingnut job.
  13. RCjohn

    RCjohn Killin machine.

    Clinton's helicopter isn't black. :Poke:
  14. maxim1

    maxim1 officially gone GREEN..!!

    the spelling is determined by which nut you are referring to...:D
  15. panthercity

    panthercity Thread Killa

    Well, currently, I'm more of a jam nut. I escaped bein' a lock nut. When I get another 20 years on me, I'll probably be a wing nut. Of course, Anna would like it if I was a castle nut...
  16. Knarf Legna

    Knarf Legna I am not Gary Hoover

    I disagree in this case. Nothing in the rest of that post qualified your assertion that a prerequisite to success with a military solution is the requirement that all Muslims must be killed. If I missed it, kindly point it out to me.
  17. Tequilaiam

    Tequilaiam Well-Known Member

    A while back there was a guy on the radio (NPR I think) arguing that movements take 2 generations to die, at least. Basically, when the founders are finally dead and gone and the subsequent generation moves on to something else (cause hey, nothing your parents or grandparentds did can really be that cool right?). He argued that the war on terrorism would probably need to carry on another generation at least. Thats where the exporting democracy argument comes in... if it works you give the next generation something better to adopt through the freedom and wealth created by free societies.

    In a nutshell, the WOT is over when little Muhammed bin Muhammed makes the decision that he wants to be an architect or real rockstar instead of a suicide bomber.
  18. maxim1

    maxim1 officially gone GREEN..!!

    touche~ panther touche~....:)
  19. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    President Juan Manuel Abdul Mohamed will tell us.
  20. Orvis

    Orvis Well-Known Member

    Well, remember this: When you get to be old enough to be a wing nut there will be more people asking you.......... "do you need a pea..........nut?":)

    I hope you like the smiley face.

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