Are there really any SBR fans??

Discussion in 'WERA National Endurance Series' started by Max, May 9, 2000.

  1. Max

    Max New Member

    if there is, id like to hear about it
  2. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    None that are known, sorry. There is however an underground anti-SBR cult that has been seen skulking about the paddock at many Endurance rounds. Haven't seen them myself but reports have them wearing blue and yellow bowling shirts with odd nicknames embroidered upon them. Also heard that the scent of Nutec follows in their wake.

    I have also heard rumors that they have an even weirder subsect of their perverted cult that wears alll black no matter how high the temperature at the track. This subsect has been purported to have gone slightly closer to the mainstream anti-SBR group with the addition of a yellow leather wearing leader but to this point the authorities have nothing other than hearsay to go on.

    On the pro SBR side of things I have seen pictures of a sumoesque person in a cloud of smoake that has been rumored to be the champion for SBR in this fight of good against evil however he was conspicuously absent from a recent Endurance round so I fear the worst.

    If I get more details on any of these groups I will post them here on the BBS - home of all that is good and truthful in the WERA National Endurance Series.
  3. BuckyLeague

    BuckyLeague Active Member

    Candy-gram for Mongo!
  4. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Don't shoot Mongo - it just makes him mad. And the ever classic - Badges? We don't need no stinking badges!

    What a great flick, Alex Karras was my hero until the Webster years... [​IMG]
  5. David Boosales

    David Boosales Well-Known Member

    Mongo just pawn in chess game of life.
  6. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    True, true. You do have a sense of inner peace once you fully accept that. Of course the damned horse still deserved to be punched....

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